#FREEABJ and cu@lan!

Cmons guys, lets help our mate and be a part of #freeabj !

image: 10984832_878370068851171_1897754621_n
typical polak
FreeAbj© is indeed a nice brand name for a toilet paper.
jerk off magazine on photo
I think you can keep doing this for days
thats what we expect from league admin, keep it on.
LOL :D eventhough this is very funny, it is at the same time very racist.. and for the first time i agree with nejm.
Woah, how anyone should believe in ur words if u are so ignorant and retarded?
Was that intentionally ironic?
so funny retard
if this only small piece of teeshirt hide ur peewee then i have bad news for u bro
I spotted a vagina

e: find waldo
Socks and sandals?
thought the same :D as if white socks alone are not bad enough ROFL :D
these ain't sandals. do you wear sandals when you are at home? these are called slippers hence socks
There are home slippers and pool slippers, and that just looks silly
Who cares what you wear when you are on your own home? If he finds it comfortable that's good enough I suppose
haha nice shirt bro
No one wonders who took that picture? #freeAbj
Bet u had to steal entire year to save up for those Calvin Klein underwear rofl.
Could you please stop your racist comments towards polish people already? I know that this particular community is full of polish retards (though there are also some exceptions) but this is no reason to offend the entire population. I have seen these kind if comments from you more often already and its not really needed dude :(
And if we are honest people from your country arent really in a position to look down on people like that.
No offence to you.
Lost cause, I'm glad to see you can be kind even towards the top tier faggot around.
No offence to you aniky.
dokladnie! typ sie panoszy jakby nie wiadomo kim byl
That isn't racism :(
Yes, the polish race.
Although being Polish is more a nationality or ethnicity, the terms race and ethnicity are nowadays often being used interchangeably. Therefore, Im sure that everybody got my point.. But hey, at least you are an arrogant smartarse..
How is that racism, shall we go check statistics and see that i actually aint using any racism? Im simply stating what i feel and afaik, this is still freedom of speech so i can honestly write what ever the fuck i want about whoever the fuck i want. Particular? In every game theres at least 95% of polish retards that should be prohibited from even having internet connection. Eh cant really compare situation at my country and Poland so we better not even start that.
Even if we're prohibited from having an internet connecting, you'll be here, so it doesn't matter.
he is gonna need a strong bodyguard ;D
For a random dumb polak? dude are u halucinating or smth?
another inet hero great.. then go to the lan and face them? or r u too scared?

this adminteam full of retards
Why do u put your nose into other ppl bussines at first place? What internet hero are u talking about? Just dont even bother to reply if u have nothing smart to say at first place and if ur comment is completely out of the case here...
This comment is just retarded. There are as much retards in ur country than in Poland, its just that there are more polish players playing this game so obviously there will be also more retards. It's same for France, its same for every country. It's a bit like saying that there are countries full of smart and adult people lol.
Maybe in a milion years or so, but not even close... good effort tho
there is no point in explaining such things to retards, they wont understand anyway
polak calling other ppl retards, oh the irony.
if i say "i hate niggers" iam stating what i feel, but still it is racism. Flaming the whole polish nation is ofc no racism since there is no polish race. But still everyone should be able to get silents point. You might read his reply to domi.
I have no idea why it's so bad in this community. I rarely see so much hate towards polish people anywhere else. I just got used to it and ignore these people. Most of them are just ignorant nerds while the rest are trolling.
Everywhere else the hate is towards russians
It's not racism mate, its xenophobia
fucking amazing :'D
my god isnt it mid winter where you live in your dump of a country? Take the faggot sandals with socks look off
Kim jest ten ziejący grozą i żądzą odwetu na wrogach, napompowany przeskurwysyn ze zdjęcia?
omg Xd he wear sandal + socks (white lmfaolol) xD in house xxd
Dude, your male genitals are very tiny :/..
how u know did my wife posted my pics on facebook ?
Dude u didn't see anything under your theeshirt, and i bet that piece of theeshirt is only 3cm long :<
man... this is lisa ann XD go study porno site !
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