Sick by Nonix (unfinished version)

does anyone have the first release of Sick by Nonix? it was the version with all the blanks between scenes saying "sec let me smoke a weed" instead of actually bothering to finish the movie.

original moviesection post


shoutout Poland Sinnsyk

I can upload it tomorrow
i have it aswell in case rip in peace does not deliver ^^
Artstar sure likes dem fragmovies :)
I probably was introduced to rtcw fragmovies (by my brother) before even starting to play ET, over the years they've been a lot of the enjoyment for me. sometimes more so than playing, it's probably why I made a few myself. :)
I get it. I've always enjoyed fragmovies and even spectating games a lot. I also made my own movie, but it was horrible. A buddy of mine made me a movie from the few demos I had when I left for nkNn, kind of a parting gift. Still watch it from time to time.
lol why u need an unfinished movie
edit: based on the comments i want to watch it now, i dont remember anything from that movie (that weed stuff must be some inside joke)
minor nostalgia :) saw the re-release on youtube randomly and remembered the unfinished version.
let me know if u find it
will do :P haven't got it yet.
I got it in at my father's home, u just have to be a bit patient :).
best movie btw :p
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