CF ET: Changes in groups

image: ivvhwx
Crossfire ET Tournament Season 1

After we announced the Crossfire ET Tournament: Groups, we received some extra interests of teams. We added one extra group to the CF ET: 2on2 Tournament. Tomorrow we'll add two extra groups to the CF ET: 3on3 Tournament. For the 2on2 and 3on3 format, the original groups remain the same.

In the CF ET: 6on6 Tournament we received 2 extra sign ups, which makes a total of 20 teams. Therefore, we change the number of poules from 4 to 5. Each containing four teams. This has as consequence that group A and group B now only have 4 teams in their poule, instead of 5. Matchweeks for these teams have also changed.

Make sure to check out the 2 following posts to see if something has changed for your team:

CF ET: Groups
CF ET: Matchweeks

Matchlinks for matchweek 1 are also generated! This means that teams are now able to challange eachother and arrange their matches. Matchlinks of the matchweek 2 and 3 will be generated tomorrow.

Good luck and have fun!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup!
You can find us on #crossfire.
Try to use some simple bullet points to list the changes.
I made some 'Enters' between them :)
so hard group now
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