P to the D to the S is back ?

<pds> the eujen
<pds> in all his glory and might
pds is [email protected] * pds
pds on #3on3.et +#exitium.et +#sbnc #help.script
pds using *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
pds End of /WHOIS list.

whats going on ?

Edit:need ftp server with teamspeak 3 on it so pds can downlaud it his internet is very slow not joking 2 kb and it crashes all the time
<pds_> i have both 32/64
<pds_> i have win 7 x64
big thx <3
gg, now i can die in peace
I know the nick as a player (or?) but swani just confused me, who is he? :D
pretty cool guy, dunno why everybody hated on him so much
can't handle god skills.
not sure if sarcasm :|
prodemonshkar? :D
tell that fucker to msg me as soon as possible!
come exitium irc then.
phyzic need some lanproof chiits asap
you're celebrating him BECAUSE he's such a dumb cheatin f*ck or what is this about ???
he was a really nice guy to play and hang around on ts with
you're right, nothing to add. But they still think he was clean, especially before tzac, and he is a true LAN owner :P
no sarcasm, apart the LAN thing ( pds online only :s ) .
who are u ? :) didnt see you @ LAN ...

je t'aime quand même <3
I know Fabien , I'm a noname :p, being known is not a must to comment :s
That's not the question here, pds's case is quite interesting
take a look at this game : http://www.gamestv.org/event/19617-phacks-vs-team-exitium/
I never saw olbaa, maus, or even physic aiming like that. you can notice in this game, he was never killed with a back shot or never 'surprised' about the position of an ennemy. If I remember right, he doesn't get killed a single time by a nade on deli, which is impossible on this map.
Maybe I'm wrong, that's just my opinion, just saying.

Bonne chance pour la LAN fab <3
I was just kidding with you mate. Indeed, dat game is a bit suspicious. I played with him many times & I didnt see anything strange.

merci ma poulette :)
well i got told he was @ lan ..

Don't judge a book by it's cover, you don't know me personally just what you've heard from other people.
i'm not judging, i'm asking ..

i think i remember his name, but never heard about him cheating or i can't remember.
i got told he played @ lan and as good as online.

is that fake?
I got accused a lot for aimbotting/wallhacking, some even made avi's of ETTV games to prove that I was playing with cheats.

Here are the games I played at LAN:


Considering I literally joined the team days before the LAN because one of their players couldn't make it, I say I did surprisingly well and much better than most of my team, not to disrespect my teammates, I thoroughly enjoyed the games we played together and all of them are really nice guys to hang around with :)

That's my story it's up to you what to make out of it, about the played as good as LAN as online is what I personally think is true and false at the same time, for the most part cause it was my first LAN and second because it was just a mixteam, nothing prepared we just joined to fill the empty spot. If you would only consider watching me play and disregard my team, then yes, I played pretty good. But this is a team game and so I have to say no, I didn't perform as well online as at LAN cause we just didn't have the necessary teamplay for me to pull of any insane shots, there are a few but not as much as I would do for example at gamestv.

A late reply but alas, it's here.
nice name nobo :D
zit je nog in japan jongen?
exitium general is bäk?
so amazing :{D
You sorry fucker, its :{D but I forgive you this time.
time to install win7?
pds the master :D
Oh noes :]
pds monica!
the midget is back?
Comeback of the year bro. ^(~.~)^
image: 2ecd6cw

PDS alive confirmed!
Nice Windows XP.
pds professional 3v3 owner #neverforget
so are you all trolling about him being good but hacking .. or real fanboys of a good player?
well, never been banned, so i guess it's all out of jealousy, but that same would go for some other players around, so I believe it's safer to say everyone got their own opinion about everyone 8)
so was he aiming like butchji (where in the beginning also alot thought he'd be hacking) and mAus ?

if so, why this bullshit? .. and why are people saying he got banned or so?

I dont know whats so bullshit here, some ppl think he cheats and some ppl including me are just happy to see him online after a long time!
well .. welcome back pds :)
Thanks, I hope caej clarified things for you instead of me doing it.
Everyone he's ever played with for a longer period ended up being busted and banned. pds has always been shit and more often than not he was cheating to compensate. He may not have been banned or officially busted but there's millions of .avi's around that are more than enough evidence.

Ie. http://www.crossfire.nu/journals/80271/gonna-cheat-atleast-dont-have-an-ego
I know very well all of this. But hey, there were tons of avis of upload also and still people kept playing with him, and noone of these pro players aint talking about him now that he got banned. So I guess, he is clean till there is no ban eh? It's sad that ET has come to this point, when people accept to play with obvious cheaters just because they ain't busted or banned.
not like ET's ever been different
Oh yes it has been 8(
there was a time when he cheated, same for upload

2 fags
upload cheated before this ban also.
Cheated on TZAC already trolololoo
Cheated before tzac
i played with him in a team in ~2009 or smth, his humanized was clearly noticable but no one gave a shit :D i guess he lowered the settings later
Everyone BUT ME!
And me, to be correct.
Lol thats a lot of flame towards some guy who u dont even know good, most of ppl that he played with at the past, are still playing nowadays and can perform at top level, without any problems, i played with him for around 3 years or so, cant recon exactly how long and honestly, he had some suspicious moments, but then again, who doesnt? Apart of him, huting for some acc or hs%, he didn't do anythin bs or tracking ppl thro the wall, whenever i played with him, it didnt occur to me at once that he would be cheating.
You have always been hateful, you never ever even accepted the fact that there are just players out there better than you skillwise or aimwise, you still have that resentful aura around you, when are you gonna every grow out of it?
One of the nicest guys i've met in this game. Always willing to help others and also a great player.
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