moving #et.gather to

Im just tired of waiting on TS for IGLA to get 12 players
Or is it just bad, because X wouldn't want to play with Y?
its the xy thing
Just use Goku's channel? (if it still works)

shoutout to igi biggest whiner in ET about cheaters yet playing with cheaters daily :s
13 people in room
Which cheaters?
I don't think there would be as many 6on6 mixes if igla wouldn't take the initiatieve to organize them. It takes quiet some time and patience to find 12 players and get them to teamspeak. The main reason for the delay is that it's hard to find 12 players willing to play 6on6 mixes these days. Yet Igla manages to do 6on6 mixes on a regular basis. It would be nice if you could find a more efficient way of arranging this.
Me, Claudio and Eirik might be up for it sometime, if you see us @ ts and need palyers say the word
I think matchmaking like in cs:go (from what I saw in twitch) would solve this, so there could be irc bot with creating private lobbies, inviting friends, ...
I can actually host the bot, but I only found this: (basically #et.gather bot) so somebody (maybe me) could clone the project and add such features
Im looking forward to see etlive to have such stuff implemented
The thing that is used (or was, since our community is dead) in our #CZET channel is the best.

You simply do !add and the bot adds you to a team or another and after you gather enough players it would notice you and give you all the infos, I think that goku's channel used something similar or exactly the same and that was bestest
only difference: #CZET is for 6 people who then search oppo, #et.gather need 12 players which are then shuffled
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