Updated - Euro ETPRO Scrim Server

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We have updated our Euro ETPRO scrim server with new options. If your clan or scrim team doesn't have ETPRO server then you can use ours. It's first come first served.

Just call the vote for the scrim by typing below in console. 2+ players required for that.

/callvote cointoss scrimon

It will generate random password and will show the password in general chat. Then type /password scrimxxx in your client console and password will be set so that on next map load you wouldn't get disconnected.

Once everyone leaves the scrim server it will get unlocked and would be ready for next scrim team/players.

Cheating = 1 yr ban. Few cheats would result in permanent ban on our all servers. We use centralized bans for ETPRO, NQ, silEnT and Jaymods.

As usual this is not bullet proof system. No such system exist in real world. If you doubt anyone is cheating report that player name on our forums with demo if possible and we will take a look into it.

Any suggestions? Feel free to let us know and we will try to add it if possible.

message me back? :<
PM'd. Sorry mate might have missed few since was busy last 3 months.
Gj dare, btw, u have any idea about the VPS setup and similiar stuffs?
Sure could help. I am not super pro but could get the work done. Would prefer or suggest Debian over Centos unless you plan to go RHEL enterprise. What are you planning to run on it, servers or websites?
Got debian, if u got some spare time tonight, hit me up on xfire if u still use it.
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