DIABLO 3 season 2

Playing alone atm, quite boring. Post ur TAG and i'll add you.

Got ~T3 WD. Hard to play alone, well not hard, but its not that good as a solo. Would be nice to do some rifts with the group.

I also need boost for my monk 1-70lvl.


E. my tag: Jooa#2320

Dunno when I'll play, leveled seasonal Monk to 70 but cba to farm rifts yet.

Tho I'm playing non-season atm. Maybe next season :P
jebany low! tez gram w d3 na ns, jak chcesz to mozna cos pyknac razem #dnl2419
what are seasons?
Jos oot pelannu D2, ni vähän sama ku ladderit. Eli kaikki alottaa nollasta.
interesting. why start again tho? even farming monk same res shit gear seemed so incredibly time taking i just quited. no way in hell i start that again.
new kind of gear to farm.
Would love to give it a 2nd try, since i pretty much gave up on the first try after getting bored as fk.
Yeah, i think this is going to be boring in few weeks, like every time :D
Well i don't even know where i had my head while buying that game with expansion all together, knowing that i dont last playing most of the games for more than two weeks straight before getting bored of it, Diablo 3 was no exception at that. Guess it's just lasts longer if u actually have a group of ppl to play with, which makes it kind of more interesting and joyful to spend hours into some game and not get completely bored of it.
D3 is boring no matter what, D2 all the way
Still too bad, could've been a good game if Blizzard gave a fuck.
this season shit is just annoying, come to play great rift in normal. Got 567 Monk... JACKSONASD#2817
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