Hello dear friends :)

How is life? :)
shit, just got absolutely fucking owned in csgo on inferno
Somehow every time I play that map I end up being matched with some fucking spastics that don't are completely new to video games. I mean, I've played the game for 2 weeks now but fuck me playing MM solo is depressing.

I luckily had players who could make up for me being shit, but we've started as T side and they had fucking 3 AWPers (1mid 2Banana) and fucking p90 in the house, but still won like 6rounds and then raped them on CT.. But I had like 5/15 lol, I've always got ridiculous long range headshot by ANY weapon, glock,p90, even no-scoped AWP once hahahaha... and I can't really aim that much with ak47 so i just run around randomly with pistols since i can kill people only with that xddd

I still think that the ak is the worst weapon so far for me, and as much as I've been told not to play it, the AUG/SG553 is awesome for my game style, 1-2 shots and they're usually dead as long as you can control it.

AWP fags are the worst on dust2 as T camping spawn
Ye, but then again I'm not really patient so I mostly just rush/run and get fucking rekt by crossfire from 2guys cuz im really bored of waiting for them :D...

I swear I've never ever killed anyone with ak47.. not even that many people with m4 the normal one, but with the silent one, awesome :D

dust2 when u start as T, you lose pistol round, eco second, CT 2-0 and you can't go long cuz they have awp already lol
Played some CS:GO aswell, pushed too much, cba waiting that long.
I suggest putting some time into mastering AK, it is the most rewarding rifle in CS - it is the cheapest of main weapons while being relatively strongest (in pure numbers bested only by "big scopes" - but those are much pricier alternatives). Its ability to put down anyone at any range with first shot while maintaining full mobility is unmatched. And it's very easy to learn to control the spray of first 5 bullets. I personally think that if one should master one weapon in a game, it should be AK (unless you are awper, but that requires a bank, which is not always an easy thing to build) - AK is always available on T side, and as CT you will always face someone with AK (except for enemy eco rounds, but I wouldn't be concerned about that). While A1 vs A4 is a personal preference (I prefer A4), AK is a must-learn if you wanna move to higher ranks.
Cheers! Will spend a bit more time getting used to the spread and see how it goes! Sometimes I'm lucky with it other times I'm just spraying and praying out of frustration x)
But I think for 2 weeks playing this game with no other exp than some hours years ago on condition zero I'm doing alright compared some people I've played against!

But this clip sums up a lot of games I'm playing :D
What filus said ;)

Though to add to his comment, and in reply to this one from you: although the AUG and SG can be used effectively, they are 'luxury' weapons. In the sense that when you start learning about the money system and how that is a team thing and not only individual. When you are more experienced with M4A4/A1 and AK those rifles are better than AUG/SG, and probably more importantly cheaper. Dropping a Famas/galil/m4/ak for a low money teammate so that he can buy armor and nades instead of buying a more expensive rifle is a round winner :P Even if you have a shitload of money, think about the next rounds, say you have enough money to buy armor+helmet+aug+nades this round, but then you have very little money. If you then lose that round you are poor the next round, whereas buying an m4 instead saves you(not sure out of my head, i never use aug/sg) 500$~ that you might be that little bit that allows you to buy a rifle next round or that smoke and flash that you wouldn't be able to buy if you had bought an aug.

Not shitting on your gamestyle, just saying that while fighting your way up the ranks you will find that aug/sg will be a pretty harsh hit on your and your teams economy :P also where filus's comment comes in, it WILL pay off to go into an empty server every now and then just to practice with those rifles and get used to it more ;)

The d2 T awp thing, let them camp. Don't push/try peeking them, play bomb control and just win a free round that way. Patience is a virtue :P
Quoteit WILL pay off to go into an empty server every now and then just to practice with those rifles and get used to it more

At first I spent couple of hours spraying the wall, but then I moved to shooting down bots - 2v6 against hard bots (I put one bot to my team just so that I am not the only target). There is a difference spraying on certain spot on wall, without being shot at, and trying to spray down someone under pressure and/or slightly readjusting position while shooting (this happens often when my first shot misses). As for maps for practice with bots - iceworld for peaking/spraying practice, aim_map for accuracy shooting (a lot of boxes, good for training shots when you see nothing but enemy head) and occasionally pool_day just for fun :) Mixing this up with some online deathmatch/community servers is good foundation to grasp the basic mechanic of CSGO pretty quickly.

QuotePatience is a virtue

I would put this line in bold, emphasize and underline it. CS is all about patience and many players coming from more fast-paced games (be it ET, RTCW, Quake, Shootmania....) are having difficulties maintaining composure and focus over extended period of holding one spot. Of course as T you have to make a move at some point, but in coordinated fashion, not like a headless chicken. And as CT - being patient is bread and butter, especially if you are not playing with reliable people who can "flash you in" for some aggressive play/peak.
I really like trainingcenter to warmup a little (i hate deathmatch, always have in other games aswell). It has a pretty wide range of practice options: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n50xax5yBcU use around 4-8 bots depending on which option you're doing edit: guy in the video uses it like an idiot but the types of practice I guess you can see in the vid
Have recently downloaded training centre 1.5 so will give that a try and check out those other maps!
Yeah, still figuring a few things out with what to purchase etc at the mo. First few rounds depending on team I tend to stick to pistol and maybe flash or something, armour/defuse kit and build my money up a bit to get something decent or just pick up something from my team when they're dead :D

My problem as T is I tend to push out a bit as often soloing on mm I've got some retards and they're just in spawn or keep making too many mistakes, CT is another story but I'm at least more patient then :D

What cheaper weapon would you consider otherwise? MP9 useless or try get MP7? Don't see too much difference between them other than price.

Enjoy playing with the m4a4/s and find it's great for mid/long range shots, just can't get to grips with this ak for some reason, but I think will play more DM with just using that as I've been doing that lately with a few pistols to prac with.
For myself if my team is buying and I can't afford an M4/AK I generally fall back to the Famas and the Galil or I just buy armor+nades+p250/5-7/tec9 and try to support my team with smoke/flashes and pick up a weapon if someone dies or an enemy dies. Famas is a very strong rifle for the price, Galil is not as strong but if you want a rifle but can't afford AK it's a lot better than nothing.

When it comes to SMG I have to be honest and say that I can't really advice anything because I simply (pretty much)never use them. Loads of people like the P90 and it can be a very effective gun if you're comfortable with it.

M4(especially the silenced) are simply much easier to control than the AK. The only way to get better with the AK is simply by playing it more and to pay attention to how you play with it.

I suggest watching this guy's tips/tricks https://www.youtube.com/user/CurseCS if you haven't yet. Touches pretty much all main and some more advanced game basics in a very clear and understandable way. When you know the theory behind some of the mechanics its just practice practice practice from there :P
Virtue is really the key in this game, especially the spread control. (I only have 400 hours, but managed to get LEM rank, legendary eagle master). Its about playing, playing, playing. the AK47 I fucking hated the first 100+ hours, i prefered the galil over it, im still not good with it (Always pick up a m4a4/s) if there is one around. And as what to do on the rounds, depends. When I cant afford a AK47/M4 I tend to go nades/armor/5-7/p250, and go agressive and try to hs the first guy coming in by surprise, steal his weapon and get out.

It's all practice, you have to find out how you like to play the most.
How do you progress through ranks anyway? It seemed to me that it was (im silver master elite only atm) like 10games(won) 10 ,10 and 5 i think.. Is still the same or what? :D
Ranks are based on ELO points system - which are hidden. It does not only matter if you win, but also how well you did in that game and which ranks you were playing against. It's never about exact number of games in a row you need to win, sometimes you need only 3-4 games to rank up, sometimes it will take 9 games. In general, the most important factor is a win, then ranks of your opponent and then your personal stats. Once you start seeing people with higher rank than yours, it usually means that you are close to ranking up.

My first rank after 10 games was DMG, which I maintained for about month or so (for couple of games I deranked to double AK, but got it back in 2 games). Then I had 8 wins in a row, got to LEM, lost 2 games and was back to DMG (which is pretty funny - it took like 13 wins out of 15 matches, finishing with 8 in a row, to rank up twice, but it took only 2 games against cheaters to rank down twice). Since then I was going back and forth between DMG and LEM, up until I finally pulled a trigger on desktop PC, got to SMFC and haven't deranked yet. That being said - 70-80% of my games were with the group of same people, most likely I wouldn't get that far if I was going solo only. So as you can see, it's not about exact numbers, and 2 poor games can outweigh effort of more than decent 13 games
Oh thanks, didn't have a clue because I read something similar like this, but I played 10games, got some weird rank (can't remember which one it was, but think it was the one above nova?) and then I got some kind of VAC error, the game crashed and all of my stats were like deleted and I had to do all 10games again, which was weird and since then I go rank by rank from silver 1 even if I regularly do well and win 4 out of 5/6 maybe... Weird
First time I hear about such error, very weird indeed. If you were ranked above silver first time, it should go pretty fast to surpass that silver group again.
The first 100 games I was stuck on DMG, then I started playing with Ratte, gotten 2:1 k:d 80% the time and jumped through ranks. Its a weird system.
I've only got 46 hours on record at the mo, have another one of those cooldown periods at the mo as I'm on 8 wins for MM!
Hate how slow it's taking me just to win 10 games so I can see my rank, but will see this week what I'll be at!
Seeing as I'm on cooldown thought I'd prac with the AK and deagle for the moment, slowly getting used to the AK and its spread though just trying to shoot in 2-3 bursts before it starts flipping out.
Happy enough playing DM/AR or on the biergarten pub server as they're mostly above my skill level on there and a few nice aimers so it's good fun, sometimes :D
Ye, that new ranking system has been introduced like 2 weeks ago. The deagle is a weapon that can be really powerfull, imo its more use training the p250/5-7/tec9. And as for the spray, after theh first 3-5 bullets you should be aiming at its feet/below him when spraying.
5-7 is my fav, then p250, using them quite a lot.

Finally installed my new gfx card today so don't have to play at 800x600 to get 40 fps :DDD
Things should be a little better now, just need to find the right graphics settings. Most people seem to favour low everything but increase shadows a little from what I can see.
5-7 is a beast, especially now they nerfed the CZ into the ground and into oblivion. having good FPS is awesome, I am going to be playing on a laptop for 1 week (100 fps max) so its gonna be a pain :P
"laptop for 1 week (100 fps max) so its gonna be a pain"

That's still fine - my laptop cannot hold 60fps, after first smoke goes down, it's like aiming under water. I couldn't get higher than LEM on it, so in the end I decided to buy desktop after long time again. Going from unstable 60fps 1280x720@60Hz to stable 240fps 1920x1080@120Hz felt sooo freaking awesome :)
I am used to play on 300+ fps, so its a real change dropping down so much in fps :P And its 1366x1024 resolution aswell, compared to my 24" monitor
Pistols can be #rekt deluxe, I prefer pistol over galil all the time. And I love p90 on certain maps/areas.
accept my steam friend invite and lets play some cs:go
Life is so-so, yours?
Can't complain :)
Happy holidays raul
Very well! Going to New York & Brasil this year, + world trip planned for year after.

Life's good
yes? earth
thought i told you about this
I am sure you did but...
is this the best time to be going to brasil right now?
ofcourse it is, you silly muslim... it is summer.
lol thats not what i mean, last time i checked were brazilians not protesting against their corrupt government for spending that fuck load of money for the world cup?

i havnt been a muslim since 2012 homie so wats rlly gucci
>i havnt been a muslim since 2012

Why? being a muslin is actually cool, btw brazil is shithole the whole year, so theres always people protesting about something.
being muslim is not cool, its anything but. idk i read the translated version of the quran..thought it was kinda disgusted and moved on. theres a lot more to it but thats a short version.

and ahh yeah that makes sense :<
Plenty of friends are muslims, and they seem happy, also if you're goin to visit brazil ask abs1 about good places
i mean more the ideology than specific moderate muslims. its a misanthropic religion dawg.

fuck yeah man i deff plan to. im moving to Australia in a couple months so hopefully after that;)
Austrilia meh, everything is a spider or related to one, come to Japan, we can do some crazy ass shit.
lol you in japan?!
I'm back in Chile, with my family to celebrate my bday xmass, and all that bullshit, then back to Japan, to sell cars and play ero games.
i like your life
what casek said & I'm going in September
wasnt referring to the weather but he answered me question :)
Nice! Have fun!
fake Raul, illuminati
:( häid jõule :)
Chilling, got 2 weeks to study for my exams, relax²
same here :) hard to focus tho when i am at home, haven't got the right feeling to study :(
Same, especially knowing I got >3 days between each exam :J
A bit bad, I still haven't figured this out, maybe you can help me.
Has anyone ever really been far even as decided to use even go want do look more like?
Yes, I think someone has :)
oh thank god <3 thank you my good man
Raul <3333 :) Merry xmas and happy new years :D
Now when I have some time for proper PC gaming, I cant because broken fingers, so meh.
Happy holidays
stop pokey bum wanking and this will not happen.
wtf u on m8
this is awkward.......

presume not every1 does this?
omg this is Raul :) Raul best player after Walle :) long live Raul :)
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