Lizzard one-day cup

We noticed the ET community is still going strong.
Take for example the LAN event where many people signed up for.
To increase the activity of the competive scene even further we´ll try to arrange a prize cup.
We are an upcoming e-sports provider (Atleast thats what we hope :) ) we might make cups for other games aswell soon.
ET is our first go so please be patience with us.

Update: CGAC is forced in every game. If you however experience problems you can contact us through irc. We'll judge each case individualy.

The date of the cup: 01.03.15
Sign-ups untill: 20:00 GMT+1
Check-in untill: 19:30 - 20:00 GMT+1
Check ins: Teams can check in by leaving a message to one of the admins. #lizzardcup
Team format: 3on3


- Side is allowed.
- A demo must be made of EVERY game you play. You need the be able to provide us with every demo when we ask for it.
- Spectators are allowed if both teams agree.
- The team has 15 minutes to show, otherwise the other team will win by forfeit.
- Banned CG people are not allowed to play.
- If there is a tie, a decider will be played. (coin-toss vote)
- You are allowed to play with no admin present. If however a problem accurs contact us through irc.
- Both teams need to confirm their score. /q Starcookie or Nokia on irc channel #Lizzardcup
- Mercs are allowed but need to be in your team at cybergames. You cannot play for an other team if your team lost already.
- Use common sense
- We have the last say in everything.
- CGAC is mandatory at every match.

Map pool:

• adlernest
• supply
• braundorf_b4
• sw_goldrush_te
• frostbite
• et_ice
• erdenberg_t1
• sp_delivery_te


1. 75 euro
2. 50 euro
3. 25 euro

The prizes can be given through paypal only, sorry about that.
We know it's not much but atleast its something ;)

Schedule (This might can change anytime as we have no idea how many sign-ups we will get, for example a round will be added)
Round 1: Supply
Round 2: Aldernest
Round 3: Sw_goldrush_te
Round 4: both team pick a map (Final/semifinal best of 3) ETTV

Germany Starcookie
Germany Nokia
Netherlands Sebhes

Sign up link: Join Lizzard e-sports ODC
  • Make sure you join as "Community team" and not as "PC team".
  • Game picked should be: ET Lizzard e-sports ODC
  • Press the "Join ladder" button afterwards to finalize your sign up.
Please pay attention to these steps. This is quiet important and often goes wrong.
In this crossfire post it is explained how to sign up for a familiar competition: How to sign up?

We deeply appreciate suggestions/questions, We can't be idle 24/7 on irc so if you have a burning question post below.
This gonna be pllayed without CGAC ?
Yes, CGAC can´t be used on any match outside cybergames, so we have no other choice.
Cheatfest incoming gg :)). But anyway gl with the cup. Nice to see prizepoll for odc.
You can create a league to enable cgac support.
Cybergamer dont support one day cups
CGAC would not ban right away anyway, and we´ll notice when an unkown has an unbelieve skill boost.
Yes, I highly recommend to have word with ohurcool especially since you got money prizes.
Aw, we´ll try to contact him.
Thank you
Member for 0 days and lives @ Anonymous, possibly an old banned member, may be not... but good luck, hope it works, for you :)
+ using a proxy
it's "through" ... THROUGH :D

and try what dexxx wrote. a league @ cgac

and gl!
Since there is fag map like erdenberg, why not add also tc_base and ufo too?
Host it one week week later and I'll help you organizing this cup with CGAC.
If u already intend to make it money involved the rather do it on a 6on6 format, even tho i prefer 3on3 over 6on6, The fact that there's so many random trash in 3on3 makes it pointless to invest any kind of money and hosting without any kind of anticheat. On the other side, a simple mix of randoms vs some semi decent team in 6on6 wont really have any proper chance, if we exclude supply as a map.

Would be smart idea to talk to ohurcool considering any kind of CGAC support, even if its not instant, its still better than having nothing at all, if u want to give some prizes out.
6on6 is bad idea because maybe 5-6 teams participating
Its posted week in advance, thus giving anyone thats willing to participate enough time to look for a team or create one, shouldn't take that much hustle to gather up 6 ppl.
Yes meaningless random mix teams when true teams like Erase or DDD obv win money.
i rather see them winning money than a random trash cheating 3on3 team.
If cgac is mandatory even for those who claims it crashes it lowers the risk.
Hey Aniky,

We have talked to Sebhes and he is willing to help us out with the CGAC, however the ODC will be postponed one week.
We had multiple reasons for not picking 6on6. In the current state of ET their will be one 6on6 team who just blow all teams away. Also their are alot more 3on3 teams then 6on6. Our third reason was that the prizes are to low for 6on6. The first price would be (75/6=) around 12 euro for every player. We wanted to give the feeling that the players actually won something.
I like your thinking and totally agree with you and glad to hear that sebhes is willing to help.
ET really isnt in a state that community would demand some kind of big prize pool, most of the ppl that stick here thro years are simply playing it cus of either friends or enjoyment playing this game, the prize pool is just some kind of bonus added to the cup, which in all honest opinion is irrelevant. Tbh at this point, there really isnt any outstanding 6on6 team that would be superior among others, there's at least 4 teams that could put a battle between each other and u couldnt mark a winner before the game.

At the end, decision is on u, just make some kind of proper rules regarding anti cheat policy and random trash ppl.
What u mean? Prize pool is all that matters to me. According to xfire I have played 4247 hours and with prize of 75e/3 = 25e my hourly salary would be enormous and ET no longer waste of time.
What i mean is, that for any decent skilled player out there that has been playing for a while, that prize pool is irrelevant whenever or not he will participate in the tournament, mostly due to having other schedules on that day or anything else, it doesn't really matter, there has been tons of cups that were played with a high amount of teams, yet there weren't any prize pools included. Like i already said before, its just an additional bonus for the ppl that care about those couple of bucks.
And I was making a joke. If I cared about prize money I would have switched cs:go long ago
U should work on ur sarcasm then, didnt detect it :s
Well if you consider hourly salary of 0,005€ enormous salary then it is understandable you can't recognize it as sarcasm.
Teams can now sign up on the Cybergamer website. Please pay attention to the steps explained in this post about how to sign up. CGAC will be mandatory in this cup. Having troubles with CGAC? Please contact one of the admins in #lizzardcup. We will judge each case separately.
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