Fps lags

Hey Crossfire

So Fireball has a weird problem when he first started et again he had like 50fps average he even tried those r_primitives 2 commands and sitll nothing works.

he formated C:// and installed et new and still has like 50fps.. eujen and me are still wondering why.. since he played ET with 125fps before he stopped

may anyone of you has a clue about it

update adobe reader
com_maxfps 125
what are his specs?
Intel Core duo and geforce 8800GT
Perhaps he should stop living in 2006
Newest drivers for graph card? vsync off? also disable threaded optimization. and seta r_primitives 2.. but you know that all I guess..
set et to one core
How to do that without actually running ET (as it always goes to default if you close and open again)?
pbprior, sets number of cores to ET.exe and pnkbstr A & B.
turn off threaded optimization from nvidia 3d settings
^ check the video card settings/profile for ET, turn/force just about everything off, also remember for multiple cpu cores, set affinity 1 or 2 (uncheck 0, it is used by your OS, and ET conflicts with it if selected).
imo turning everything off is shit anyway if u have laptop or specific nvidia/ati card (no fps lags, but try shoot sth - good luck).

wooden pc + nice crt > all
maxfps 43 and he'll be fine
Tell him to look up r_displayrefresh and make sure it's set to 0. Also make sure that he has "Vertical Synchronisation" deactivated/turned off in his gfx card driver!

You could also try using r_simplemipmaps 1

Also, ask him what gfx driver version he's using. I also had some issues with my Catalyst Control Center, because the newer 14.0 versions don't work that good with old OpenGL games like ET (I think it could be same with nVidia drivers). I had to install CCC 12.4 so that I could get clear images in my moviemaking ET again...also the framerate is more stable now.

Please give feedback if it worked!

*edit* Deinstalling the newer CCC to get an older version was a really big fuck up and almost made me reinstall my whole system, by the way. So anyone who has problems like this should reconsider if he really wants to install an older driver. CCC is really a bitch to deinstall because it leaves traces all over your system that make the installer.exe think that CCC is already installed. Had to use programs for driver cleaning etc. So beware if you have an AMD card. ;)
Wat a pain meng, actually u dun need to uninstall CCC
- -
image: rar9-10_vista32_win7_32.rar
atioglxx.dll goes into root/ET - - done

Ders a tut0 explaining shits ,just use the steps as for ET
r_displayrefresh 0 ?!

I thought you have to set it as high as your Monitor Hz
Yeah, but in combination with the Vertical Synchronisation in your gfx driver it can limit your fps to 60/75/... (whatever your max. Hz is ^_^). Was a common problem for me when I started making movies. Always forgot to turn the Vsync off again. Feels smooth, but it's not really suitable for gaming imo.
PS: The Vsync thing only matters and happens if you tell your driver to OVERWRITE the applications settings. Nothing will happen if its put to "Use application settings" or similiar (I guess).
geforce 8800GT sounds like nvidia, so he doesnt have CCC.

i think i have the same card, or something close.
For me r_primitives 2 just reduces the fps, i think i use 0 or 1, just try both and see if it helps.

r_primitives 2 only works for AMD cards and decreases fps for nvidia in my experience.
I know, I read his post too, that's the reason I told him that it COULD be the same with nVidia drivers...
Thx for all the help guys, really appreciate it.

The problem was fireball played with onboard grpahiccard and didnt knew it "thought he installed driver already" so he intalled a new gfx driver and it worked good.

had a laughhhhhhhhh*
typisch hahaha :D
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