ET Reborn FB & Website

Hi guys,

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We got a Facebook page up and running and are close to getting our website online too!

Thank you very much Roadhogg for building a website, JT for creating a logo and v4ux13 for creating a flyer that we can use online to promote the event.

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You can like us on Facebook by clicking here. We will be using this page to give frequent updates, so we don't have to spam Crossfire all the time.

You can visit the tournament's website by clicking here!
So this picture was about jakazc squall and night getting owned by a grenade / panzer?
Haha no I wasn't planning on making it about them, I just felt like taking a screenshot into the flyer and this one I liked the most. But yeah it's from a 3 man rifle grenade frag by 7ele (easiest source for footage for me :D)
dat rtcw medpack
Nice stuff and all, but consider using a legible font for the flyer.
Thanks for the feedback, going to take a look at it ;)
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