Toxikk , new game early access on steam

Hi ET's community , i just found this game when i watched a stream on & it's on early access atm on steam

It has the same movements as ET/Unreal tournament & has good graphics , also the gameplay seems interesting.
Unfortunatly there's not any e-sport on it at the moment (probably because it's too early) , maybe some of you guys might be interested !

Check the gameplay here :

It seems interesting that's why i'm talking about it here ;)

Cu around !
Fucking ridiculous shit robot etc design, next
Well , there is tons of FPS about world war 2 & world war 1 , you should go ahead bro
just ignore this kind of "human"

looks interesting
Name some decent ones for me, besides MOH :)
cod1/cod2 were good ones , with e-sport & so on , there's also red orchestra which is good but no e-sport on it
Cool, will keep an eye out for the ostfront 41-45 if it goes on sale
I think Reflex is a more intriguing game. Waiting for a little more fixes before I buy it.
Reflex = Q3CPM 2.0
Toxikk = UT clone
Exactly this. Reflex also looks more interesting to me, but when it comes down to it, both are essentially exactly the same arena shooters we all know. So if you didn't get excited about CPMA or UT in the past, you probably won't like these either.
quake in hd
I can't wait!!!
to not play it!!!
unreal engine, i'll pass.
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