ET servers these days...

Always the server's fault, right dex? :D

[22:22] <skeleton> [22:00] <skeleton>;password leafwall
[22:22] <dex_> kk
[22:24] <dex_> this server is offline
[22:24] <skeleton> i am on it
[22:24] <skeleton> with hazz
[22:26] <dex_> its not working
[22:26] <dex_> try one sponspored by exitium
[22:26] <skeleton> are you trolling me?
[22:27] <skeleton> i am on the server
[22:27] <skeleton> with my teammates
[22:27] <dex_> no, I'm not
[22:27] <dex_> we cannot connect
[22:27] <dex_> for real
[22:27] <skeleton> we saw u connect
[22:27] <skeleton> try again maybe?
[22:27] <dex_> I'm trying for 10th time
[22:28] <skeleton> ^5MMS^0.^7dex^7 connected ^5MMS^0.^7dex^7 disconnected
[22:28] <skeleton> you can connect
[22:28] <skeleton> we are requesting another server
[22:28] <dex_> theres "awaiting connection" all the time
[22:28] <dex_> for all of us
[22:28] <dex_> ok, that'll do
[22:28] <dex_> sorry
[22:28] <skeleton> screenshot?
[22:29] <dex_> there must be some kind of bug
[22:29] <skeleton>;password dustpotato
[22:30] <dex_>

image: IH4VuwN

... :D
Shame on me. I'm gonna protect my bunker lighted only with laptop's screen and eat pizza for the rest of my life.
Huh. I've been doing that for the past two weeks. I really should go outside.
private logs bans
I think the best failure in this is that u took the fucking pic as bitmap and saved it to a fucking download server

You got trolled.
:d this happened so often to me xD
dat polak trolled you. He misspelled the servers ip adress .

Check the ip's and youll see.

Looks like that server was cheat proof, so they wanted other server :)
Almost as good as United States of America dedz trying to figure out how to add server info when requesting ETTV:

image: xaWOl
Do you have a folder of things that happened 4 years ago?
One for every year duh!
Only 2.5 years ago actually!
Good servers :)
Interesting how could he connect there even for second with wrong ip
cheats probably
Quote[22:26] <dex_> try one sponsored by exitium

Even polaks know the quality.
swanidius - the last man to abandon et
rip in pieces
If I were some 3 gold on CSGO i would stick to ET aswell
>2014 almost 2015
>still playing et
shame on us
Greentexting on crossfire? Retarded poser cunt, go trip on a cock and hit your head to something hard
le ebin edgy
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