fps issues halp pls


I have issues. When i paly on pub, my fps is dropping and getting rolled. My GPU should be fine to deal with ET (and it has been until now) but it has just recently become a lot shittier, to the point where it has affected my mouse movements and I can't trust my sensitivity.

It tends to stay at 125 but drops every few seconds, and also when i make sudden mousemovements. Any ideas what the problem might be? I'm running a nVidia GT540M, which should be more than enough to handle ET at 125fps (it could handle 333fps when I first got the laptop).

nvidia settings:
image: 0gvWT3P
image: oZy2Lui
image: wClsg4t

pls halp, its pissing me off!
image: sperm_whale_small
r_primitives 2 and/or try to set pre rendered frames to 1 or 4..
Check CPU temperatures if there's throttling involved. Had that shit a few months ago.
Checked my temps, was running @ 80c cpu and 75c gpu - think you might have the issue
80c is still more than enough to cause throttling. Use a spray duster to clean up the dust inside your pc case, especially the stuff that's stuck in your CPU and GPU fan. Check your temps afterwards, usually when your CPU gets below 60c the throttling stops and your framerate will improve.
Oh I meant that I think you have found my issue, that you have got it correct :D

I paly on a laptop, so gonna get a mate to take it apart and have a look - I don't really know what I am doing with my laptop and I am afraid to break it
Didnt read but r_primitives 2.
this shit aint working at all...
Because it's only for ATI cars, no?
ATI makes cars now?
bobi gettin trooled again :D
i have ati car(d) and this aint working. i get fps drop every few days and dunno whats the problem.
try to reduce the number of cores?
already did that and still doesnt work. i think it might be windows update related.
ET is CPU game. So your problem could be CPU rather than GPU and if your fps is pretty much same with high and low quality graphics then I'm sure its because of your CPU. Also you have to remember that ET native uses only one core.

If problem is CPU and reason it started now might be temperatures your CPU goes. My brother's laptop automatically protected itself when CPU temps went over 100 and basically stopped to operate at that point just making everything lag really bad, obviously. Some older laptops would throw BSOD. I vacuumed it and used program which changed volts CPU gets and temps didn't go higher than 60 and games were working fine again.

Also for example my old CPU which was quad core but 2,2ghz couldn't run ET smoothly 125fps with ati 4770 hd but Assassins creed with full graphics other than antialising was running very nice n smooth. This as an example of what happens when game only runs one core rather four.
no shit shercock
You nerds should try something new than shercock :D
sorry m8 dont expect high quality play on words from me in the morning
Most laptops (and desktops) use throttling at 80C (even less in some cases), you notice this by checking CPU speed, it's usually waaaay lower than what it's supposed to be running at. It becomes obvious if you're running games at the time, like getting 70 fps max in ET for example. At 100C the mainboard tends to shut down completely and basically tells you to start dusting your PC.
Its probably a CPU problem, i had the same years ago
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