Hey guys,

After seeing the news about the Reborn LAN I am really looking forward to it. I'm pretty sure that I'll attend the event anyways but I also want to play there.
I have been to all the last LANs since CiC7 and even organized the last Adroits LAN with Sean and Ben. I guess I don't really have any ET skillZ left as I didnt really play the game since the last LAN. But if anyone out there is forming a fun team, just going there to play some games, have some beer and have lots of fun I, might be your man.

I would prefer to play with people I know but that is not a real must. So if you are up for some fun at LAN, just let me know here.

Much love,

Nico "Rayzed" Schneider
gl! bringing that deathadder again in case my mouse breaks down again?
Sure, will bring lots of spare hardware :D
probably the best player ever :)

U comin?

vielleicht ja vielleicht nein
Rayzed! GL
So you've got the prizemoney for last lan?
Sadly I dont. I was never involved with the finances of the ET event. I organized the FIFA tournament which payed out its 500€ prizemoney.
Good luck friend
Sure! Will bring lots of spare hardware :D
easy, lass Team machen xy0
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