OmiGOSH! I've done it!

ok .. so after 3 years i thought i'd dive into et again. started it last night and played some couple o'matches
on some public ..

i forgot alot of things concerning cvars .. and now with a widescreen 23'' monitor, the CRT resolution kinda sucks!
so what's the best resolution for 1920*1080 and what else do i need?

and what channels are active on irc? .. i might be playing some et, again :)

slac / tzac is gone.. pb still sucks..

is ET even still being played? .. and NO, i won't fire up RtCW again .. can't be arsed about that anymore.
Download ET:

ESL dropped support for ET, and ClanBase as an organization has been shut down. We play at CyberGamer EU now: The latest version of CGAC was just released, but it's only available for official matches:

ETPro public servers:

IRC channels:,,,, #crossfire,

To set your in-game resolution to 1920x1080:

r_customheight "1080"
r_customwidth "1920"
r_mode "-1"

CVAR list:
ESL was shit 10 years ago, doesn't bother me :D .. clanbase are gone? too bad. now the US Cybergames have
an organisation in EU.. ok.. .

CGAC ? .. who coded that?

ok thanks alot! .. gonna checkout irc in a bit. as soon as the bnc is set :)
ClanBase went offline due to problems with GGL:

The coder of CGAC is a CG CoD4 admin named Belgium badkip.

More information about CG:
Quotewhat's the best resolution for 1920*1080

Quotebest resolution for 1920*1080


image: 52gTWMI
Use 3840x2160, your monitor will render everything two times and then fit it to your screen making everything extra sharp its called upsampling.
silly you
"slac / tzac is gone.. pb still sucks..

is ET even still being played? .. and NO, i won't fire up RtCW again .. can't be arsed about that anymore."

1) and pb stopped supporting ET ~4 years ago (something like that) (->outdated)
basically everyone is (even more) free to cheat as much as he/she wants
don't think there's too many cheaters left out there tho

2) yes and no
most publics are gone / have died the past years, the remaining competitive scene probably is as active as any other "old game" community (or something close to that) -> you've gotta know the right spots but looking at the games state in general it's a shadow of its shadow of its past
since you're a known person in here you shouldn't have any problems finding mates for some casual games once or twice a week tho

3) as far as I know the most active place to go for competitive games is:
(allerdings ohne Gewähr)

4) best wishes anyway, W:ET obviously still is an awesome game :-)
Hahaha Kuraigu hat nen Rückfall! Gut Glück ;)
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