New Keyboard

Does anyone know if Microsoft SideWinder x4 keyboard is somehow reachable in Europe, cus apparently it's only available in the U.S market only. Would love to buy it but cannot find a single store that would be selling it for proper price, minus the trolls on amazon&co.

On the side note, what keyboard would u recommend, guess i would give a try to mehanical ones, as the one i have is slowly falling apart and is time to retire it. Would need to have some kind of wrist rest or similiar to x4 style and multimedia set of buttons as well, price isn't much of a biggie.
love the sidewinder x4!
Yeh had my eyes on it last year but somehow i didnt go for it, now i regret it so much, reason im trying to see if someone is actually knowing some e-store or some way of getting it here, since Microsoft went all nazi on this keyboard.
I don't know sry :/ bought mine here in sweden
It isn't, they ended the production last year.

My brother got the last one in one shop last year, not even people working at Microsoft can get one of those as we've tried to get a couple with my brother...

I also have this dilema, since my old Logitech G110 which I absolutely adore and love is coming to its end (some keys are stopping to work properly - good bye Jumping :() I've had a look at a lot of keyboards and would of course only go for a mechanical one. There is a huge spectrum of those, but mostly it depends on what you need...

But one thing I'd say is a for sure, that the Corsair mechanical keyboards are definitely one of the best, if not the best and for using the most comfortable for sure.. I've tried to get a Filco one, but it costs a lot to get them into Cze so I just thought about getting Corsair one...

I will probably get the K95 RGB led one just for the lulz after I sort out my new PC...
This one sells quite expensive, from what i saw, Newegg got it for 50$.
HP standard 2004 USB :D !
anyone here with steelseries apex? im thinking about getting it and need some advice too :<
Don't, the simpliest advice you'll get. :D Not worth the money compared to the Corsair keyboards for example
I saw it for 50 eu which was kinda good price, i need something with keys close to each other at arrows and dont like big ass keys like @ razer
I have it, It's already fucked and haven't had it that long :P Wouldn't recommend
Damn, i have to rethink it then :(
Yeh ur nazi country got everything in EU, just one of the most pracitcal keyboards not :D
Destroyed the W key on a Steelseries 6GV2 in a year or so (maybe I'm just unlucky), so wouldn't recommend that one. Currently using a Ducky Zero, apart from the same wear and tear issue as the Steelseries (the print on the keys gets rather grimy and can hardly be cleaned) it's a pretty decent keyboard.
get a DASKeyboard ultimate. have that at my office, best keyboard you will ever use. Have a steelseries 6gv2 at home for about a two years now and eventhough its still good I would trade it for an ultimate as soon as i can.
That's the one with the blank keys caps right? Do you notice any difference in productivity having blank keys?
At first I felt a lot slower then typing proper sentences with comma's/apostrophes etc, those keys you don't use all the time. Because on a normal keyboard you would look down for a visual reminder but here if you forgot where one is you have to 'test' a couple keys to find it :P

But not having a visual reminder does seem to make the 'muscle-memory' for those keys better or something because I've had it for a while now and can't remember the last time I had to 'find' a certain key :P

tl;dr you get used to it xD (when quickly typing you're not supposed to be looking down anyway so having blank keys shouldnt affect the speed at all)

edit: i use the blank one, but you can get it with labelled keys ;)
Never understood those fancy keyboards and mechanicals. Sure the latter would be nice but I'm happy with my cheap logitech as it's got the perfect distance on the arrows to enter button etc for me as arrowkeys > WASD!

image: Logitech_Delux_Y-UT76_USB_800
Had a g510 for about a day before I sold it :<
i've that too :D
got the exact same one for like 8 years now. :D
Got some random 5€ Trust keyboard for like 10 years already :D
Because they are built well(mostly there is some % of metal, they barely bend), they work faster, are more comfortable to use and last longer?
I could only say that mechanicals would be faster but the other points?
I've had 3 keyboards that I've kept in nearly 18 years, all worked flawlessly and were comfortable to use and play with daily :))
I wouldn't say no if someone offered me a mech keyboard tho :P
Try mechanical keyboard and anything less will be a pain in the ass to use.. You would notice the massive difference it is and also how much better they are :P
told u already, buy black widow

piece of shit
Got ducky shine 3 love it
Ive had my SteelSeries 6gv2 for years now, still working without any problems and I love the feel it has. Even WASD haven't worn off.
r_primitives 2 will fix ur problem for sure.
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