juicy busted

pro player Belgiumjuicy busted
juicy still going lan?
gotta say im not too surprised :(

what a shame

image: 724
expected #izi #low
wait what? :D

e: Getting banned while playing clean, bestest anticheat ;XD
What's the point of denying it, geek?
Would not even comment here if I cheated.
Ppl who I play with on a daily base can prob also tell im tooo low for using any extra software..
Just dont get it how the fuck im banned while I dint even cheat.
Thats why you are caught by cgac :)
QuoteWould not even comment here if I cheated.

99% buster players posting comments they didn't cheat. So whatever you are clean or not it doesn't matter. Your argument is invalid in this case.
guess you are not lan avi anymore
Thats the sad part about all this bullshit. Why the fuck would I be cheating months before the lan.
Somehow it detected something in my pc, cuz I dint use any cheats while cgac was running. ( And no also not while It wasnt running in IRC games.) I know I got a cheating past and its no secret, but this is just sad.
lOL ban for me incoming next
[Reason: caught by CGAC] (12 months) 2h 49m ago

Gotta say im a little surprised, but then again not. He had pretty decent aim but absolutely zero gamesense like most of the cheaters. Is there any specific game he got the ban for?
He's on VACation to KQLYfornia.
Gotta agree on that
Will there be any proof uploaded? Damn, when there's no public access to the evidence, I'm scared that although I'm clean, I'll somehow be busted anyway. On the other hand, players who were already busted were suspected long before. Damn, guys. I wish there was something similar to the spawntime debate, or so. Anyway, with no proof given I'm still likely to belive it's the truth, so gj.
what on earth is this crap I keep seeing about "proofs???//??/?" :D how exactly do you expect to see proof? screenshots of matching hardware & IPs? a little sneakpeak inside CGAC itself just to rest the curious little hearts of etplayers? of the tens of thousands of players banned on CB from the et scene, all they ever got to see was "banned for aimbot, spiked models, wallhack" blabla. same goes for ESL and any other league where people are banned for using detected cheats. try asking Valve to provide "proof" for every ban they hand out on VAC.

Well, you've got the point, but in my opinion one more word (e.g. wallhack, aimbot) would be satisfying as fuck. Who among the players that fought against busted wouldn't like to know how were they helping themselves to gain advantage? It's also more legitimate, than arbitary ban for unknown reason. I'll just keep on writing it under every post related to hacking, because I just feel it's not the right way it's supposed to be.
Cheers, Arty.
when I say it said on CB "wallhack, aimbot, spiked models"- I mean that was written because they weren't being specific to the exact cheat used, so they used a general ban reason. :D
I would concider matchlink or link to demos as proof, and thats what atleast CB did. Wouldn't you my dear homosexual partner in crime?
true it wouldn't be tough to add a link to the match in which the cheat was used, that still isn't the proof to satisfy anyone whining though. :D and there wasn't always sufficient/satisfactory info provided on C&A profiles either, you know that.
in the end its an independent league so they can ban whoever the fuck they want
true but then again the same goes for literally every league body/community website in online gaming. :D
True there will never be evidence that will satisfy everyone (except in those rare full-aimbot cases) but the demo of the game where he was caught would be nice to see just like CB did.
I have to agree dexxx on this situation. I would be nice if ohurcool showed us what software juicy used to get advantage. The title of the ban is "Caught by CGAZ", kinda logical he's caught by cgaz, isn't it?
I understand what you mean with the CB/ESL bans, but I think this situation needs more explanation.
so all you're really looking for is for it to say whether it was an aimbot, wallhack, knockback removal or whatever?
Disagree, I'd rather have it be completely unknown to other people what cheats got/are detected and which are not. That way they can't change what they are using to keep dodging bans. As long as the cheaters assume something is still safe they might keep using it, thus the likeliness of them getting busted increases. All other people need to know is that he used something, in the end for the ban it doesn't make any sort of difference what it was anyway, that got him banned.
Well, I don't want to know which cheat he used, since my knowledge of cheats is zero. I just want to know what kind of cheat he used to get advantage.

Quotewhether it was an aimbot, wallhack, knockback removal or whatever?
because, I wasn't expecting him to be cheating (anymore). Probably a well trained hider of cheats in all those years? Anyway I agree to both of your statements* , and I guess it's better to leave things as they are.

QuoteAs long as the cheaters assume something is still safe they might keep using it, thus the likeliness of them getting busted increases
I disagree about it doesn't make any sort of difference, since ohurcool got the rights to ban everyone he wants if he's not publishing the reason someone got banned for. It's not that I don't trust ohurcool, totally not, but I think it's not the way it supposed to be :)
And how exactly does "publishing the reason" change anything? If I'm banning players for no reason, I could just as easily continue to do so while adding the type of cheat too.

I think I've proven myself trustworthy enough over the years that I don't have to share evidence with the entire community in every case. You don't need to know which cheat he was using or even the type of cheat. If you're that curious, ask him yourself. I'm not going to explain how each cheater was caught so that he and any other cheaters know what not to do next time.
Well from my point of view, I'd like to see atleast 3 screenshots that CGAC made (from different matches / different players) since it's been mandatory as to this date, there were 3?bans since the last update.

Don't know what kind of problem it would be to simply do PRT SCR on your keyboard, crop the screen (ingame) and post it there to proof it actually takes them?
Except maybe the screenshots aren't what busted them
Where did I say that or demanded SS that proves they cheated?
what's the point in seeing screenshots from CGAC if they are not evidential?
To see if it actually takes any from the games it has been used in?
image: y2c7hat9

image: jwv2kzcn

thanks to cgac for crashing and not uploading the files :D so yes it takes like 12-13 screens in probably 15-20 Minutes.
looooooooooool you have the gamma bug thing?
Where do you find those screenshots it does? I know there was a folder before
cgac crashed yesterday and so the pics doesnt got uploaded. but atleast we know it takes screenshots..
But where did you find them :D
in the screenshot folder from etpro.. named like shot0001, shot0002 etc.
It's not the gamma bug. It's just low bright + r_ignorehwgamma 1.
You can find it in sheep/winghaven's cfg, not sure which.
r_mapoverbrightbits 0
r_gamma 3
r_ignorehwgamma 1

you mean, but that doesnt do this on such a short distance imo
dunno maybe screenshot shit...
I thought it's an old gamma bug that makes everything bar wooden boxes and characters dark
actually you can ask valve for information about your own vac ban, they just don't give out any info if you ask about a ban on someone other than you.

(not saying valve always answer the requests, just their own policy :P )
where've you been?
Hiding from the CGAC police, they'll catch me next :'(
#supski.et is ac-free
I would like to state that #supski.et condones cheating in any form.
#supski.et offers shelter to the sheep that went off the right path
ik zei het toch al damn ..

Juicy wel beetje triest dat je nog cheat ..
Now I need to ask.............................. who?
And there are still people tracking through walls, "wallbanging"(kappa) and they are not banned.

Also shoutout to all the med+ skillers and their rapid skilldrop (hola, que pasa shady?)
People still cheat in this game?

No idea who he is, but lol
image: Busted_cover_with_logo
Haha en maar blijven volhouden dat hij nooit cheate, mss in offis niet altijd maar irc.. gg
Where does this scum keep coming or are they the same people over and over again :l
god I bless the day when I stopped playing this game, so I never got to know lowskilled scumbags like this jucy or who
we are also glad u stopped mate
who are you?
Usually I think you're a pretty cool guy, but lately, on CF, you seemed to have developed what I refer to as the Estonia ZeD complex...
Don't know what you mean with that, as he is one of the most relaxed guy I've met in this game. He never whines really, he only disagrees to play vs h2o and mini on RtCW which is completely understandable, considering their attitude and acting on global chat, and if you suspect them of cheating why the heck you should play against them or allow them to play on your cups or anything else 8)
He went total god complex after he hosted that rtcw cup and contacted warwitch for it. Savior of rtcw and we are nothing without him kind of sentences were almost daily stuff around that time :D
Dunno about that, but sounds you are mostly bad mouthing, as far as I know him he never been anything like that, he has only said he is bad aimer if we count all together. I remember there was some stuff, about some player who got busted and zed didn't let some team to play some game, who knows, but there's been also something said about merlinator, so I guess the hoster always gets the blame if something goes shit for somebody.
feel free to look up journals and newsposts from around that time, im not saying hes a complete idiot, just saying from an outside perspective he makes himself seem like one.

also like merl and zed, ive been in the shoes of hosting/admin of et and rtcw cups. and its true you always get some hate, but there's a difference between getting hate for decisions and claiming you are the sole reason for 'reviving' a game
So you are saying it came all out of nowhere?
well that's because you know zed more personally than others might, who only know him as an admin talking to a group of people. in 2012 I was in an rtcw team with him and found out yeah he's actually a cool guy to play with etc, yet for years before that on CF/GTV he was acting like a weirdo, being randomly hostile and rude towards me and many others for absolutely no reason. :D

good example, had never even spoken with him at this point: http://www.crossfire.nu/news/7358/atoon-myth-or-reality#c544103
He has a point there though, agreed on being too rude, but many teams with known players after a quali lost drops the OC out cause of not being motivated to play OC premier. It was rather a rule to be like that, to drop out, and the qualifier teams didn't really put time and effort to get better to actually be EC worthy.

just edit: i wasnt around on 2012 so i dont really know any drama from that time anyway 8( anyway you proved your point, wasn't cool acting at all
yeah but this is a good example as to why you don't stereotype teams, we made that team for OC premier and just to practice a little bit weekly, but when we got into EC & BFB2 we decided to prac +/- 3 days per week. this wasn't some hummel-squad created 5mins before the signups closed, selecting "EC only" and dropping out when they didn't get accepted. we were probably one of the most solid practicing teams during that season, I'd get PMs from all of the others competing around that time to play on XYZ day at XYZ time. :D zed was wrong.
most prolly yes :> guess that was the time when you improved as a lot of others seemed to have improven a lot when i came back lulz
maybe so. dunno about the others but I improved in 2011 (after this team died and I got a new inet connection).
oh ye, haven't really ever played seriously 6v6s after silentium died and our finnish projects in 2006.. and of course nterror EC-attempt was a bit serious business also :)
mini and h2o raped some nerds again ?
When, where?
all the time, rtcw
It's just I don't give a tiny rat ass about the community? Pretty common acts from me.
Like ohurcool already said, they are not providing proof because they don't want cheaters to actually know how they get busted. I can understand that. And I don't think they would bust someone just like that without proof with the amount of players left on ET.

gg juicy boii
Kind of surprising tbh, apart of his semi-decent aim, he never really stood out by somehow showing better performance, wont even go on the gamsense part, which was well, pain in the ass, wondering same as webe, on which game he got detected.
gotta agree with that dont really know him but he wasnt good either
Breaking news: cheaters usually playing bad.
cgac ban wave #1 was the last time we met obvious cheaters :s
still cheating in 2015 @ ET? LoL get a life
waiting for some more :>!
hahahaha made my day :') bluf het moar lekker ontkennen, achterlukn ezel :D genieten dit! Wuk gaaj nu doen met je leven? Weer een ander spelleke zoeken voor te cheaten? Bij csgo ging het ook nie zo goe he XDDDDDDDDDD
according to the proof - i just have to say that he is a brainless person ;p
like the other two polaks from previous list :)
ban wave 2015...
I, for one, also miss busting no names.
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