Mouse pad

Hello guys

I need a new mouse pad to play with zowie ec evo 1.

Drop the links pls


Faster - zowie gt-f speed
Classic - ss qck+
Another slower pad- zowie gt-f Control

There are more good pada, but these r good and well known/available
SS qck heavy
puretrak talent
Can anyone suggest some extremely slippery / fast mousepad?
puretrak talent
its not the fastest one for sure. also u cant buy it in some countries (only ebay).

The fastest for optical sensors (cloth pads): zowie gt-f speed, steelseries dex, qpad ct, cm storm power-rx.

Of course non-cloth pads are more faster.
Yeah, would have Puretrak Talent for ages if I could get it...

Thanks for the ideas, gonna have a look at them, because I want something that doesn't really "slow" down the movement or you can't feel the traction(if you know what I mean)
puretrak feels a bit slower compared to qck, especially if you use the glides by puretrack
i recently changed from QcK+ to puretrak talent and puretrak obviously feels more slippery
using zowie fk1 on it
thanks everyone
what mouse do u use? Ive heard that ec1 and avago 3090 dont like this pad. Is that true?
i use zowie ec 1, works like a charm with this pad
"lecz popularny optyk A3090 w niektórych modelach, miał na niej spore problemy z prawidłowym działaniem. Myszki Zowie EC Evo CL, CM Recon i Roccat Savu miały dużo niższe prędkości maksymalne, praktycznie wykluczające je z komfortowego grania."
powodzenia w radzeniu sie randomowych cziterkow z puba nie majacych pojecia o niczym
no wiesz, widac roznie bywa. a on cziterek?
secrets to your pub raping m8z :))))
zowie g cm
qck were good 10 years ago... actually they are one of the worst material mousepads available
puretrak talent my personal favorite for the last two years I think now.
Heard this Artisan Hayate is really good, haven't used it myself.

If you don't feel like spending as much as those two cost, the know SSeries pads are decent and the new logitech mousepads are apparently good value
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