Upd: CF.CS Cup?

image: csgo

Since the interest in CS seems to have grown a lot over the last couple of months here on CF, I was wondering if maybe people would be interested in a one day cup for CS with CF members. This journal just to see how much interest there would be and discussing what format would be applicable.

+ Single elimination with randomized teams, using a random number generation system to completely randomly put people together in teams.

+ Single elimination with drafted teams, selecting captains based on competitive hours played(csgo-stats.com shows an actual hours played in competitive, removing all the casual and AFK hours of gametime), captains then pick players one by one.

+ Single elimination with pre-made teams, 'standard' one day cup format. To filter out teams signing up without CF accounts or 1 day accounts let's say a minimum of 3 members on a team need to have a CF account of 1 year or older(if it was only up to me I'd even say 2 years to filter out some random fake accounts)

Of-course there are downsides and upsides to each format that's why I didn't write those down and keep them open for discussion. Also left out double elim and groupstage type formats because those wouldn't work with anything but pre-made teams plus with CS would probably take too long for a one day cup. For whichever is finally used, I think BO1 would fit the random and draft format. But for premade teams I think everyone would agree that BO3 would fit better.

I've created a strawpoll with these 3 formats and an 'Other' option, feel free to pick that and discuss in the replies here why you did and what you would feel is better! Link to strawpoll: http://strawpoll.me/3279325

Either way, let's see how much interest there actually is. I guess total amount of votes would be a somewhat accurate representation but let's just see how this idea lands in general.

So far there seems to be most interest for pre-made BO3 single elimination. So mostly likely that will be the format, unless the poll radically changes.

The basic rules I would propose:
- A minimum of 3 out of 5 players in a pre-made signup must have a CF account of 1 year or older. If a team signs up with 6 players 4 of them need the same requirement. Incase a team of 7 signs up, 5 are required. Etc, etc.
- Incomplete teams are able to sign up and individuals being able to sign up, creating a forum post where people can see whois available and complete a 5 man roster that way. (tnx filus)
- Aiming for 8 teams at first, due to BO3 being quite time consuming(single elim bo3 of 8 teams is already ~9 hours total). Teams with full CF member lineups will get priority.
- Players with a VAC ban after the 21st August 2012 will not be allowed to play. If this is not met, the team will be disqualified. Same applies if a person is smurfing because the main account is banned.
- ESL5on5 config to be used on servers. (I will try to find someone who can host enough servers for the cup, but if not private servers will need this config)
- mappool: de_cache, de_inferno, de_mirage, de_dust2, de_nuke, de_cbble, de_overpass (can discuss season or train to be added instead of one of the others)
- boosting is allowed, if a team feels a boost is unfair because it opens up a glitch/bug/transparent walls/reasons they can contact an admin and they will look at each of these cases separately and decide if it's allowed or not. If a boost IS in hindsight deemed unfair that HALF will be completely replayed. (hi olofpass)

Since it will be a small cup for mostly CF only people, I think we don't need many other rules but if there are conflicts and we will use the ESL rulebook as a guideline. If it's not in there I(and if there are more admins, we) will take a final decision.

Premade teams
Voted pre-made myself btw, simply would be the most competitively interesting to see. Though I would have no trouble with any other format as a more 'community bonding' (lel) type of thing.
good idea but it rly depends on the date tho :P i guess many students r in the examphase atm

voted for PREMADE
exam period = more time to play! At least that's how it worked for me on uni :)
weird :P i had the most time the 1st 2months of the semester xD now i have 3 more weeks till I have my exams and im almost studying everyday till 21cet
well - to be honest I had time all year long, the subject of my studies (informatics) and most of the prerequisities were sort of easy for me. Fortunately I have a gift for math, I was into advanced physics during high school already (nuclear physics, quantum physics, theory of relativity) and I was programming since I was 15 or so. There were only couple of subjects I had to pick the book up for in uni (electrical engineering for example). I must say that in this regard - lucky me :D What was the most amusing - I paid my trip to CiC7 with money from scholarship, one could say that school sponsored me to lan :P
what the actual fuck :D u r crazy well then I understand that u had enough time :P my problem is that i have to memorize alot cuz i have subjects like biology, microbiology, pharmakology, toxicology, analytic, physical chemistry and modern kardiology this semester

so i have to read around 6000 din a4 pages :S
That's one of the reasons I picked Informatics as the subject of my studies - no memorizing. In subjects like math, physics, programming of any kind, it's all about the logic. You need to remember some rules/equations here and there, but most of the time you are fine as long as you pay attention in classes. I know a lot of people who are just not cut for programming despite them being very good and responsible student, they just don't have their brains wired for that. I think I would be able to get law/medical degree as well, but I have one big ass flaw - I am lazy as fuck and I hate mechanical memorizing. So I chose the path of the least resistance :) And fortunately I haven't regretted my decision yet. And I don't think I will ever will - IT industry is booming.
same goes for pharmakology and toxicology industry :P it makes alot fun but its just alot to memorize but im almost done so w/e ^^
When do the exams finish? ofcourse it's a little different everywhere and we can't shift for everyone butI was thinking maybe the first sunday of february as a date? Still a month away so teams/players have plenty of time to see if they are available or not etc.
I got my last one on the 6.2

I understand that u cant shift it for everyone
Lazy ass physics student here and cant remember last time i learnt smth by heart once u understand a concept its all about being able to use math tricks
I agree with medicine/law degree tho dem niggas never see sunlight or wut eheheheheh
Yea would probabrly be on a sunday starting in the afternoon (definitely needed if bo3) after the exams or could do another strawpoll with some dates I guess. (I like strawpolls xD)
voted for draft tournament - I think it has the biggest chance of success in terms of how much fun it can bring to general public. The only problem I see is single elimination bracket - there is always a chance that two "best" teams can meet each other in the very first round, it would be a shame if one of those would have to go out after just one game. Pre-made teams can give too big advantage to people who already play together for some time already (imo).

I might stream my matches on twitch if people would be up for it ;)
Well considering it will only happen if you let "friends to play with friends" (which is NOTHING bad in my opinion) it doesn't really matter.

But I guess the most fair thing would be to have some kind of "rank per team" system if you'd want it to be somehow competitive...
by rank do u mean MM rank? Because that rank means literally nothing about how good a person actually is. I've seen people with global playing like silvers and vice versa. That why I think actual hours played is a better indicator for selecting captains as that indicates atleast how much experience people have with the game
To be honest - hours played say as much about players abilities and experience as MM rank. There are people with 500h+ in competitive without any idea what they are doing and then there are people with 100h who are playing extremely well.
Quotewith 100h who are playing extremely well.

prolly some smurfs :P
What I meant is that there are people playing just for the sake of playing. And then there are people who are playing with guidance, can take a criticism and use it to get better. Those people (like me) spend hours practicing various nades, hours on deathmatch (or on local, with bots) to get that shooting mechanics to their hand, watching pros streaming from time to time and learning from it. It may sound nerdish, but that's the pros are made of - practice, practice, practice, you know - prac hard, go pro :D
Tbf, when I first bought the CSGO like a year ago I went to play like one matchmaking and few times on deathmatch and I sucked so damn hard I finished at 4hours of playing...

But lately I started to watch the tournaments, and especially pro players streaming (ScreaM / n0thing at night mostly) and got that feeling that it may actually be good to play it... I just tried to implement the things I saw them do in stream without any actual practise and I was mostly the guy with most stars / best score and carried the team solo in the first matches...
That was good, now it got into the point that it really is about praccing certain things, like that I'm absolutely useless with ak47 :D
i guess most of the cf users did that aswell, since "we" know what "serious" gamin is, what it takes and how they can improve their aim/gameplay, which options exist (u mentioned it: watching streams, pracin deathmatch and so on) etc.

u cant compare some casual players who r new in the ego shooter scene or some nabs who switched from cod or bf with et players who actually played comp. for some years :P

and for some its sounds nerdish but not for me and not for the people who want to give the best of them, we dont know it differently, et impressed upon us :D
eventh i dont play csgo comp i still want to give my best
I guess that's just me then - I feel like I am only playing casually. When I was getting up the food chain in ET, I was playing a lot, publics, random irc games, everything that could help me get better/more consistent. And then there were set days and times when I had to show up for pracc, at the peak 4/5 days a week. Right now I just show up when I feel like it, I don't spend nowhere near that much time practicing individual skills - simply put, it feels like casual gaming :)
And obviously, when I play I wanna give it my best. I am pretty sure most of the people who played competitively feel the same. And I usually expect my teammates to do the same - I don't care if someone is having a bad day, or can't hit a door from point blank range, as long as I see that guy is not half-assing around and trying as much as he can, I am fine with it.
ET cheaters allowed to play by the way?
If I'm admin answer is no.
Cuz i was busy when i said true, rest of my reply :P true but I think within the CF community most people are more serious than the 1000h+ silvers who play just for fun.

Don't disagree with you but I think hours played would be better than ranking but it's not a perfect solution. Don't know what would be either tho
since we are all just CS casuals, I don't think there is a perfect solution. I was just pointing out that neither of those methods would reflect the real skill. Besides - it is early to tell, but it seems people prefer premades over draft, so maybe all this talk will be irrelevant.
Premades means less teams imo...
Actually. I'm pretty certain it'll mean more teams.
Well if the people without a actual team just put fun teams together people already do that for ET cups anyway. premade doesnt mean 'have to be playing together for years' just means signing up as a group
Well - there can always be something like this:
- register pre-made team that consists of 5 players
- register incomplete pre-made team: 2-4 people (for example if there are 2-3 players who want to play together but don't have any more friends to play with)
- register as individual player

And then before the cup starts, incomplete teams will pick as many players as they need and if there are more than 5 people left, they can still form more teams.
would really like that system tbh, just a forum post with all the signups and incomplete teams can contact the individual signups to fill out there teams.
well define casual :P lots a germans here who play more serious than casual, ive played cevo main myself which is above average level, think most people we often play with wouldn't call themselves 'casual' players (otherwise they wouldnt get frustrated wit ppl fucking up smokes or stuff like that) they are too competitive minded to be considered just casual (atleast I see casuals as people who just play for a laugh and don't get overly frustrated with a game)
Well, people I play with are "CS casuals" compared to the intensity and effort they put previously into ET (including myself)
in that sense I guess, don't think an actual casual gamer would care enough to go practice aim or smokes tho :p but i get your point when it comes to players within CF
Premades ofc!
Even thought I don't play, I think drafted would actually be most fun :)
premaded teams, let's davai this
premade teams davai cyka
random teams
nope sorry wouldnt play
premade teams!
someone's smelling pocals
Quote - Players with a VAC ban after the 21st August 2012 will not be allowed to play. If this is not met, the team will be disqualified. Same applies if a person is smurfing because the main account is banned.

:D It's the release date for CSGO, so people who want to play but have like a vac ban from 6 years ago in whatever random game can still play. But the people got vacs during csgo being available can't. Think its a fair system considering
good effort

me and Hungary stati are looking for a team, we are LEM/SUPREME
premade only if with other CF members!
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