net lags

so ..

whenever many players get killed or an objectives has been done,
or especially when i use /players in the console, i get net lags.

what could be the problem?

3mbit can't be tooo slow ???
3mbit? wtf o_0
To convert megabits into megabytes, you divide the Mbits by 8, which in your case would be: 3(Mbit)/8 = 0.375 MB(megabytes). So, yes, that would be very slow.
My thought is that you're confusing them though, and that, in reality you actually have 3MB(megabytes)*8 = 24Mbit
0.375 MB still should still be more than enough for gaming tho, as long as the ping is decent
Do you also get this repeating sound thing for a few seconds?
They even offer those?!
its one of the reasons that made me stop my gaming career in return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory
as i was killing tons of lowbies but computer couldnt handle it so i had to call it a day :s
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