Anyone playing H1Z1?

if there is someone willing to team up with me send me a pm :3
what is with this h1z1 hype? everyone on my steam is buying this
It's a zombie survival game, it's pretty awesome.
New patch should be finished soon so increased loot spawn hype :')
well i thought about buying it but then i was like : i have dayz and not even played that longer than 1 hours + H1Z1 is P2W in some ways and it will be F2P after the Early Access Stage.. so no point for me to pay like 20 or 40 bucks..
Every time someone pays for a crate everyone in the neighbourhood can see it and try to fight for it, so i don't "really" agree with the P2W argument but i know what you mean.

I was going to wait aswell, but watching streams got me all inpatient :p
well i do watch some streams from Lirik but tbh.. H1Z1 don't get me "in".. waiting for Stranded Deep which should be released next week and hopefully the Multiplayer will be added very soon :P
yeah, it's not for everyone i guess, i just want a break from toxic LoL :p

EDiT: if someone insults me now i can just shoot him and T-bag him 8)
kom dan heroes of the storm spelen schatje x
nein :p kom H1Z1!
You have pretty low standards.
And you're full of crap
Mmmmmmmmmm paying to beta test video games.
There are plenty of streamers who are giving away free copies :')
There are plenty of streamers who are giving away free copies :')
There are plenty of streamers who are giving away free copies :')
War Z meets dayz, didn't look good in my opinion!
dayZ is a zombie game "without" zombies :p dunno about war z
They are working on zombie hordes in H1Z1 and i think when they fix the problems with the loot this will be a great game.
I'm pretty sure there are zombies in dayz :x
yeah, there are a few zombies, but they don't really do anything.

And every dayz player who i watched streaming H1Z1 said H1Z1 is better.
And every DayZ player who thinks H1Z1 isn't better, isn't streaming H1Z1. Your logic is flawed.
remember, that dayz is still in alpha. before they add zombies etc. they still have to fix some major problems (performance, loot spawn etc.).

you shouldnt expect too much before it is finished. it will take probably 2-3 more years
remember, that dayz is still in alpha. before they add zombies etc. they still have to fix some major problems (performance, loot spawn etc.).

you shouldnt expect too much before it is finished. it will take probably 2-3 more years
Its been in alpha for what, 5 years? =D
They're not going to "fix" the problems with the loot, the P2W elements will prevail eventually.
They did fix the problems with the loot, and i suggest you try the game before spamming every comment with bullshit :')
i wont pay for an early access game ever again, i had so much bad luck with nether and the stomping land.. both were fuckin scammers fuckin fuckin pricks!
so I just gona wait a bit but if i got a copy then i would play it a bit
Lying developers ("no P2W") coupled with completely unoriginal gameplay makes for a pretty shitty game (yes, I've watched gameplay on YouTube). The only thing it has going for it is that it actually seems slightly more playable than DayZ SA at this point.
Day 1 DLC for the corporate win.

On the other hand you have indie developers who abandon their early access or kickstarter games after thousands buy it.
They're all just fucking with us, whether it be EA-style greed or just sheer incompetence. You wanna have a laugh? Check this one out.
Damn, how do people support this shit...

I love the image of the RV from breaking bad randomly mixed in there.
nice supporting a shit game with lying developers
much more playable than its rivals for sure, but time will tell if it will actually produce something that makes you actually want to play the game. the lack of game objectives/survival difficulty atm - project zomboid although visually inferior has such a high difficulty on survival / progression, much more enjoyable ;)
Pay to Win game
Nothing beats l4d2.
Waiting for a game like this that doesn't use such a SHIT engine.
you mean like dirtybomb? :O) engine means very little, just what they do with it
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