top online fps game

sup eurofags,

after playing swtor all this time, i want to also play some fps game.

which fps game consider the most active, with leagues, rank games etc

you know, like et once was :XD

doesn't matter if its free or cost money :~>
most likely cs:go
dirty bomb will be good when it's back online
Dirty Bomb will fail miserably
Possibly, but can only wait! I enjoyed playing it so far, nice team based fps
The characters ruined it
Haven't gone through half of them yet :D
Just go back for SWTOR, PC fps game scene has died
also started with swtor again :s if u dont like csgo then u wont find any good fps game
Evolve! Launched 2 days ago.
That game is awesome! I love the need for teamplay in this one!
CS:GO's ingame peak today was close to 396,000 players and the unique player count from the last month is 5.5 million.

Avg. Players = average number of players ingame at the same time, you can see by the graph that the game has risen with insane numbers and is continuing to do so.
the numbers of players just increased cuz of the big et community image: twitchtv_emote_faces70

e: but its rly insane Oo
idd! bought another account today too x)
csgo and me im playing sf2 on esl and they have EPS coming on it in 2 months , the game is growing up but yea at the moment cs go is the top fps for activity , tournament ect .....
far cry 3-4, cs:go, dying light
I guess Battlefield Hardline will be pretty active when it comes out.
If you are very motivated to play some team fps game, then you should go with TF2 .
Nothing else even slightly interesting that is alive or out yet afaik.

If you pick CSGO be prepared for a community 10 times worse than CS 2002≤, which might make you concider posting controversial pictures on the subreddit of moots new family forum instead.

if you go with CSGO things like this happens regularly and might bring you laughter or something, and the game itself is pretty decent too.
ok so after considerations, i will play cs:go.

i understand its steam game and it cost money to play, is there a way to buy the cdkey and the client as standalone without the shitty steam?!
why is steam shitty?
i love having control over my system, and the steam client can put my pc in a vulnerability and i cba to maintain that
also there are prolly services and process that running in the background :~>
it's simply useless :xd
have fun playing on your own then, you're not gonna run cs without steam if you want to play on non-cracked servers :P

not sure if the whole VAC system actually works without steam, guess not
steam is shitty cuz it doesn't bomb children rofl :XD
what about dirty bombs?
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