cfg for laptop

yo guys almighty SwedenfuchS aka IRREPLACEABLE wanna give et an one more try so he need to know what he has to change in his cfg so he can play on his laptop... resolution and co if u know what i mean

e: and if some1 got his cfg would be nice if u could upload it, I know that he gave it to some players

have a nice evening!
r_mode -1
Oh shit, should have checked who made the journal.
tbh i was also suprised that especially u helped me
Stfu, I helped fuchS xD
is r_customaspect 1 then neccesary?
No, it doesn't do anything in ET.
i have hes cfg but i change some thinks i can upload if he needs query me here
i got it, i have no idea how and why... but anyway, here it is:

Disable Threaded Optimization in Nvidia Settings if u got a nvidia card

adjust r_mode to -1, r_customwidth and r_customheight according to your monitor

,Your welcome.
Id like to say that he should test various configuration of nivida settings: threaded optimization, vsync, cuz it is not that simple. For me it changes a lot and he should suit it to his gamestyle/config/laptop. (for example I dont see reason why threaded optimization should be offf, but vsync off for sure). Anyway gl!
threaded optimization off because turning it off will make your cpu use only 1 core, and as et is an old game wasn't programmed to take advantage of more than 1 core. Vsync should also be always off imo
coligation doesnt do that?

tbh, ok, we should turn it off, but how many players do that? I mean, I doubt if oldschoolers/med+ players bother with these settings and they still roll xD also rest of low skilled guys also dont even know that these things exist, so my point is - does it really makes ur game better? because it is all about that. ofc sometimes playing on laptop is almost impossible, but I cant really find the reason and moreover see, that mostly it depends on processes, most of the modern laptops is fucking ferrari`s comparing to pcs from 2003-2007. I wanna meet guys wich found progress/more smooth game after changing these options
It will decrease fps drops, and tbh i don't give a shit about other players other than me. I have my own gameplay and settings, it's good for me, so... Also if u want smoothness buy a 120+hz monitor

And also you're forgetting something important, old applications were programmed for old computers, so you will most likely get more performance in ET on a good old computer from 2006 or so than nowadays computers, since old applications don't use nowadays technologies, if you know what i mean.
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