About cfg


so since i started to play et again, and i was wondering if cfg has anything to do with your hitboxes, aim and stuff ?
and also if there is anyone that would make a cfg for me, will provide him with all the details.

yes, good cfg like maus butchji or bobika will make enemy hitboxes twice as big as they actually are
There is something,but not really connected with hitboxes. Quake 3 engine is fucked up and cfg means a lot, but ofc it is not the most important thing.

Take two random configs and set same settings like sensitivity, r_mode, fov, m_pitch and after trying them out tell me that it is the same stuff. Ur acc, hs are the same on both. It is one big bullshit. The problem is that most people can't suit to one cfg fast, so they got impatient etc and change cfgs all the time. It makes it worse. That's why there so many low+ players playing 24/7 h and still sucking dicks mostly inactive oldschools like olbaa. He's playing/played on one cfg for couple of years, invented his own gamestyle,aimstyle and he sticks to dat. Of course there is a matter of talent, but honestly ur own cfg is really important too. That's why people come back and ask for their old config. Noobs tested 9999999 settings and still being low.
My advice, choose one and stick with it. U will come back after couple of months and tell everybody, that cfg is irrelevant. Like most people do.

And ofc after that mAus/phyzic will own u anyway. Or nejm.
im playing on the same cfg from startinig et. but few days ago i tried some hitboxes. i was aiming directly on head and i missed like 3 shots before i hit it, and i dont belive this was my aim xD since he stayed still,
So u know now, that u know nothing.


Go to club tonight and write bout that on crossfire mate. "I'm waiting to come in, nerds". There is nothing u can do
et servers run on 16tickrate
cs servers run on 128tickrate
I think et servers run on 20 tickrate
yeah i can't hit on Picmip 0 or 1... dunno why but its fucking hilarious
not funny.. i need l33t graphics otherwise thats a bad game...
hit registration and picmip have no relation, that is what's funny. :P
You would be surprised what has influence on hit reg
I think aim has quite an influence, what u think bobikam8.
Yeah, but point is, you have those "45acc 60+ hs per round" players online, then they go on lan and they dont do nothing close to that, but are still strong aimers :P
I don't think he'd be as surprised as you think.
thre must be a reason why i cant hit with picmip 0 or 1.. not that would make a big difference regarding my lowskill but still...
for me it always felt like picmip 0 was too much detail and distraction for my eyes, maybe u've got that aswell? :p
hm maybe :S
he had negative dmg today :S
Played on nbs earlier with you, disappointed I wasn't in that SS
exec pollo
cfg =/= skill. perseverance and determination in anything will result in improvement. necessary changes become obvious over time, eg. if there are times where you find it too hard to see an opponent due to a dark area, you change the brightness. if you notice yourself being backraged a lot and can't turn around in time to counter, give yourself a higher sensitivity. the truth is the majority of top players in all games have kept the same settings for years. eg. Finland Squall played with default etcfg since the beginning afaik, and Russia Cooller played with the same cfg for a decade in Quake.

make changes when they're necessary, but constantly playing with new settings only causes some placebo effect and doesn't really help toward improvement. personally I took advice from aimers I respected who seemed willing to shed light on some simple info, such as Belgium mAus and United Kingdom crumbs, both recommended using a sensitivity that allows you to do a minimum of a 380° turn. I decided to use a slightly higher sensitivity but I think that's the last time I changed those settings. if you actually hope to be consistent you need to start by practicing with settings you're comfortable with, and not giving up on it after a day or a week.
WHY 380? do u mean 360?
380, just over full turn.
360 through one swipe from left to right of mousepad? I've seen so many ridiculously low sens players esp lately :<
yeah but baring in mind this was like 2008/2009 and most people didn't have those huge mousepads back then. nowadays they'd probably recommend higher (as would I).
Yeah, I think back then with maybe those old coolermaster, icemat especially 360/380 or so would be ideal.
Been using large pads for ages now, ~18cm for 360 and I'm fine with that.

Only problem I have atm is fov as I started playing a little ET again but playing @ 1080p kinda sucks. it's either 119fov but rather wide or 97 seems OK :<
Well, if you have that glass 2m mousepad then it makes sense.

High sens > low sens
Mousecontrol > *

I think i have horrible aiming style but I still hit many head shots. It's important to have same sensitivity and fov so ur muscles can adapt to that. I recently stopped using fov script and it made my aiming more stable.
To be fair, I use different sensitivity for certain games and my mousecontrol is still the same, overall point is, that low sens in ET is more common due to being way more easy to use...

I've never used fov changer because it doesnt really do much (but what do I know, I use 90fov for like 8years) I just occasionally change my r_mode when I'm bored...
All about brain, for example I have very shit hit reg and I'm easily hittable to the most of the people yet (if we talk duel/dmg wise only) I'm still able to get better stats than those who hit well, somehow
i was also wondering what sens i should use like 3 years back and i followed mAus advice and took sensitivity that would do 360 from center of the mousepad and played with that. what i got was shitloads of bad and good days. now since like 6 months i lowered my sensitivity quite alot (like 300° on 45cm) and my aim is way better and consistent.

Agree on the cfg part, didnt change anything in mine for like 5 years :D
I wonder if it's just a personal thing, but in ET, if I put any sens I aim the same - and as much as my aim isn't consistent, it's very decent :D
What specifficaly does the r_mode change ? I know there are values up to 6 i think, so what is the difference between those ?
if you really dont know what the r_mode setting does it's about time you start looking up settings...
Type /modelist in the console or see here.
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