CS:go fun team gogo

Hello there,

I wanna try out CS:go on a low-mid fun skill level in some clan games. Who wants to build a casual fun game team? You need to be avi at least during one evening per month!
P.S. I shoot some serious HS's with desert eagle.
Add: vanchief
None plays with cock suckers.
That's not what your mom said
What did you say?
QuoteYou need to be avi at least during one evening per month!

hah this fit perfect to fuchs and me :D
hah sounds great, and swedish people are usually easy going fellows so good good :)
pm me ur steam profile in private
Me and panda avi - Add potty200 for games :)
csgo and fun in the same sentence, i believe this is grammatically incorrect
In past 6 months I found csgo to be more fun than ET, it's not that bad actually
If you get a good bunch of players, same as in ET
Less of a hassle to find a game, it still feels fresh, enjoyable when playing with nice people. Try playing it alone with russian kids, you wouldnt touch it again if you had no friends to play it with
most of the time I play with my buddies from ET, but it's not like solo queuing is pain all the time. In fact, 2/3 of solo games are just fine, even with russians/germans (not all of them are complete ignorant bastards). And when it is sometimes unbearable I just switch to ESEA/FaceIT, and I am good to go again.
playing it actively?
depends on definition of "actively" - playing it almost daily, but nothing close to being as serious as I was in ET couple of years ago.
lies. I hate the game :( I just play it for the sake of playing something. The company is nice, but the game itself is just atrocious. :P
Wont say its more fun than ET, but its a nice game. 2 bad I can only reach 40-50 fps :(
lOl, even I can get 70-80 on the smaller ones! just put everything really low
Did that already, helped for like 5-10 :p Searched on google etc as well. Only thing I can conclude is that my laptop (HP Pavilion g6) is just not strong enough to run this game on decent fps :p
probeer dit eens: http://csgo.gamebanana.com/scripts/7633
werkte bij mij! mijn laptop is ook ~2 jaar oud, had t zelfde probleem met unstable fps, sommige maps zelfs 20/30 fps. Nu komt die niet lager dan 80 en zo goed als stable op de meeste maps!
Thx, I'll try it when I'm back home :)
np, let me know if it worked :>
omg Tiigeri omg
I want :~<
if you also want me, what details do you need? :~>
ur steam name
thanks :~>

we gonna bust some heads together!
Yes! I learned the principle of counter strafe during the weekend! Now I can give even more hs's after I also learn it in practice. Altho I think I'm getting too old for those moves! :)
i advice using this player config: fnatic


my hs ratio has been increased by far :oXD
thanks for the tip, i've been playing with pretty much the basic config :D just turning mouse acc etc. off, haven't had time to look into config stuff. Where can u see the hs count? :o
i dont know tbh where, i just insta hs every player out there :{D

btw why most csgo players are russians lol
Dunno but they surely are annoying..

Hope that cfg doenst make the game look too ugly, I'm not in the pro game mode anymore, want to look it pretty hahah. :)
Lol @cs aim, you just point the gun at them and they die, first competitive game ever 25/13. This game is easy fun. Team thougt I'm noob tho when I was asking "what do you mean by long?" "follow who?" "who has the bomb, oh I do?". But well we won. :)
The worst part when I first started (only since December :D) was when people called you by colours, took me about 6 games to realise each person is assigned a colour when you join comp
When you reach the top ranks, it wont be that easy anymore.
global elite BW has spoken
neva GE, sup max
Don't worry, I wont!
I would like to go back to the first 10matches and try to get my ak back lol... it's painful to go through every rank and then derank because of inactivity, it's a joke :(
oh yeah? I was pwwning too much and have to wait now 20h before I can win again. :/
you'll be allowed to win 2 or 3 matches a day untill you get your first rank, so better be patient :P
Silly stuff, the system let me play only two games. Tomorrow I'm gonna lose first two to speed things up. :)
I think the cooldown varies, or at least it is with my right now. Played 4 games yday (lost 1 vs MG2) and still don't have my cooldown period. Usually had one on my 4th and 7th
when I created my alt account 3 months ago, this "new account cooldown" was working like this:
- max 2 wins a day until you have rank (10 wins needed for rank)
- as long as you are loosing, no cooldown is issued
- cooldown period starts silently counting since first win, after you win second time in 24 hours, you will receive a cooldown until the time since first win; so if there are 4 hours separating your 2 wins in a day, you will "only" wait for another 20 hours to be able to play another match
- after 10 competitive wins, you can win as many games a day as you are humanly capable of :)

unless devs changed something since then, it still works like that.
no idea if anything has changed! I've had 3 wins in 24hrs so far, lost 1 last night and took a look this morning and able to play another if I wanted.

just trying to get my rank again, silver sucks too much x)
obviously that does not apply for people whose rank is just temporarily hidden, as soon as you reached 10 wins, no cooldown for winning will be issued, no matter for how long you had been inactive.
yeah, this is a new acc, haven't got my rank yet :>
You dont derank through inactivity.
Tell that to CS:GO ranking then
Domi is right, you won't derank, but after longer inactivity your rank will be temporarily hidden (but your ELO points will stay the same). Then you just need to play couple of games to get it shown again - deranking during those games does not mean that your rank was lowered because of inactivity.
You lose your rank after 1 month without playing tho
Yes, and you gain it back by winning one game or 2. So you won't lose anything, it goes hidden.
You dont lose it, it just gets hidden. Win 1 game and you have it back.
I bet you're silver in this game also, noob :D
ofc not bro :D
Wait till you aren't playing against newbies anymore. Such a naive comment to make to be honest.
Sorry Lordii, I think you left your sarcasm detector behind. :)
Yes, it was obviously sarcasm.
I'm sorry my friend if you cannot notice that I'm laughing to myself in the whole comment.
:D You are talking if Tiigeri was playing first time ever FPS games online.

Nyt ois oikeesti aika mennä roskiin
I'm not the one talking that way, he is. Are you an idiot?

Tuu käymään Hyvinkäälle niin mennään kaljalle ja voit sanoa näitä samoja asioita sitten kasvotusten, jos enään sillon tekee niin mieli tehä. If you catch my drift.
Sun aivoton seura tekis mut aivokuolleeksi, no thx. If you catch my drift, doubt you do though.
Sounds like the exact words what a 50 kg skinny virgin would say when confronted.
Or then again, check your reply again and think it through once more, maybe you will find whats a bit off in it.
Your replies are giving me cancer, ebola and AIDS at the same fucking time.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
ok boys, play nice now.
I liked it in the beginning too, but i lack the patience
- First 15 sec to get to some position
- wait there for 30-60 seconds (what the hell is the enemy doing in this time??)
- if ur lucky some1 will come around the corner ur looking at. If ur not, u can walk back to the other side of the map and hope to get some action there
- repeat 16-30 times
hehe that's so true :D
Yeah I suppose it's kind of like that. But as I understand it can very tactical on high level also. I assume that the defences are not easy to break if the defenders know their stuff. Anyway, feels silly to comment further with my two game experience haha. :) But overall impression is that the game feels a lot simpler than ET for example.
also, the reply button is broken
Just started like 2 weeks ago. If i miss the first 1 or 2 bullets my aim goes downhill quickly, just cant get used to the shooting and spray :[[[[[
pm scatman, he used to be a highskilled et player so he's probably pro at csgo as well
Huh I suck in this game! Close range I'm doing ok but shooting mid+ range is still horrible, too much ET-style haha. But after one week of playing I got accused for the first time of using WH during a comp, so I guess I'm on the right track. After few funny predictions silvers were getting really mean and one quit server. :(
Stuck in Lem :(
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