first CGAC ET bans of 2015

image: 81XpmVt

It's been less than a month since CGAC v1.6.0 was released, and already two players have been caught using cheats. Our initial plan was to wait and see if we could catch a few more, but with the latest CF cup season kicking off as well as the recent rise in overall activity we've decided it is best to simply ban them now.

So, here are the first two ET players caught by CGAC in 2015:

Poland sosji
Poland sycyl

Both players are now banned for 12 months, and all of their recent ladder matches have been forfeited.

Cheaters, beware: this version of CGAC is by far the best one yet in terms of cheat detection. Once the few remaining bugs have been fixed and issues resolved, it will be more difficult than it has been for a long time to get away with cheating in official ET matches.

Keep an eye on the CyberGamer EU group here on Crossfire for a regularly updated CG ET ban list.
hue and who?
2015 and still cheating damn
I was like YAY when I saw topic and I see two polish guys on list...
More to come
This sosji :D
Had to login just for this,
nice going igii playing with a cheaters :))
hahahahah +1 =D
what do you mean, hypocrite?
kind of ironic, coming from u then playing with Vyji :D
Vyji cleanest and bestest NL player we^ve had in years. He gets better with every minute on the maps
Yes, Domi you are correct.

ps. He was just mercing in a meaningless game.
I dont care really. I just avoided every game with Vyji, no use in playing a guy which puts his bot higher every minute.
ps: how are you vodka-froxe? I am currently surrounded by blue sea and palms for the next 3 weeks (1 month @ Zanzibar, tanzania)
I'm fine man, enjoy your stay there! hows life?
Lifes good, enjoying my time in zanzibar (Hard work, doing research for a professor, so were outside in the searing sun, 40+ degrees in the sun for a couple of hours a day).
oh, thats nice, Domi doing important job.
Oh dear sosji? :D
I was wondering already how that guy could have more dmg than chry and me, there you have it, no wonder we lost against them, it was not even mAus, toggle at last stage on both maps was real... :/
QuoteI was wondering already how that guy could have more dmg than chry and me

love your ego <3
which ego if I still get benched from TAG or denied by chry lan winner team?

it's not really that hard to have more dmg than you <3
Quotemore dmg than chry and me

image: dpdfq

daftpunk shocked ..

image: giphy

i tak wyglada prawdziwa radosc, gdy michal nie znajduje swojego nicku na liscie banow.
i juz nigdy nie znajdzie mam nadzieje
gr8 it works
image: GXA4HAv

image: a8dXwFM



haha he didn't have to wait long :D
ps: great job CGAC, you finally work! :-)
omg nice time to play again yeah!
So, kitt actually was correct about a cheat accusation?
U have to be right in some cases when ur accusing every player
true story, sounds just like Wakizashi's logic. :D
image: dpdfq

g5 gonna give it to ya
waiting for 2+ weeks for the demos from bape :S

Admin can you help me?

guess that noone will help u anymore ;x

show me this match pls, was it played with gtv?
why should someone deny to help me? i'm very friendly

and yes i tried to watch the replay (maps won't load) and i got banned for some months on gtv.. even posted on the matchpage.. after asking ohurcool or bape via an journal here on cf i got banned here for 1 week...
he dont need to record a demo, when match is played with gtv
just make a ticket via gtv page, and high admins will try to help you with this demo request
already tried... no respond... actually idc anymore before i get other bans...
You sure as shit haven't opened a ticket on GTV regarding this, but I am glad you have given up.
i didnt saif anything about a ticket.. but i'm glad you learned to read in the school..

i'm only give up since i don't get the demos and ohurcool would ban me again "for spam"...
If English isn't your first language, I wouldn't disagree with someone about it who knows it as a first language. Especially because he was right based on what you said. Lol.
Quotehe dont need to record a demo, when match is played with gtv
just make a ticket via gtv page, and high admins will try to help you with this demo request

Quotealready tried... no respond... actually idc anymore before i get other bans...

So what exactly were you referring to when you said you already tried?
i pm'ed them directly since my post on gtv and here on cf got deleted multiple times.. and when i disputed another match some time ago and opened a ticked (or actually szczurek did) your friend ohurcool changed it to completed and closed the ticket without any statement or asking me what is the reason..

so yes no point to open a ticket when my shit gets deleted and i receive bans..
Once again, no ticket exists by szczurek that was closed by ohurcool -- period. Let alone any ticket that involved you or your teams. Even if there was, he owes you no explanation if it wasn't your ticket. Secondly, deleting a ticket on GTV is impossible, and the admins higher than us regularly read & respond to them. They will not respond to your PMs. Do not make half an effort and then bitch that you are being treated unfairly. You didn't try.
dafuq.. szczurek disputed the match and a ticket was created (if i remember correctly) and no you come and talk about some gtv tickets?

half an effort? not my problem when i click on dispute and the cg system seems to recognize it.. so i /q an Admin because i tried it several times.

Logs.. get banned anyway:

QuoteSession Start: So Sep 28 21:09:37 2014
[21:09] <kitt> hey i want to know if i disputed this match correctly.. because i see no confirmation.
[22:28] <[CG]szczurek> naah, its not correct
[22:28] <[CG]szczurek> should i dispute it for you?
[22:28] <kitt> hm yep :S
[22:28] <[CG]szczurek> done
[22:29] <kitt> thx

which effort are you put in something except commenting about me giving little effort?
Holy shit, I swear any time I actually engage in an discussion with you I lose brain cells. This is the first time you mentioned a CG ticket, we were talking about GTV tickets. What the fuck is the relevancy in that? Whatever, back to your hole boy.
why should i open a ticket on gtv when the games are hosted by cg?

Quote by szczurekhe dont need to record a demo, when match is played with gtv

just make a ticket via gtv page, and high admins will try to help you with this demo request
Kitt was suspended by us ohurcool until 31st March. Reason: constant flame and idiocy

All players must record full ineye demos of themselves in every round of every match. Demos do not need to be uploaded for every match but should be saved until at least 48 hours after the official match time. If a dispute is opened, demos should be kept until at least 48 hours after the dispute is solved.

since Ohurcool deleted my requests and statements that the ettv demos won't load up and i have been banned on gtv, so i can't request any demos.

the only thing i got from bape was flame.. aftter i "asked" bape on cf with an journal i got banned on cf by ohurcool for spamming.

and like i said already but people just ignore it: i disputet already another match with polish Admins help and Ohurcool changed the status etc. without any conversation..

so how can i open a ticket about a match with ohurcools friends when i get already banned by simply requesting the demos?
please, stop with the walls of text. I just pointed out why you got confused between the CG & GTV tickets conversation, save this stuff for embarrassed, ohurcool & szczurek, they have stronger stomachs than me.
he dont need to record a demo, when match is played with gtv

just make a ticket via gtv page, and high admins will try to help you with this demo request

and i said.. that its useless to open a ticket on CG since CG is hosting the Ladders since Ohurcool will close it or ban me longer etc.

so i thought its common sense that i talk about CG Tickets since ET is Hosted at CG..
That rule only applies on the games that aren't broadcasted by GTV.
möp.. its not in the rules.. i cant use gtv.. he has the demos but would you not upload them?
I don't understand how you get so confused and heated in simple discussions.
yeah i could post like 15 names who got banned in some way...

but watever.. i accuse atm only bape.. so who is everyone? and probably i'n the only one who write these names down and not with fake nicks on ettv...
Even a guy who doesnt even play ET, that would check one demo out of that guy, would prolly be correct lol.
Cya sosji, igi whining about cgac but plays with cheater.

Gj cgac
IGI needs new 6th /q him
[17:57] <IGLA> need 6th for offi vs CatInAHat tonight

good to see it working
FranceStrAf must be so mad, he cant see me there :(
omgomg did not see this one comming omg
ladnie to tak z cziterami grac pedrylu z hodora
QuoteIt's been less than a month since CGAC v1.6.0 was released, and already two players have been caught using cheats. Our initial plan was to wait and see if we could catch a few more, but with the latest CF cup season kicking off as well as the recent rise in overall activity we've decided it is best to simply ban them now.

ok nice and making me horny but should you wait for probably weeks for banning cheaters and allow them probably to play anohter 100 matches till the Admins get maybe 5-10 cheaters for the ban wave?

people cheating = instant ban
totaly agree with that
pimmel raus pimmel ab
polaks banned...

Expected :-)
No JuiCy?
cgac proof aimbot mate
For what, being so bad? :D
You guys should also include the reason of ban with screenshots confirming it. Just saing.
I think the reason they got banned is because they were cheating.
i think the reason they got bananed is because they are polaks.
you're a fucking idiot, told u all 3 times i played u that he was cheating and you was more than aware of it just liked getting carried, lowbob
When did you say it? Besides, I don't need to be carried, man.
bringing the pain
Hah expected. And now we can think about this situation. Believe in fairness ex cheaters or not ? Sosji was banned once and now again. Cheaters will always cheaters. Same situation with many active players ... Weslann etc (no offence) ...who knows...
IGLA for example
pleaaaaaaaaase!!! weslann isnt cheating LOL.. he was good before he cheated last time and got fed up..
deryn to be honest 80% cheaters on this level are very good players..but they want pick up skill just a little bit ? i dont know
Anyway, we must be attentive with ex cheaters ;)
Quotehe was good before he cheated last time and got fed up..

and if weslann was cheating on cgac.. would he not be on this list too???
he cheated before.. WHY? :)
Nationcup serious business

they rly wanted to win this and if im right he wanted to quit after nc anyways
haha .. lol .. what a downgrade!
shhhhhhhhhhhh you!
<20:41:34> "Weslann": I wasnt even cheating at nationscup, i played against koop etc on a server without tzac with aimbot and potty recorded it and i got banned, went full retard and used winject and some dll file on tzac on nbs and got banned on my 3 accs. anyways, i will see you everyone at LAN and show that i can play as good as i do online
You don't see him coming to next LAN though, do you?
Define good lol? he was always bad, at end it ended up being all hilariously funny.
same here i think weslan is cheating
i think 3 bans on tzac and demo is not enough to say that, lets wait next 10 years till he get busted 20 times more.
Banned from HBC (best server of them all), says enough
polaks surprise ^^
wow damn such a suprise i would have never expect that :o that a hodor play got busted, he wasnt obv at all in our last game...
hold on! who the fuck are them?
to kim byl kurwa w koncu ten sosji? ten stary sosi z :h czy ki chuj ?

chyba sosi to sosi, a sosji to sosji. niezle tłukł wtedy sosji na lanie, potem dostał bana :S

teraz sosji wrócił trzy miesiące temu do gry i znowu dostał bana. jak to mowia, "lan proofed"
to w takim razie sosi tlukl na lanie a nie sosji. czyli sosji to jakis random. swoja droga ja bylem na 3 lanach a mialem z 8 banow.
ale przecież z tego co widzę, to "sosi" mało ugrał na tym lanie, w porównaniu do tego, co grał "sosji"...

a co do twoich 8 banów, to zdarza się :XDD
dobra juz wszystko kumam co nie zmienia faktu ze sosji to i tak jakies random gowno
no co ty arnoldm8 , kokejro to sosi z :h etc a nie tam jakies gowna sosji i inne
... and what is the reason that sosji got banned? aimbot, wh? is there possible that you upload any proofs or something?
image: 81XpmVt

It's been less than a month since CGAC v1.6.0 was released, and already two players have been caught using cheats. Our initial plan was to wait and see if we could catch a few more, but with the latest CF cup season kicking off as well as the recent rise in overall activity we've decided it is best to simply ban them now.

So, here are the first two ET players caught by CGAC in 2015:

Poland sosji
Poland sycyl

Both players are now banned for 12 months, and all of their recent ladder matches have been forfeited.

Cheaters, beware: this version of CGAC is by far the best one yet in terms of cheat detection. Once the few remaining bugs have been fixed and issues resolved, it will be more difficult than it has been for a long time to get away with cheating in official ET matches.

Keep an eye on the CyberGamer EU group here on Crossfire for a regularly updated CG ET ban list.
I think you copy whole journal for mistake
Oh my god. I'm saving this.
Lol you saved it. I didn't know that I'd see that picture again.

image: b9d
This gotta be the best pic ive seen in 5 years here on cf.
i'm crying man x:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Cant believe bout sosji? Sycyl idd.. but sosji????
He's not banned till "admin" ohurcool upload any proofs imo :D
Crying about every other cheater busted by CGAC, yet you're asking for "proof" when it's your buddy? Hypocrite much.
Cause i know that he wasnt cheating in any of offis we play together, and theres nothing strange that i ask for proofs.
Why were you crying about Netherlands Insane then? outlAw,kapot & co all play together with him and say he's clean.
Thought so.
fucking retard seriously, just jump off a cliff and hit a rock.
Co za zjeb xDDD
This polak cleaned me on gbooky.
You have € -30.02

gg tnx
sosji już cheatował na lanie :D
dziwne ze Pan Robert tego nie wykrył
O well, expected for sosji, no idea who that other polak is, tho still waiting for some obvious new random trash to be added there.
Good that im not playing anymore with this good AC.
Been too many random trash going med+ after TZAC went down, not saying that AC was perfect, but by far the best pleased era considering anticheats of ET i have had.
Hah, no UFT Players:)
they haven't played yet since the update :p
ppl still cheating in this game :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

te psy dalej graja w et i jeszcze oszukuja? ja pierdole
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