Monitor for fps gaming / W:Enemy Territory

Hello guys. I've made a post before about screen tearing and issues with smooth gameplay in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
So I've been getting screen tearing all over the place and I've recently heard that it could also be caused by the monitor. So my next step to make the gameplay smooother and avoiding screen tearing, is to buy a new monitor with a higher refresh rate (current monitor 75hz). I was thinking of this monitor with a 144hz refresh rate which would let me play on 125fps. What do you guys think of this choice? Is it wise or will it not fix the screen tearing?

link to the monitor

Cmon mang, back in teh days we just had dis kinda crap-gear and couldn care less bout all dis shit.. no`?
Have an IPS monitor with 60hz full hd, shit tearing also have really bad old PC with not-properly working HDD & gfx card and still get 120-125fps and own wnb med/+.

Don't get monitor just because of ET, delete that part. Write CSGO or quakelive or smth
U dont use 120 fps,but 60.

Anyway do u use some indyvidual settings of ur Card, for example vsync?
No, I use 125 or 120.
Yea,but the truth is that ur monitor cant display 125 fps, It is 60 hz,so on 60 fps. U can confirm that info Using Google.
so ur saying theres no difference in playing 60 or 125 fps if ur monitor can only display 60 hz ?
theoretically, yes. However with the id3 engine.. not entirely true.
mechanics are affected by fps, especially jumping.
that's not the case with the global etpro config. b_fixedphysics 1 and b_fixedphysicfps 125 make the mechanics same for everyone, at least the jumping and movement mechanics. you can still half your recoil if you switch your fps from 125 to 71 while shooting with pistol or sniper though.
Quote by ENSAMAOC 144hz monitor is cheaper and good for gaming

I have old Samsung Syncmaster 2233rz 120hz and I liek dis
do u have r_displayrefresh 120 and com_maxfps 120?
and do u have vsync off/on?
displayrefresh 120
maxfps 125
vsync off always
and i take it that it runs like butter, screen tearing free right?
looks like i might get a 120hz, 144hz is overkill
15 Samsung CRT Monitor
well.. which monitors did they use for W:ET LANS 3-4 years ago for the pros? (i'm sure they're pretty picky as to the hardware?)
sani how is 144hz refresh rate with wolfenstein enemyterritory? is it smooth? any screen tearing? is it worth upgrading from 75hz to 144hz?
dunno don't play ET anymore :d propably not much different though
I've Asus vw246h 60hz monitor and i liek dis
but that would mean u play on 60fps? do u get screen tearing? or is it smooth
I play with 125 fps and 60hz and it feels smooth as hell, feels better than with with my old 75hz monitor. But this monitor's input lag is only 1ms or 2ms, my old had like 16ms.. This is only my opinion, but seriously as long as the game feels smooth, hz doesnt matter that much (I have never tried 120hz monitor so I have no real experience) the input lag is more important thing
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