CS Cup reschedule/cancel

Unfortunately, unless someone wants to take over the project as admin, the cup will have to reschedule(preferably) or cancel :(

Due to me unexpectedly having to go to the hospital for surveillance over the weekend I won't be able to host the cup this Sunday. Which really sucks for everyone who wanted to participate but also for myself as I was looking forward to it and preparing things. I've spoken with FRAGWISE and I will give the server IP's they provided to some of the captains, in case no one wants to take over host/admin duties, that way people can play among themselves throughout the day as somewhat of a compromise. Again sorry to those who cleared their day for it.
Captains(or others) if you want to use one of the servers let me know on steam so I can give you IP and passwords.
keep the cup, dont cancel it, just reschedule
reschedule or try to find someone hosting it
Hope everything works out.

e: with whatever the reason you need to visit the hospital, fuck video games.
nterror pracced so hard for this so they even forgot about ET CF cup and now you are cancelling it :S
Come back stronger Remy <3 <3
Haha like I said, it's for surveillance so im not that worried, apparently my new medication been fucking with the health of my heart(best english lel, dunno better words) so they want to monitor it over the weekend,, just sucks it had to be this weekend
hah from somewhere i know this story, oh wait its also mine :D
Good luck there, been running around hospitals/doctors for the last 3weeks... Take care
I feel you, been there also
I feel you, been there also
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