need 3 players for Reborn LAN

Hey Europe fellaz,

We are looking for 3 experienced players to play for the upcoming LAN.

Our LU :
- France An7ho
- France karnaj
- Belgium PlAyer

Looking for 2 medics and 1 engi smg.

Contact me here or on #crossfire.

image: osV71
bonne chance
i heard chry & razz are avi
Hello An7ho,

I am unable to attend this LAN with your team, because I feel my superior skills are better used in a team that could win the tournament. Sorry!

Kind regards,
I may consider comming back to the ET scene . Due to my big experience, I think i'm the MAN. After a break of 3 years i cant even reach more than 10 HS in one map but nevermind, i'm a beast
still 5 more than you used to shoot... 8)
oh mate , dont break my dream. I think i was good some times ago :'(
reste sur cs va XD
karnaj .. wheee
cu at lan

ps: pm emorej
Convince yokoo to come
yokoo online only :s
je suis là.
T'es vivant ?
ebola nous a pas encore eu que je sache !
Le CF2R non plus ? :D
non eux ils sont garés en bas de ma rue ils font un pique nique sans pression
c u @ lan !
fellaz ? C'est quoi ce nom de team en bois ? C'est toi qui Antho qui choisi ce nom ? En référence aux fellations que tu donnes au boulot non ?
Catins des bois <3
gl An7ho
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