distinguished so guud (csgo)

Enuff said, cool guy riding pink fluffy unicorns

on a sidenote: looking for guys to rank up before I enter military so I can have rather non retarded games during weekends, http://steamcommunity.com/id/galiathus , double ak or higher

image: 8e2ed98b774659a1d688c3cb19d2c26c76a865c078f9ea194c16618d5a43bf79

brb refreshing cf 24/7 cuz bad nerd
over 800hours still dmg im disappointed :(

gg gl
I got like 140hours or something and my rank is fucking awful, but you can't really choose that if you only play matchmaking with randoms and/or trolls...
140 is like "still pretty pretty new to the game"... :P
hint: starting the game before ~19:00 is pure madness
best time: ~20:00 - 06:00
I got LEM after 140 hours
you're from Finland
I guess every ET player with a little brain and a little aim should be able to instantly get ranked above nova, but yet one strongly depends on teammates when it comes to ranking up and that's slowely taking the piss outta me. Especially the time I played in a team, in which I had team mates that were ranked LEM to Global Elite, proved that everyone as bad as me can compete on those ranks... well probably not global, but at least LEM
+1 about the ET player part
duo queue does the trick though, trust me
Perhaps but I would imagine many ET players (including me) dont have patience for slow gameplay in cs especially in those shit mm games. Boring as hell, requires a certain state of mind I guess
indeed, I feel ya x)
I am although a little frustrated that my old cs:s friends are global elites and some of them semi-pro in cs go
That didn't happen to me or chizz6l. We were both good at ET and I know I was awesome at UT2K3. Yet we both got placed in Silver 3 or Silver 4. I won all but one game (leaver) in placements and dropped somewhere between 30 to 40 kills in each one of them.
Then I really don't quite understand the ranking system, since I got Master Guardian after the first 10matches, then my steam got fucked up because I reinstalled Windows etc and after that I had to do the 10matches again and I've done everything the same (bar +/- few kills) and got Silver 1 and had to rank through the shit up until Gold II now, rank by rank...

Which is quite fucking ridiculous, since sometimes when I'm pissed I just don't have the patience for waiting and just rush like a retard with pistol and shoot them but when I'm trying to play normally I mostly get into being 1st or 2nd fragger and certainly do defuses and plants.. so I really don't know, but as I say I end up playing with retards who troll or want to get de-ranked and simply lose the game...

Also I mostly play 00:00-4:00 and Cache/Nuke only and that's quite good since no kids :)
s1? fuck me you done worse than I did :D
I soloq the first 10 at 20fps and got s2 hahah. I got no patience for the amount of beginners I play with, tempting to get a new account. Played vs nova but the team were kinda shit so I thought I'd be at least that by now :c
I really didn't do bad at all as I said, won most of the wars I played in the "get ranked" because I mostly got some score like 25-30/5-7 over the whole match and extra tried for defuses and plants... Really weird as I got that Guardian before...
Didn't do too bad with my first 10, soon as I sorted my fps out (new gfx card) mostly getting 35-40/10 or so now. Having more fun playing on the biergarten pub servers for now, silver frustrates me :D

I still have a habit of reloading my 5-7 too often tho :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJe9VRdSpu8&feature=autoshare when I had my first ace :pp
I got straight LEM/LE after 10 wins
I won all but one of my placement games, getting 30 to 40 frags in each one. Placed into Silver 3. After that, even with top fragging every game and winning most of them, I felt like I was ranking up really slow. After about 200h, including A LOT of DM, I'm only at MG or something around there. Needless to say I grew kind of bored of the game. It's slow, promotes camping and my opponents are shit.
I only play solo or duo with the legend Swedenfuchs and Im supreme for 1 months now with 700hours still to much tho :D so no excuses that u have to play with 3-4randoms and u cant rank up :P

and I only play inferno and overpass :P best maps to carry imo
once one gets out of the eagle cage it's not hard to keep the rank, since it requires a certain level to get to that rank, even with proper teammates, and usually noone bad crosses that line
DMG was full of retards+cheaters, after i reached LEM i finally enjoyed playin csgo :D

have to agree
Hmmm, maybe I should reconsider playing the game again. I got placed in silver 3 eventhough I won 10 out of 11 placement matches and topfragged all but one of them. It's been really boring and slow to rank up. My opponents aren't too good usually and the game feels really slow and boring at the moment. Sometimes I have fun when I duoqueue, but that's about it.
I got 2nd AK after ten matches, still sheriff now, been eagle for a bit, but I don't give a damn about rank, just having fun with my co-retards
got the ak with the wreath around as my first rank I guess, pretty much the same situation like you and I'd like to have fun with my retards as well, but unfortunately scorch is addicted to fifa, jan is busy with his job & family and krucio is annoying as fuck lately :D
I already heard that timbo is fuckin everything up :DDDDD jking xd
Compilation incoming, no problemos
feel free to provide demos :-D
dAv1d and I witnessed what has been known as the biggest eyeballcancer moment of 2015 so far
ViKO plis

eyeballcancers and monstrous clutches.

image: 53676205
gg cant wait for it ^^
Yes I dissapoint too weri mutsch
Army sachta.
Ist die noch unnötiger als die in Deutschland oder wie sieht das aus...? x)
Welchen Rang haste?
rank: 420 its eems
and the next day god spoke: "you son of a mother"
cs:blow findet keine anerkennung hier du batzn-scheiße
ich liebe dir
:D unnötig auf jeden fall, aber was muss das muss, und ohne mich im heer ist papa staat ja erst recht nichts wert

doppel ak, nicht das höchste aller bisherigen Gefühle aber auch kein bedeutender Tiefenflug
290h - master guardian II :/
203hr silver 3, now I've got stable fps can finally play. 20fps is hellish on CSGO especially when you got cunts smoking all the time
Don't put your status that you're away all the time and let's paly :D
Will let you know! Lately just been playing with Potty if we have 5, be nice to play more games
After the first 10 matches I was DMG
I was supreme with 400 hours
I don't care about this game anymore and I'm LEM or LE (cant remember) with 700 h :D
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