Drama continues #freeabject

Hello fellow crossfire users! Most of you already know what I’m going to write about. I don’t want anyone to say that I’m PolandAbject’s teammate and this is why I’m defending him. Even I can be wrong in what I’m doing now and if I’m, shame on me. To be honest,if it would have been Polandmeehow I wouldn’t even lift a finger.

For most of you it’s shocking and impossible to imagine (hehe screw that impossible part because for this community Poland = cheater) that such player ‘could’ use cheat and for some “it was obvious that he is cheating”. I’m in a group which trust him and thinks that it’s worth helping him. It isn’t inevitable (and I’m aware of it) that there are people who tend to look down on someone.

ET history has shown us many cases where players created beautiful stories about their bans. Nowadays it’s almost impossible for such person, who has been marked, as a cheater, to defend himself. One has 2 options: either stay Germanys1lent and don’t explain anything or make a good explanation. In our community both are fail-fail situations. If you’re going to be silent, you’ll just approve admin decision because he was actually right. Second case is a bit complicated. As I mentioned earlier,
Quoteplayers created beautiful stories about their bans
and the more you write, the more people will judge you and it’s more likely that you were cheating and now it’s just a childish cry to protect yourself from a mighty ban hammer.

Focusing on Abject, now he has to face obstacles like toxic community which doesn’t want to look at another “sorry ass” story. It’s understandable because nobody wants to read anything related to cheating and by some people he is going to be treated like a typical trash. Also you may wonder why the fuck I’m defending him if it could be just another excuse to avoid ban. It’s just that something smells fishy and it is neither Abject nor my feets after work. I don’t want to leave things as they’re now without getting an answer. Oh well, it’s not only me because I noticed that there are also other players.

First of all, by looking at his case, I noticed one weird thing. United States of America Ohurcool told him that he started cheat at the beginning of this match (http://www.gamestv.org/event/51613-citizen-vs-ryknij-gorylku-ddd/) and one moment later, immediately turned it off. I did small research and as far as I know, in ET, there is no cheat which you can turn on and turn off while you’re already in game. If you want to run cheat, you have to run it with game and if you want to turn it off completely, you have to turn off the game. It could be caused for e.g. because computer is infected and there are A LOT different computer viruses which can do many different things. But this is another story and possibility (provided that he didn’t use any cheat).

Virus scan screenshot
*BackDoor.Andromeda is a cyber malware that is known to be categorized as a backdoor. It is extremely tricky and can sneak in any system using its vulnerabilities and exploiting security applications.

Secondly, I don’t want to say that CGAC is bad but over last year it wasn’t good and far from being fantastic. It means that there is high possibility that something could go wrong. Nothing in this world is perfect. What people seek is something which is close to it. Our anti-virus software can go full retard (just like me now) and detect something, what is virusfree, as a treat to our PC. Even CroatiaChaplja and his TZAC weren’t 100% correct (Netherlandsaphesia’s case). Still it worked better than CGAC. But hey, let’s give it a chance because Belgiumbadkip is trying his best to provide us anti-cheat tool which MIGHT be good in the future.

Lastly, I’ll quote badkip:
Quote What ohurcool means with this is we do not share information to prevent people knowing that cheat is detected and what is not detected.
(not a private log so don’t even try to delete it). Maybe in primary school, I would believe in such thing. What if I told you, when someone uses cheat and he is banned for using it, his memory isn’t wiped like in “Men in Black” so actually he can still tell his mates that cheat is detected. Crazy stuff huh?

To sum up, people would like to see better clarification on this case. By saying
QuoteThe ban is 100% correct.
(neither this is private log!) and ignoring people, you won’t close this matter. After first ban wave, on updated CGAC version, I thought that I’m acting like a paranoid person because I deleted random etmods (jaymod, etrun etc) from my ET folder and even moved minimzer out of it. I don’t know how this AC works. In UAC we knew that it’s scanning our whole memory so we could be banned for something what wasn’t related with our game. Now I don’t know if whether I should continue supporting this game (mainly as a player) or move somewhere else because I’m afraid that there might be something wrong in the future of our gaming community, what we’re not aware of. Staying with a cheater status can be really depressing for the player who spent a lot of time praccing in our game.

Tl;dr version: haters gonna hate
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fuck off
Wonder how badkip will defend his ban now.
didnt read lol
there are a ton of cheats with menus/cvars to turn it off ingame.
no shit, but u cant turn it off from process -.-
is that what ohurcool meant? unless WuT is paraphrasing it, ohurcool just stated that Abj turned it off, not that it was removed from the memory.
is that even a serious question?
Yes, it's a serious question. If the fact that you can't just turn it off is going to be used as evidence, then it should be clear as to what turning it off means. Whether it's true that you can't turn it off or not is entirely dependent on what ohurcool meant.
But the cheat still injected in the .exe
But as mentioned, it could be that he had something on ie wallhack and turned that off in-game (with the cheat still running otherwise)
Quotenow he has to face obstacles like toxic community which doesn’t want to look at another “sorry ass” story.

so, do I get it right, community is toxic because people chose to trust CGAC reports and admins ruling? There are enough people acting surprised by his ban for this community being marked as more supportive rather than toxic. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty - however, if CGAC (or any other officially recognized anti-cheat) marks someone as cheater, at this point my mentality changes into state that that person is guilty until proven otherwise (for example by proving it was false positive), because CGAC is good enough proof for me. Seeing which people abject is/was associating with (or used to in past), and that he knowingly played with people who were openly cheating, I am inclined to put my trust into CGAC rather than someone marked as cheater by it. Obviously if admins find out that it was in fact a mistake and clean his name, I will accept that, but until that happens, in my book he is a cheater. As you said, same happened to aphesia few years ago with TZAC - and I was pretty much in the same position as you are in right now, I was surprised because I played with him for quite some time. I didn't think he was cheating at any point I played with him, but I wasn't furiously defending him publicly either, because lets face it - anything is possible and couldn't possibly sit behind him every single time he run et.exe
By writing toxic community - I meant people who like to troll and act 'aggressive' towards another player. I bet that you experienced a lot of insults in this game (not only towards you but in general). And yes anything is possible. That's why I said that even I might be wrong.
Banns without proofs.. Welcome ET 2k15?
QuoteTo be honest,if it would have been Polandmeehow I wouldn’t even lift a finger.

Are you implying you find your teammate suspicious yet willingly continue to play with him?

As for the ban. I watched the demo, he most definitely did not cheat in that specific game. Abject always had great aim, but at the same time, given his past and things he's pulled in various prac games, I admit I've been suspicious of him a few times. I don't think he's actively cheated or done so for a longer period of time, but I'm convinced he's used a wh in a random prac once in a while. That being said, I'm more inclined to believe CGAC banning a player that associates himself with known cheaters, than otherwise.
I know Abject for like 4 years and with meehow I played for like around 5 months.
Would you defend someone whom you met on a public server 1 hour ago?
If I clearly believe he's not a cheater, then yes

QuoteAbject 10 Feb 2015, 01:16
I am honest person, If you would tell me your proof, that me and everyone else can accept I will surely accept that, even in a official statement, I know i didn't play on anthing so, there is nothing, it cannot be. It is an mistake!
If not, ofcours will deny it, how could I accept it?
I know already that i won't get unban, but even if I would get this unban i would never ever play on your shit Anticheat again. I don't really care anymore.

9 Feb 2015, 18:22
The longer the journal, the more likely your ban is justified.]

Get over it and move on children, ffs...
gj wut!

I rly hope that justice will win, I played so often vs abj and I had never the feelin that he might be cheatin, he is too friendly to cheat :D

Chaplja was also really friendly and fun to play with, but he cheated :(?
I agree with the fact that the ban reason should be at least given. Like in good old times, ppl could see the actual proof, like pb screen shots, or pbbans kick reason. Dno why badkip / ohurcool won't tell anyone the ban reason. :D Like obviously, if someone cheats and gets caught, he'll know what cheat he used, exactly as you said :D
What if, like me, people are using several cheats. As WuT stated on me abject was using humanized, wallhack and dynahack so he doesn't know which one of them got busted.
what the fuck is a dynahack?
you get an electric shock when trying to defuse so you win?
impossible to defuse?
rewires the dynamite so it blows up in 5 seconds?
isnt a dynahack just a dynatimer? :s
Probably :D
something for those that aren't able to count
The fk I know, thats what WuT said to me :D
lol still in denial..

you already whined about this so much that the anticheat creator checked the ban and said it was 100% correct, so now just deal with the ban and if you feel like quitting the game over this then do it, I doubt anyone gives a fuck
Can you actually read? *BackDoor.Andromeda is a cyber malware that is known to be categorized as a backdoor. It is extremely tricky and can sneak in any system using its vulnerabilities and exploiting security applications. - let me help you.
lol that is actually a very cool story, please tell me more !!
what are you actually trying to prove here? this BackDoor.Andromeda has been around since 2013, what exactly does this have to do with the second journal thats posted about this guy being caught cheating ?
So unban abject!!! Guys he had some malware in his pc, mystery solved!!

No rlly lol, you should probably go to sleep and accept that your friend is banned.
Well i like how u believing this ac in 100% even tho it shoud be in a testing phase..

Whatever u say anyway, not that anyone should care what u have to say since u probably have no experience in both game and coding, and since we have done some coding researches we know a little bit more than u. And guess what? Yes, malware can do shit like this and might be a reason why he recived a ban.
QuoteWell i like how u believing this ac in 100% even tho it shoud be in a testing phase.

Well, I am not really sure about this, but are they still in a "testing phase"? I think I saw the banned list and it has over 20 ppl now? How many complained? INsaa, an obvious cheater and abject another obvious cheater? Yea I rather trust the anticheat coder...

Quotewe have done some coding researches we know a little bit more than u

lol is 1 screenshot from an antivirus scan and a google search what they call "research" in Poland?

QuoteAnd guess what? Yes, malware can do shit like this and might be a reason why he recived a ban.

Instead of whining here with baseless bullshit and funny stories, how about you and your crew actually try to prove it is a false positive? If you really think that the "backdoor andromeda" caused the ban, go test that theory, download that shit in a random pc, make a test cgac account , run et and see if you get a ban.

But honestly, this just seems really desperate, have you and your crew actually considered the possibility that your friend abject cheated and lied to you? <<< This seems a lot more likely.
it seems like ur brain cant handle other way so okey ill just let u leave it here
weak reply idiot.
Insane never get caught by cgac, like also half of the bans caused by outdated punkbuster.

Quote9 Feb 2015, 18:22

QuoteThe longer the journal, the more likely your ban is justified.

and a second journal is now created ;)
*prays to our saviors ohurcool and badkip*

Please ban more people, these sob stories are much more entertaining and satisfying than the pcbuild/surveys/return to et/I quit journals we get every other day. Especially if it's cases like this and some people lose their shit because they can't handle it.

image: 30rock-kenneth-pray-gif-o
Quote these sob stories are much more entertaining and satisfying than the pcbuild/surveys/return to et/I quit journals we get every other day

ohurcool never said he turned it off immediately. Not sure where that idea came from. No he was not banned for having malware on his computer.

Though, wouldn't it be hilarious if he got that malware from downloading ET cheats?
What? He said to him he turned off immediatly. You gonna change stories now?
No, you simply misunderstood what ohurcool was saying.
No, we didnt misunderstood. We also got a proof that its not him that cheated, but a backdoor virus which can exploit a security applications (anti cheats for example), so maybe let us proof it or tell mr.godofcoding Badkip to check that possibility if he of course can. I also expect that u will say that the bad is 100% right, and that will make a sense because you can't admit that AC made a mistake, can you?
You have as much proof that a back door virus caused him to get banned as I have proof that Jesus speaks to me through my toaster.

If it was a false positive, I would have been more than happy to reverse the ban. As I have told you for the third time now, our intention is to keep this game alive, not kill it by seeing random players banned.
Well, of course its a proof. As far as i know CGAC bans are custom bans, which means whatever 'attack' et.exe file badkip takes it as a cheat, am i not right? (if not feel free to tell me how it works)

Also there is no such force on this earth that could close ur cheat without closing ET (and yes, thats what ohurcool said, Abject got logs, u dont really have to be a science genius to understand what he said)

Don't be mad at me or don't insult me, but i really dont trust u guys and in my opinion u are lost in what u are doing.
Any idiot can download a virus and claim the anti-cheat picked it up as a false positive. There isn't even any proof he had the virus before the ban occurred. Did you guys honestly think we would reverse the ban based on that?

I will state a few facts for the very last time:

We will not disclose any information about the ban, or how the anti-cheat works.
Before issuing the ban, the evidence was reviewed by myself and ohurcool.
Before issuing the ban, ohurcool spoke to badkip to confirm it wasn't a false positive.

You are as entitled to your own opinion as you are entitled to be wrong. I am sorry you didn't get your way in this case. Further journals/tickets/whine/insults will not get you any results.
QuoteBefore issuing the ban, the evidence was reviewed by myself and ohurcool.

with all due respect, what can you know about the game if you are on the scene for like 3 years? afaik without any experience/knowledge about cheats etc. (unlike previous ac/league admins who could prove themselves somehow). people barely know who you are, you just randomly got picked to this cg_team and it should be a proof to all of us that YOU reviewed it? pls :D he just showed you something you said "mhmh yeah whatever it's a cheat" and you moved on to your gaming life
In this case, any person with a pair of working eyes can review the evidence and come to the same conclusion.
I heard Killerboy is starting a school to prepare aspiring young admins. No one will ever be able to join an admin team without their admin and anticheat diploma...
Can i come to your house and pray to your toaster?
We also got a proof that its not him that cheated, but a backdoor virus which can exploit a security applications (anti cheats for example),

This reminds me of the time eradd claimed that someone Photoshopped his pbban this is too funny
dude just stop, u are now being hilariously stupid rofl
If he would keep falling in stupidity, he'll rename to aniky soon.
Can u like, write in at least decent english so i can understand these uneducated posts of yours, or just stay out of it, i know polish schools suck and shits, but dear god, do not waste my time on such dumb posts.
go laugh at people u won with ur cheatbuddys bro, thats what u do best.
Which one, have so many of them u will have to be more specific :s
just couldnt decide if u are trolling on hardcore lvl or u are extremly retarded, when u did laugh at luki, how u were owning him with webe and juicy xd
I probably raped him and his dumb buddies with at least 10 different players, considering the fact that u think juicy gave us any kind of upper hand makes u extremely stupid, but then again, i am not even surprised about that anymore. Anyone that has been playing with juicy during recent months, can easily tell u that apart of some decent aim, his gamesense was only a burden for us, and not any kind of advantange.

Then again, u thinking that he was cheating entire time is even more hilarious, so lets not start this again, cus u will simply make urself look even more stupid.
Actually, I'm happy to have an AC on this game but I'm wondering why did it has detected the cheat only in two minutes in this very game and not in 50 games that abject played which would be something far more logic to believe.
I always believed 100% bans made by anticheats and ohurcool in general but I have to admit that for this one it's condused
was undetected before, ac got patched not long before these bans so its not that illogical
So it means that abject would have cheated only once and during 2 minutes since the last update?
Do u still think it's logic?
CGAC bans after the fact, not instant in server(tzac did the same, you would get flagged and the flag would be reviewed before a ban happened). He couldve cheated for days after the last patch just this one instance the AC picked it up. If you have a clue how cheat coding vs anti cheat coding works, you would see the logic there.

Also I only replied to you saying that it's illogical, I didn't claim what I said is what happened. Just showing you what could be one of the possibilities
Idd I don't know shit about that
Also the same way anti-cheats pick up on cheat detection, some private cheats are also 'advanced' enough to detect it when they anticheat scans/picks something up(small(not perfect) example of such a thing would be PBSS blocking. So it's also not weird if the AC lets a cheater know hes being flagged and the cheater can turn things off. This is more common in cheats with bigger communities like CS and I don't think it's used in ET (since those private cheats generally cost plenty of money and there is nothing to gain from it in ET :P) But just to inform/show how many reasons there could be for his 'only 2 minutes'.
Well, I can't disagree with you since you clearly know better than me about it.
Anyways it's pointless to defend him and talk more about this shit, admins made their job and everyone in this community is free to have his own opinion about the sabject.
And look at it from another point: would u rather risk ban or lose against testi? So u see.
Your sob stories with your fellow poles, that's "XD"
Quotein this very game and not in 50 games that abject played

From this list http://www.crossfire.nu/group/view/id/7638, I remember playing vs the romanians (bullet, stary etc) and also base (.nl) in the nationscup last year; they were obviously cheating and they also played a million games before and after that, it took the anticheat a while before detecting their cheats, so I don't really think it's weird at all what happened in this case.
awww did my comment above make you cry :( ?
Actually they didn't cheat during 50 games so it's really the worst example u could take.
From what I know only base used to cheat for a long time and stary and stuff used it only few nc matches... which makes it 3 games max?
And anyways if you read what adetoo said, 50 games or 3 no big deal.
Just wanna say torM is a really cool guy, whenever i read his comments, i agree with him most of the time. Yea those zero to hero publicplayer romanians where fuckin hilarious. Cant even imagine how they were even allowed to play, i mean isnt it fuckin obvious they go from low to med+ within some weeks?

About abject, well i still dont know. I posted a #freeabj picture also, but mayb it was a mistake :'( I have etjump, etprob, etpub, jaymod, nexusmod, nitmod, noquarter, nq, parazit, ultraet etc shit mods in my ET folder :D also i use minimizer, use cracked games also etc and im still not banned, so wouldnt say the AC is busting for everything, and the guy said he is 100% sure about the ban sooooo... ? .. ?
So is again like in insane's case: they didnt, except stary, get banned by cgac or didnt get banned for cheating.
Couldn't agree more to this bro, this ban is very controversial, and unexpected. And he was obviously not cheating in that 3v3 offi ...
Les choses ce putain de passe a fond #vatefairefoutreabj
:D je ne savais pas que t'étais un artiste
ahah que ferait cette communauté sans toi tu me fais trop rire xD
needs glasses :s

Good stories. Almost as amusing as the old "I was on vent with him, I'm sure he wasn't cheating"
My God let him join LAN and prove his skills.
Even if he did go to LAN and played well, it still doesn't change the fact that he cheated*
There has been enough lanproof players that still cheated/got busted in the past

*until proven innocent.
Easy mate, step by step. 1st Lan then we will talk about ,,did that change something or not".
2nd - tbh if someone can play as good as cheater, and have no problems to show the same high skills at lan my question is " what is a problem? "
In this case we dont talk about SomeRandomNobody we're talking about skilled lan proof gamer.
3rd - On CGS Lan he was in one team with my husband and i had best place to watch his gameplay.
( sorry 4 my eng i didn't use it for a long time :P )
sosji proved his skills on lan, he should be allowed aswell!
tbh i dont get why they are not allow to play 1. more ppl/teams 2. more money in stake ... 3rd if they will play like sh** they wont win anything .. thats simple i guess. So.. yes if he wanna he should be allowed to come. ( ofc without cheats -_-)
LAN should be taken as a gift given to community, there are players who simply shouldn't be allowed to enjoy it.
Would you allow a pedophile to a childrens party just because 1 more person and 1 more gift? A lan is an event created by and for the community, people who 'stabbed' that community by actions like cheating shouldn't be allowed. They had a chance to prove themselves as honest, clean and good players but they fucked themselves by cheating.
An example is srsly wrong mate, but ofc i get it. Normally i would agree with u and bobika but not this time, not in this ,,dead game", not in this case. First of all tbh hardly i can find REAL clean players. Most of our community downloading sh** and have stupid fun by using it on pubs with fake nicknames. We wont find them 1st cuz in rly we dont have items to do that - f.ex. new/better ac 2nd cuz there wouldn't be any oppo teams if ,, even one use " cheater would be caught.

I wonder.. Do u realy recognize in Abj's game any actions which u could named as a ,, cheaters actions"? Maybe it would be simple if admins would give us a date/match/moment of time when in their opinion he used a cheat.

Maybe i'm wrong but tell me mate, if he wouldn't be pl player u would think different ?
It should be especially strict in "dead games" because the more people think 'well if i cheat i still get allowed' the more people will think they can get away with things like cheating, the more broken the already small community becomes. I have given up playing public a long time ago simply because the tools to keep it enjoyable aren't there. It's for all those reasons that I stopped playing ET actively, too much toxicity in an already small broken community. But it doesn't change the fact that cheaters should be able to get away with cheating 'just because the community is small'.

I haven't played much with or versus Abject, but from spectating matches which he was playing all I can say is that he had sick aim, which plenty of people in this community have. The difference is that Abject showed up on a CGAC list and those other people didn't. Doesn't matter which country someone is from, but it doesn't help that some polish people ruined your countries reputation when it comes to cheating. Like I said in my example, which I know is extreme but is pretty clear about how I feel about busted people.
right...but the thing is "did abj really cheat ? "
I know admin's reasons but still they shouldn't/couldn't behave like,, u cheated but we can't give u a proof ".

From my side it's a main point of this case.
They already gave more info than other AC systems would though, VAC for example doesn't even reply to inquiries about why people got bans.
infos like what?
as far as i remember - pb,SLAC and TZAC - those antycheats were giving you infos who use which program and when.
And now we have to believe on word of ppl that we even don't know.( And i'm not talkin' about ohurcool.)

Anyway tbh enough for me would be lanproof - i mean this upcomming lan. This is special situation and imo should be in special care.
PB was horrible, couldn't keep up with cheat coders. TZAC was okay but only info it gave was what kind of cheat happened, bot/wh/screenshots(which half the time wouldnt show anything if the hack was good), which is the same as CGAC in this case, admins told abject that the AC picked up an illegal action, doesnt matter if its bot/wh.

Lanproof means absolutely nothing, just because you are decent doesnt mean you are thus not a cheater. There are plenty of people who were/are good players but still resorted to cheats (wiaderko and team BE would be examples).

In the end, its CGAC's word vs Abjects word and since CGAC has more authority than Abject does too bad for him if he can't prove anything. CGAC has more reason/proof(however good it is) to ban him than they do to unban him(the virus thingy means absolute shit, anyone can post a virus scan and claim something random must have triggered the AC, shittier excuse than my brother did it)
Again agree but saying ,, we have proofs but we won't show u " it's not enough.
Ofc i won't have 100% he didn't do that, but i have less certainty about right of this all ban. As a matter of fact, in this case we should both agree. It's easy to judge when case don't apply in your business. Saying straight - try to be in his shoes.
btw yes i remember times of pb glory and it was terrible, but still u had more informations then now ...

From your topic i know that u have no time to continue so.. gl& thanks for talkin.
Quote I don’t want to say that CGAC is bad but over last year it wasn’t good and far from being fantastic.

image: blablablah
Just a question and thoughts:

Has anybody thought to do some cross reference research on other cases where CGAC has detected a possible cheat software in a bit unclear situation? And this especially on players who don't have a reputation of a skilled player?

Now I'm not saying that Abject cheats or dont cheat, I haven't played against him, I dont have seen a single game he played and to be honest I have pretty much no idea who he is. :D

It's just that what strikes me, is that over the years every time a known player is accused of cheating and/or anti-cheat software has detected possible cheat software, the player has had a somewhat "suspicious" moves in various games and being suspected (also by skilled players) to use some cheats at least sometimes. Also to add, that none of the top players I've played with and against I know for sure ain't cheating, has never been accused of anything of such.
Nice to see best rifler on CF again :D For me Abj is clean and they have no profs.
Banns without profs are kinda strange for me and imo this anty-cheat is a big mistake.
Hehe yeah I spy on things here every now and then. :) Even played one prac recently after 6 or 7 years of break, I totally sucked btw and lost my way in this one map I don't even know the name of, felt so pro.

Imo if Abj got caught because a malware, it is very likely that there should be other cases like his also. Or does he know some porn sites others don't? :) But yeah this is speculative at best, player pool is quite small nowadays.
omg tiigeri omg
And 3on3's are a lousy games to base the accusation of someone cheating (especially wh). There are places in maps where u can expect people to come from (and u know where the head hit box is gonna be) and less spam to avoid while doing that (compared to 6on6). So you just sit and wait and track air and press the trigger with the right timing. When you get killed immediately you see somebody and the somebody has been expecting you to come from that certain spot, it sure does feel for you that your killer is cheating.
pfff, newschooler
Dark times for the crossfire community! Will ohurcool reveal the evidence? After that will CGAC be trusted or the cheatcoder will tryhard to bypass this sick AC for this sick active game? We'll see in this journal or the next, stay tuned.
[15:44] <Abject> nice headset
Luki dostał bana zaraz po zainstalowaniu windowsa czyli miał na kompie tylko przeglądarkę i ET :D
i na chuj mu ta przegladarka byla :/ jak sie chce grac w et na cgac to czysty windows + et (najlepiej z wlaczona krwia na fulla, bez configu, skryptow, minimizerow itd)
i haksa ktorego sciagnal, a nie zapomnialem, jakby mial haxa to by wszystkim o tym powiedzial :(
2much 2read, I read the comments instead
where killerboy^^^^
Probably chilling out with M1st3r on Malta.
So many Poland defending him lol

posting because Finland legend posting in here and lol malwareproof
Finland nicon hasn't posted yet meight
if you think the AC is wrong you should play without it and without cgag or how the fuck is called that crap. Rest is just pointless whine
u're impressive brother,
u rly read that shit? :X:d:x:/D/d:x:/D
ofc i didnt, i just wanted to spam something :XD
Get that virus on your own computer, play some games & find out
Did u really link an autodownload to an virus to this post??????
dafuq my mobile phone downloaded when I clicked on that virus screen, some porn and "free download" lol what omg #freemental
its a normal screenshot. Nice phone u have
"Maybe in primary school, I would believe in such thing. What if I told you, when someone uses cheat and he is banned for using it, his memory isn’t wiped like in “Men in Black” so actually he can still tell his mates that cheat is detected. Crazy stuff huh?"
QuoteTo be honest,if it would have been Polandmeehow I wouldn’t even lift a finger.

Best part
forever misunderstood :(
don't worry, i'll be part of the #FREEMEEHOW movement if needed
Just hope for the sake of keepin crossfire.nu alive and funny place, the ban will still
ye he ban him coz he is abject
geen action pen ahahaauw
Nee Bruna stift jwz
haha got same gear :D pro stuff
ciesz sie i uszami klaskaj
no ciesze sie, a ty co zazdroscisz czy jak ? :D
I absolutely love those headphones.
what's the name of these headphones ?

plot twist: this is a hoax created by Timbolina, DDD & Cybergamer ET crew to spike the interest of the community before LAN

On a serious note I never felt like anyone from your team cheated and that's based on multiple 3on3/6on6 pracs & officials.
since when cgac i capable of detecting that u turned off your cheat?
inb4 cwelac solar posts cgac source code and rips this whole shit
He's just 1 player!. Banned without proof. Let him play at LAN, more $ to win. End.
I am struggling to work this out. You are mad because they won't give you "proof" that he was using some sort of 3rd party program? Does that not then fall under like giving away details of a client to the public? At the end of the day, this guy who was caught agreed to the terms and conditions and I presume somewhere in them it will say something about this situation. If it doesn't, the programmer of the anti cheat really needs help as he needs small print.
They think saying what exact cheat was he caught with aka what isn't CGACproof anymore will do harm and reveal shit about how CGAC is actually working.
guys really its just a game...
if it were any other game someone who got banned would just register a new account :(
not on pro lvl but ye here its a bit harder coz of maybe 100 active players
exactly, getting banned is like rip
I wonder does ET even have anymore private hacks :ddd who would like to code hacks to this game anymore?
lemme help u out brother

image: blue-whale-o
QuoteStaying with a cheater status can be really depressing for the player who spent a lot of time praccing in our game

hahah what the fuck
co tam gorylku, dalej we wrocku rezydujesz?
od marca jakos na stale juz!
oh, i thought he only had cgac runnin, started/quit the cheat, then went into the game?!
oh my god how often do I have to reiterate:

Serious business, not allowing a player to go to a fucking ET lan party in 2015.
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