Looking for a Team for the Third Season

Yo, Crossfire

Since a couple of weeks the second Season is over. Im not sure how long it will take until the next season will start, so Im gonna make a journal about it now.

Im looking for a team to play the third CGAC Season. I played both Seasons in the second Division and won it.

First Season: http://www.gamestv.org/event/48030-new-terror-vs-craze/

Second Season: http://www.gamestv.org/event/50808-like-a-boss-vs-new-terror/

Honestly I wanted to quit et after the second Season but still the game is the best shooter atm in my opinion.
I prefer teams who were under the Best 8 Teams of the Last season. Im not interested in playing with not stable teams.

I don't think I have to say anything about me. Surely a lot of u know me by hearing/reading my name. Ofc there are also some guys talking badly about me. I don't care about that.

This Time I prefer playing rifle, but would also play any other position.

If u're interested, pm me (Plz no retards)

Greetz to LikeABoss (eron, anger, chilax, r4pz, PlAyer, Wrath, samraj & Co. :D) If ure still interested to play with me (I haven't get an answer yet), feel free to pm me :)
dat wall of text

it would be enough if u just write "avi for team for 3rd season" maybe also "prefer to rifle not a must tho"

anyways gl und so^^
Naja, ich hatte'n bissl langeweile & wollts ein wenig ausschmücken, damits nich so stumpf aussieht :P Danke
du hast dir auf jeden fall mühe gegeben :D
pff when i did that after almighty.aef team, CF went mad on me :( i posted smtn like 'avi for decent team, medic, teamplay>aim, all evenings 19.00/later'
Well, if the cf community gets mad and nobody wants me to play for any team, Im gonna quit. Simple^^
gl mate :j
gl Kenji, dno whats gna happen with the LAN team and if we're going to play some games etc etc... So dont think m gna start playing this season.. bit 2 early, should've been in february/march
gl kenzi
Das craZe line-up vom letzten Jahr wäre geil, red doch mal mit Ava ob da was steil geht! gl
CG EU ET Season 3 will start in March. I'll be announcing the winners of Season 2 as soon as the 6on6 Div 1 final is played.
i would like to play 3rd season too but i was banned from the game

gl und vor allem hf
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windows xp user :)
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