Where your mouth is

End of Februari is only a little over a week away and so far too few teams have paid up. If you want this lan to happen, then simply put your money where your mouth is. It's that simple.

This lan, this moment... This is most likely the last time you will ever see an ET lan about to happen, so pay up and let's have a great time over there.
some teams maybe frustrated about the situation with CGAC
what does CGAC have to do with this lan?
nothing but randoms are crying a river because a known player happens to be busted recently. So hypocritism at it's finest, they blame the anticheat
that has nothing to do with the lan itself.. its different admins, and im pretty sure every captain/team will allow Abj or so to play there..
wich is what i am saying!
Thank fuck captains/teams don't make decisions
U've got no plan :) but that doesn't matter at all, cuz you're too young for this event anyways!
cheaters on Lan ? ...
its maybe not the CGAC thing itself i see the problem the admins dont give a fuck to show proofs or just explain what happend -- the only thing i heared was -- when we say what he was using the cheater can say others for what he was busted what is detected (like he do not know what he was using) very logical
What does that have to do with LAN? Should we have waited until after the LAN to ban cheaters so nobody would have any excuses to dodge?
i do not want to protect abject nor i am his mate - i played with and vs him some times and i never had the feeling he is / was cheating -- the thing i am disappointed about is the way he was treated - this could happen to everyone - we all know from the past AC made mistakes people got banned for nothing - maybe in this case the history repeats ---- its not like he a well known cheater from the past or a skillboost noname - he is playing on the higher level for some time now without beeing catched by previous AC -- maybe this AC is the best we ever had maybe -- but no evidence were showed for his ban and all his post got ignored by the admins -- and this is sad - we are not 16 years old children anymore - maybe its true what he wrote about in his posts
and btw even if u tell us what kind of cheat he used and all guys which are using the same one will know its detectable the only thing what will happen is they will stop using it and this is what its all about
combo breaker!

Pay up bitches!
Calm down Ronner, you might strain something from all the excitement.
I'd rather not try you, thank you very much. Not into old men.
old men..... tsk
Well you are old. Can't deny that.
You need to redefine your definition of old
Anything over 25 is old.
I think it's you who need to redefine your definition of old. We're all getting there but at some point you just need to look in the mirror and realize that you're a fucking old fart.
60+.. that's starting to become old. early 40's is nowhere near old. But as soon as your testicles have finally sunk in you'll realize that as well.
he is retarded, thats the one and only definition!
Looking at your flabby arms, I'm guessing you play bingo ??
QuoteThis is most likely the last time you will ever see an ET lan about to happen

first time I heard that..
cu in 2 weeks

I remember "arguing" with you 5~ years ago about a hockey match(fin-cze) and we even played against each other at a CB tournament at some point. For some reason it just feels nice seeing comments made by you here every now and then.

I guess this game will never fully die out.
Even in times I don't play at all I visit crossfire. It's the community that has me I guess. Seeing all those ppl I spent so much time with, be it ingame or on this site, it's just awesome we still somehow stick together. It's all kind of people you can discuss basically anything with. Love it.
Can't really say I remember us playing against each other, though I find it very likely. The hockey is another matter though. Think it was in year 2010 hockey championship when we in the end won against you after penalty shootout.
Yes, ET must never die. ET means too much for us.
I hope the LAN goes ahead, I really do. If it does I want to head over to say goodbye to some people I have met over the years as last time it didn't feel like it was the last ever ET LAN. It just felt like another ET LAN and then another one would follow 12 months or so later.

Would love to go to Enschede one more time. So many memories but don't talk to anyone to reminisce anymore :(
To be honest I nearly forgot about it due to the lack of updates and stuff.
There are currently no updates. Everything you need to know can be found here: http://www.crossfire.nu/news/8650/et-reborn-lan-payments
Talking to teams on a daily basis. Many teams are still need of one or two players. They know about the deadline and it's now up to them to make it happen. Tbh, got good faith that this will happen. People like to wait the last moment to pay.
Als er echt een team is dat echt een 6e nodig heeft die 100% zeker gaat, ben ik avi! zo zijn er vast wel meer mensen! Hoe ver zit je nu met singups etc?
Dat moet je niet tegen mij zeggen, maar tegen de teams zelf. Realiteit is dat als je wat wil bereiken je zelf actie zal moeten ondernemen, verwacht niet dat teams bij jou aan de deur kloppen met de vraag of je geïnteresseerd bent voor ze te spelen. Extra sign ups zijn altijd welkom. Stroop die mouwen op en vorm een 3on3/6on6 team. Mocht je nog info nodig hebben over teams of hun situatie kan je me bereiken via app.

guys, build up your teams and let us have a nice weekend once again! its not too hard!!
if u need some help with anything (hotels, drive, what ever) feel free to pm me or some other guy who has some experience


So what about:
DDD ? (Just because of Abj? Let him come and paly there^^, u guys had the biggest talks about coming there and now? DODGERS?!)
rockit? (Last update I had is that they come, but some say they are thinking about not coming?????)
Oxy's/toxic's team? (didnt u want to form something too?)
razz,chry? (COME ON!!!!!)
insanes team? (PAY!!!)
erase? (PAY!!!)
TAG? (they had a lineup but one or two went to other teams? dont lose your motivation because of this LIGHTNING<3)
8bits/Testis Team? (Can't imagine its so hard to find players - GO FOR IT!)
... they were still rumours about other mixes (french, belgium, nl, ...)


E: It might also safe us abit online stuff just as seeding tournaments, mroe active cups and so on! You just need to move your asses!! :)
we gonna pay at the end of february, chill
good initiative:)
bet theres alot of good accommodations around the city.
there is, even inside (but we for example are having our sleeping place as always in boekelo)

but logica was always okish and they made good amounts for the lan players and also the eden hotel (which is expensive but the nearest)
also quite hillarious that 20+ players are searching for a team but no one wants to play with eachother or no one forms a team.
I tried forming a team and contacted players whether they'd be interested in joining.
You know how many responses I got?

Face it, ET's full of shitheads - they rather not go to LAN than play with a mix team just for fun.

Same if you're looking for a team, to be honest. I contacted a few teams whom I knew were recruiting, and either you get no answer at all, or they just try to avoid having to say no. Hell - some of these teams/players actually think they have a chance of winning something. Instead of giving players who are actually genuinely willing to play a chance, they wait for "the best possible guy" to fill up on their ego-infested dickfest.
... thats not so cool :/ can understand you for sure! don't give up.. maybe get in touch with eron and so, heard they are forming something too?!
Nah, I've honestly lost my motivation to go at all.
I gave up on forming a team as I didn't get replies from anyone (I have better ways to spend my time than going after people who apparently aren't motivated). As for teams; I have messaged about 6 teams (including eron).
: /

not fair!
u got my response and u not even awnsered it
it always the same -- clans/teams searching for players -- free players write to them but they never get an anwser -- like its so hard to anwser no sorry ur too low or we dont want you
I'm pretty sure I did? :(
still avi for this
I really don't have any motivation in going anymore, to be honest
come on mate :) !
Speaking from experience, It is very hard to trust people you have not really played with ever to turn up. I took a chance with a team I built before. The only person I knew who would show up was ronner. I had no idea on Lampje, greenclon or Malfoy.

Most people searching for a team have never been to an event. I am motivated enough to go with a team but not make one from scratch.
#BringBackChocomel #ChocomelWebcamParty #ChocomelHats
If they was looking for a shoutcast/stream I'd probably commit to it - Given that I am not working that weekend.

I have just been to Amsterdam and stocked up on chocomel so I am happy for now! :)

(Plus I cannot practice online as I get weird FPS drops. I am also busy with dirtybomb)
Well, I don't know how is the deal with Merlin since I didn't talk to anyone for some time, but there was something that he would be streaming from home or something, surely it would be better if the streamer was in place in Enschede? (I remember the streaming with Owzo at KaosTV which was at the Sage lan I think and he always/sometimes had some co-casters [you & meez were there I think?] which was awesome)....
Yeah, but that was when ET was a little more active. I guess they don't have enough PC space or anything to set up live streams from the lan itself. I also don't think there will be hundreds of people tuning in.
how is dirty bomb?
Back online to the public yesterday. Improved but a long way to go yet
ET community
Anyone in need of a rifle, reviving medic or eng smg? Didnt play ET for a while but still know the maps and got the same mouse I used at previous lans.Wont be able to prac but can drink beers.
Well spoken d&b Ronner ;) would like to make it happpen once more but no can do on the 20th dec my beautiful daughter came to the world and im (was) workless till march . But i wish all fun and hope for you the lan gonna happen :)
no team to go with
ronner for president
Have fun ronnerski
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