24h Livestream Tomorrow

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Hey crossis

Tomorrow im gonna do my first 24 hrs livestream :)
So ye if u wanna join in im happy to see anyone of you , going to play CS:GO mostly and some ET pracc for the upcoming ET Reborn LAN :)
www.twitch.tv/scatman1 would be glad if u follow me aswell , gonna start around 10:00 am :)

Cheers! <3
Didnt know you were in a team with Sweden SpawN
gl&hf :-*
For the csgo Players maybe interresting i also do Giveaways :)
gl cu there

you gonna play 24 hours straight?
always nice to watch a highskilled et players
You weren't high skilled, you were just shit.

not like the real highskillers such as Estonia Stouda
looks interesting explain please :]
lying to your viewers is not nice...
i heard that you are advertising yourself previous highskilled ET player at hltv
lol'd pretty much
Yeah, most likely ex-top league player than just saying highskilled would fit better I guess. (did he play EC?)
Dunno, when I left ET he was playing with my brother at mid-level.
"top"? lol

he was never above med rofl
Oh, I thought he played EC at some point, I don't really care though 8)
sometimes i giggle about crossfire ;)))
And sometimes i giggle about baddies like u spreading bs lies allover to make their e-dick a bit more bigger.
He is right though. I dont get the ppl who claim to be better than they are (Hi testi)
3x EC Quali 2x EC 1x ESL EMS , ET Germany .. and a lot more ... played the highest competetion in ET ... thats a fact nothing more... its awesome how people still are pissed of becoz they cant accept one of them played on the same level as me ... no wonder why ET die if the community is still that retarded :D
yup I thought you played with highbot or something. I've also played EC couple times, but I wouldn't rank myself as high skilled player though
he was bu rifle for team ger image: 68747470733a2f2f7261772e6769746875622e636f6d2f7363686d6963682f6b617070612f6d61737465722f6173736574732f6b617070612e706e67
when? 2013? :D
never did that but ok
Fragmovie, made from online ranked games :D okydoky
und dabei kommt meine musi??? :o
Richtiiig :)
Who cares? Seriously, I understand when top players in CS:GO etc. stream, as they get plenty of money from it., but why does every half decent nablet feels the need to stream? Most of them get 100 viewers top and they are fucking garbage in comparison to pros. Not only talking bout skill but also the overall quality of the stream.

Now, if you're a girl, thats a completly different story, but you ain't and therefore this is completly pointless.
its fun ... even 1 or 1000 are viewing,,
Can't imagine it being fun when you put time and effort into something and don't get shit from it (as in the sense of money). I'd rather play on my own and not have to worry about anything. Each to their own I guess.
geh lehren

Setzen 6. ;)
QuoteI used to be an highskilled player in another game called Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory.

image: PwpKw1d
taking the things on a new level I see
I'm the happy 8th viewer of a highskilled stream
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