CGAC error

Just in case someone needs someone for the CF cup

1) Downloaded
2) Unrared
3) CGAC.exe run as administrator
4) this appears
image: bBZF1WW

5) What to do to fix
"CGAC won't load for players who have claimed to quit the game"
Read ohurcool's post more carefully mate. :)
If you talk about this
or the FAQ there is nothing on this particular error :(
But, why u download CGAC if u dont play ET anymore? (as u said)
You sure your antivirus doesn't interfere? I (woott) have to disable my antivirus each time I wanna use it!
exception list?
What do you mean?
That there is something like 'exception list', somewhere located in your antivirus, where you can add app which will be ignored by your antivirus when it comes to using it.

tl;dr add cgac to exception list -> you don't have to disable your antivirus
need to teach my girl everything instead of asking here these things gg
'Exception list?' is not the greatest specific question you could ask.
Thanks though!
sorry my bad..
same problem
It's extracted, not unrared
Unrelated, but... CGAC, so might as well:
I'm rather concerned about the LATENCY increase CGAC causes. FPS lag on lower spec systems is to be expected given the screenshots, but... latency? What the fuck ever data are you requesting/transmitting from my end that could possibly have an impact on my ping? Annoying ping spikes every 10 to 15 ish seconds are getting very troublesome to play with. Especially so given the fact that the software is supposed to operate on the fact that this data is supposedly transmitted after the game, not during.
For future games, will I get banned if I decide to cut it's lan access entirely, up until I'm done playing?
drop it like its hott
Try opening a ticket, I doubt badkip will read this.
Don't underestimate me, I have eyes everywhere.
Currently in exam period, but will chance some stuff once those are done.
Anything on my error?
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