ClanBase :(

It's been exactly one year since CB shut down. :'(
miss all good times ;(
well hellooooo esl
God hail all the bans until 2022.
Like your ban at CB?:)
I was never banned at CB, but yeah.

By the way, try to crash NBS once more with insa's nickname, was laughing so hard at you failing :D
You got really mental problems if u think im able to crash anything in internet. Besides, from what ip someone tries to crash your server with iNsa nickname, why u even think it was me ?:D
I don't really have any, you do since as you said, you are too dumb to crash anything.
Bobika's deduction
too bad you killed it
It was stupid that they shut it down without warning, a lot of user content lost.
Yeah, it really sucks, but there was no other option. :( GGL wasn't paying the bills and had refused our offer to continue running the website on our own.
What was their reasoning for not allowing you to run the site on your own?
Or atleast give you some back-up of the database? Shittery at it's best.
Don't remember. I guess they just didn't care about CB any more.
In simple terms, they were in huge debt. As far as we can speculate the ClanBase brand was the only thing (or among very few) that GGL had at their disposal to generate some money. Like sell the domain, sell the database with users' data, anything salvageable.

Also there's the general mentality: Why should I give it to you? It's mine. There was just no reasoning with him (Ted Owen).
Good times :)
rip in pepperonis
good old times, too bad for all the data's

I remember my first CB match, it was exactly 10 years ago, around december 2004 ;P
We were all so excited that finally, after pub noobing, we will play our first official match:) was a polish 6on6 ladder match, lol, in those days polish ladder had around 50-60 (or even more) active teams itself
ooo nie zesraj sie
CB died when Gary left and then it died some more when goldorak was put in charge
i was made for loving you :)
That's wrong on so many levels.
to bad that your ego was so big ....
It wasn't big, it was justified.
you make me laugh since long time and now you make me pity, so bad
well at least im not banned anymore
lol @ people pretending they liked clownbase
No need to pretend. The ladders were fine when they were still active and the cups were organized well in general. They also shipped the prizes reasonably fast unlike ESL.

Clanbase 4 lyfe. Miss my pocals.
good old times - i met some rly nice person and some rly bad but the job was done
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