cgac error

after few mins i logged in i get this error middle in the game
image: cgac

then my ac crash and also et and in et i get an error sth with hunkmegs, i never had such a prob before and it just happened on radar

e: i have a brand new pc so i dont understand why i should have to less RAM
versuche mal seta com_hunkMegs "192"... hatte diese Errors auch, wenn du dies eh nicht schon hast.
habs scho versucht hat nix gebracht nach ner minute ist es wieder passiert
I think I saw this in the FAQ on their website, worth checking that out
i checked the faq and only found a solution for this Error code 0x12 and Error code 0x16
I have the Error code 0x13 :d
Can we all just agree to boycott CGAC all together, again? Awful piece of software that creates nothing but problems for everyone.
It just caught another cheater actually, but I guess "boycotting" anticheats is the cool thing to do nowadays.
so that's what, 3 nonames trashed vs many players having many issues?
It's easier to resolve issues than to catch cheaters without an anticheat, just like it's easier to bitch and moan than to actually contribute.
And it's definitely easier to just force people to use unstable version of stuff that is more likely to cause trouble than to catch cheaters. Grats on the amazing busts, you must be so proud.
because juicy hasn't been a known cheater for years? Honestly though, as much as I appreciate how much you've done and keep doing, the current version as well as the past 2 release versions of this anti cheat are utterly unplayable. At this point I'd much rather deal with any possibly paranoia and the odd cheater in the opponent team than being forced into an environment that makes walking in a straight line impossible.
At the very least give us the option to not use CGAC if either party involved agrees. Just like before. There's a reason it wasn't being used, ironically, it's the exact same issue people are complaining about now.
He was a suspected cheater who is now a proven cheater thanks to the anticheat you dislike so much.

Talk to ChilAx or Sebhes if you want exceptions to be made regarding CGAC, or just be patient and wait until badkip is finished with his exams.
I think you need more RAM
format c
dunno what i'm doing wrong (or right), but i've never had any issues with any anticheat so far o0
me2 till yesterday :D idk what happened i didnt change anything
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