Demos pls

Could you guys share some demos for me to play around with :(
I would like to edit something but don't have any material.. so yeah, contribute :p
Ask ipod, or if you have xfire: flawless2858
Sent you 5 demos, waiting movie in 1 week. gg
Why? Tell me why?
Why for heaven's sake would he use your demos?
Why would A-NY-ONE use your demos?

What's the different if Kapot, Bobika or you sent demo's?
Let me tell you, mate. Nothink, nadda, NULL, nothing.
Comparable with your accomplishments. A bit rude, I admit. Nevertheless so true.

Well to be honest, you should have seen this comment from miles and miles and miles and miles and miles and miles.... away...
Why still post such a crappy comment? I mean, I rather go watch some porn, than to watch your videos.
And even if we would use it, we have to edit like 99% of the video(s) (my delete button doesn't work, therefore I have to edit for 99% that crap what you called life, I mean demo's.)

Oh man, just talking about that porn makes me so mad that I'm wasting time with these words, instead of watching some nice porn.

Oh well, I wish we could ctrl+alt+delete you (for MAC users: ctrl+alt+delete is equal to throwing your MAC out of the window.). But at least we need a crappy admin on irc.

Btw: how did you ever get those admin privileges?
Wait, lets see if you can connect the dots:
I was talking about porn, than asked you this question. What is the connection?

Think hard...


YESI You can actually think! You are so right, for once!
I was referring to your nasty BJ. Oh man, your parents would be so proud of you. Damn son, hell yeah!
But I heard, they dropped you on your head during childbirth? That, of course would explain a lot!

Oh well, HellFAG out.
u cant use ur own demos becuz u have cheats on in them?
hello Zeeta aka Rapusti
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