ET crashes

So I've been playing some ET again, the only problem is that it crashes like after 20 - 30 minutes (can't tell exactly) EVERYTIME I'm in the game. After that period of time, the screen is frozen and I hear like 1 second of the last played sound files repeating over and over and over...
After that the screen just goes white and I get an error message telling me that "ET.exe needs to be shut down" because it doesn't answer anymore. Not even the ET console is there, which could tell me what the problem is, at least.

Any solutions or advice?

Thanks in advance!
Tried reinstalling ET?
Did a reinstall with the ET-Pack from the "Download ET" button here on Crossfire, but when I join a server it kicks me right away. :'|
Don't download ET from here
"Realtek HD audio drivers", try deinstall +reboot windoze ---> after that autoInstallation of audio-driver should start..
Atleast for me ET never crashed since then again.. regards
Do you have installed any programs like Easy Tune, Vtune, Speed Fan etc ??
I have MSI Afterburner and CoreTemp installed.
uninstall all these programs

enjoy game without crash :)
i had such a problem .. i think it was some pb issue ..

have you updated any drivers or anything else?
I updated my Catalyst Control Center recently.

Was playing ET yesterday...without any crash. Didn't do anything special.
Magic? :(
well hmm .. can't be CCC either.

so no windows update recently? .. or maybe, check tempatures ... or did you change anything on windows?
I had some windows updates, yes. But the crashes were even before that.
Like I said, I didn't have any crashes at all yesterday.
and now / today? still .. even after reboot?
No crashes. I don't know man, maybe it really was magic. xD
maybe overheating .. but that wouldn't cause a process to just instantly quit ..
dont know..

but well, works .. so all good :D
Anyway, thanks for your help. ;)
np ..
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