ET lan

Hey there dear cf. Me and my two friends started to think about going to the lan. We havent decided anything to be sure yet but we'll see. Our lineup is Homppi, Rapusti and yilli.

So, heres the catch, is anyone coming from Düsseldorf to Enschede? We would like to have some company for our journey, and obviously if someone is driving we would be very happy if we could get a ride along. Ofc we would pay you etc. Also going by train is fine, we would just need some advice on getting cheapest tickets possible and so on :p

Any kind of info would be much appreciated. Cheers.
gl finding, cya there
Wish you get shot down on the way
Wish u go to lan and say that in their faces
Wish you would learn more in school
I prolly learned more than u will ever do
And still I will get much more bitches and $$$$ because of that ugly face of yours
Don't get provoked by him, he just wants some attention.
indeed what do u expect from some 15 years old virgins who dont even get attention at his home :D sad
don't talk with psychos specula :)
Get in contact with New Terror, they still looking for 3 players.
We were thinking about doing our own 3on3 team if that still is possible :p The problem is just that we still havent made any permanent decisions about coming, though I am excited and it would be great haha ^^
Get some permanent plans set mate, no point being half arsed about it. Do it or don't, best advice.

for more professional esports gayming advice,
Ofc we are trying to set permanent plans, we just cant decide about it yet but atm it looks like we are going.
It's an easy decision! Would be great to have your 3on3 team joining the LAN. If you made your decision, send either me or timbolina a message.
Travelled to Enschede from Bremen a few times with train. You can save a lot of money if you are able to group up with some other people and buy the group ticket (min. 6 people). Tickets can be bought online from and they're cheaper if you book them in advance.

Don't think I'll be travelling through Germany this time though as Ryanair is only flying on Wednesdays and Sundays between Tampere and Bremen/Frankfurt :( So would have to do a week long trip and it'd be too expensive.
Thx for info, we also decided to fly straight to Amsterdam, as the flight is only 5€ more both ways combined. Flight is a slightly longer from AMS to HEL than from Düsseldorf but I think its still worth it. I guess the train from dam to enschede is cheaper than from dussel to enschede. Now we just need to get ourselves some kind of hotel shit to spend 4 nights at :p

e. If anyone knows some cheap hotels/motels etc could you be kind enough and inform me with average cost of a night :p
QuoteSo, heres the catch, is anyone coming from Düsseldorf to Enschede?


QuoteWe would like to have some company for our journey, and obviously if someone is driving we would be very happy if we could get a ride along.

no h3h3hEHe
wie auch wenn du nur platz für zwei hast und wir beiden fahren werden du heinz harald frentzen
Good luck my friend!!
Thanks mate! =) Would be great seeing you there as well :p
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