Ass hair problems v2

butchji was right....

just for the record..
The legend says that one day someone shaved off his ass hair and then he shat himself because there wasn't just enough friction not to let it slide out. Or something like that :D
Dunno, the shit slides out so easily :S
& your boyfriend's dick slides in easily too!
I keep forgetting about that journal. Good times.
What a shitty pasta, it doesn't work that way. Shaved hundreds of times without any problems
Haha classic.

God bless my ass hair.
All lies, shave for smooth insertion and no problems :s;)))p
God, this was some good stuff to read.
Nice :>D
Why would any man shave his ass, faggots.
6 years holy shit been that long
holy shit, tfw you realise 2005 was 14 years ago...

image: iyt2oAF
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