CWELAC needs you!

New stable(?) beta is finished of CWELAC software, we are looking for players willing to test it if it works fine.
Detection methods are disabled, only custom SS is working atm (improved with gamma correction, check: Example SS).
ET has to be run with administrator privilages.

SS is generated as a .jpeg file with date, timestamp and 8 digit guid displayed of total 32 digit guid:

Example SS:

Client cvars:
/ac_players (Please check it if guid is generated for your ID)

Server cvars:
/ac_ss [client id]

Test Server:




Thank you guys.
Nie Pozdrawiam.
Wracaj na, na jest zbyt niebezpiecznie!
nice, gl
03:10... nice life
I found a command /ac_s and it crashes the game.

*removed by request of Sol*

Quote----- CL_Shutdown -----
Stopped demo.
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
RE_BeginFrame() - glGetError() failed (0x501)!

Thanks for the info. Tommorow we are going to work on it. Keep up the good work.
Anyway after clicking "ok" it's going back to game again - at least for me...
To be clear the cvar I saw was "/ac_s", not "/ac_ss".
This command is obsolete, was used for testing reason. Already fixed.
what if someone is using aimbot? no use for screens only
Detection is currently implemented, but disabled. The stability of CWELAC software is what we are testing now. Please inform us about any malfunction.
do NC 2k16 będzie gotowe?
  1. Is there going to be a site with a ban database and screenshots?
  2. Will there be automatic screenshots too? And can the duration between shots be defined by admin?
  3. Is there any way you can setup a CDN for downloads or we can use our redirects to host any of the downloads? It's a little slow. This includes whatever is being downloaded during the desktop loading bar.
1. Yes, one of our people is currently working on the website, with the database and screenshoot but it will be done and shared to public only for players who will participate in a league or competetive gaming. But not for players from public servers. Those will have their own SS folder on the server (like PB had). We will also share ban reason with evidence as it should be.
2. The automatic screenshots will work only for competetive gaming and leagues, and it wont be customly defined by admin - approximately each person will have ss after 5min (20ss for each player durring 1h of gameplay). For public server it will be possible to write such in lua_scripts by admins and their own effort. We are also open to your suggestions - feel free to ask or share your ideas about it.
3. Currently our hosting server of CWELAC has an issue with the transfer speed... In the future we are going to release public addon for server, which is compatible with all versions: 2.55/2.60/2.60b, now is compatible only with 2.60b. AC will work with most of the mods. When the addon will be released we also share more mirrors to download.
  1. Why do only league servers get it? To preserve bandwidth and storage?
  2. I suggest you let us define it to give us the freedom to configure it how we want and add unpredictability to the timing on SS for cheaters.
  3. Why are auto-screenshots only avi for competition? I thought the point of this was to work on more than just etpro?
  4. Will this be compatible with ETLegacy including self-compiled ET:L binarys?
I'm going to answer you those questions for tommorow evening. I'm going to sleep now. Take care.
1. Yes, mostly storage. Otherwise we would take payment from users to handle storage servers.
2. We were thinking about it lately, and probably we will release a lua script with automatically setup SS timer. Of course, for security reason, there will be a limit of taking SS one after another for some period of time: let say 2-5sec between screenshots.
3. As I mention above, we reconsidered that. But the SS for all public servers, will be saved on same server (as PB had), and for competetive it will be sent to the Master Server of CWELAC and also shared there to public (like TZAC had).
4. We are not planning it in this moment.
Regarding ET:L, do you mean you've thought about it and planning NOT to allow it or do you mean you haven't thought of it yet?

Would really like to see support for ETL and I think you should support et300 too because it's the other majorly used bin. Only etpro servers run etded pretty much.
ET 3.00 yes, also going to be supported, I forgot to mention about it before.
About ETL we were thinking about it, but at this moment we won't support it, and not planning to do so.
Ugh I have major issues with et300, people can use wwwdl exploit. Supposedly it's fixed but it works when I use that bin so I'm using ETLegacy self-compiled to allow .55 clients.
zydy i tak nie zaakceptuja tego projektu tym bardziej ze polak maczal w tym palce
You should do your own ladder, with this AC and another website, I guess it will bring some activity maybe.
1.Who is gonna be allowed to play among CGAC busted players? All of them? Those u want?
2.Have you considered that many players might boycott this AC just because you let CGAC busted players play the game?
3.What is gonna prevent none allowed CGAC busted players to create their own id?
For example a forever CGAC banned players is coming back, he uses fake nick and start playing ur ladder, how are you gonna do to actually know who he is.

Just being curious, the answers aren't important to my mind but might be for some others.
1. We are not rely on CGAC authenticity of the bans. Since Abject was banned - which is quite sure he wasn't cheat, at least for some group of people. Also I would question ban of sosji, even I personally argued with him because of that. The case of sosji is different, he was already banned by previous AC software. Also the suspicious thing about CGAC bans are that, they won't share any proofs. So the question comes: What if player's ET memory will be corrupted by a malicious code? Then they wouldn't share the information about what was the reason, because - they don't know. They just see it was corrupted - for them it's enough reason to put ban on the player. And yes, it's a player's fault because he had a virus which caused this. So it's 50% of truth that ban was legit. They should put more effort to check this in the future.
2. In our opinion it's how the software is done, and how successfully it works. All AC softwares never moved ban-databases from previous/different AC to their own. If the software is good itself then sooner or later it will catch again those who are trying to bypass it.
3. In CWELAC Hardcoded guids are identify each player. It's familiar to PB solution.
Also I would question ban of sosji

the fact you made that statement proves what a retard you are, i have quite a few demos of playing him in irc games where he could not of been any more obvious, just shows how this AC will be used and that's to support polish friends who cheat
Well, it's your opinion.
I didn't say that sosji is a clean player, also I didn't say that Abject is clean, but more likely he is. There is always some doubts. But in the other hand there is even more doubts because CGAC doesn't share any information. I wouldn't want to be banned without any proofs to ruin my reputation when I play this game since 2003, by a software based on magic arguments (or rather without them). I really feel sorry for Abject if he was clear, and feel compassion for DDD squad and how it ruined their morale inside.

I was always against cheaters, and never use any aimbot or wallhack nor cvar unlockers, over those years. In my perspective that creates some reputation which increase every year by staying clean. But it's not me to judge.

The CWELAC is something more than just a software for personal use and benefits. It's an idea, of competetive clean gaming. And also my dream which I supports.
Quote to ruin my reputation

what reputation are u talking about? Going from already being a retard to full retard or what?
i never mentioned the Abj situation its something that has mixed opinions, i know nothing about him but i'm sure every1 was sure about sosji
After Abject's ban, I started to have mixed feeling about sosji - because I am so sure about Abject. Don't blame me about this. If I would know for sure he used cheat, then I am ok with his ban. But this seems to me just unclarified from both sides. Sosji also confirmed his presence on LAN so it's irrational for me.
Dobut anyone expect polaks will use that anyway.
basically its gonna be busted ladder
As far as I remember the same situation was with CB and ESL. CB banned people could play ESL ladders and vice versa.
Doesn't change the fact that it is gonna be a busted ladder. Plus you can't rly compare ESL/CB with CGAC/CwelAC.
All the players unable to play the "normal ladder" will play that one now. And it won't rly attract the clean players since they won't want to face old cheaters which is normal.
Take into consideration the fact that it's a new era for ET competitive scene so comparing CB-ESL and CGAC-CWEL has some point only when you look at a stricte busted player issue. As you have already noticed some players have mixed feelings about CGAC bans only becouse of lack of pure evidence. I wouldn't be surprised if community parts into half becouse of that(CWELAC as Lockheed said would provide full information). CWELac will gain it's reliability when first bans appear.
Anyway time will tell :)
If you think people are gonna trust LOCKHEED more than Ohurcool you are dreaming and this is the only one thing I'm sure about in the future.
This community is not broken in half, only Poland is broken.
So many dramatic bans happened in the past and something like that has never happened. It's only possible because they are few players left on this game. But if we were still 1000+ or more nobody would care about few polish people.
I'm not saying that I don't agree with people willing to support cwelac, I just don't think it's gonna work.
Sorry if it seems rude it's what I think and I don't see any other way to say it. :D
Anyways It is useless to talk about it, we'll see what happen like you said!
Quote This community is not broken in half, only Poland is broken.

This is just racist, you paint with the same brush all polish people. I see no point in continuing further discussion with you. Cheers.
LOL I've played with more polish ppl than polish ppl themselves please.
Not even close. And I don't know how "Poland is broken" is a racist sentence. I'm talking about the polish players left on ET not ur whole country lol.
upload on his way

image: b9d
Your opinions are worth nothing, you knowingly played with a cheater in OC 6on6, and even tried to deny when the proofs were openly displayed. Go suck a dick retard.
If for you desktop screenshot with teamspeak user name displayed on it is an ultimate proof, then yes - CGAC should be still fair enough with custom bans to met your expectations.
And that about 10 polish players said that planetANM was roox, and if he were not even roox, why would he be using that name on TS? coincidence? Not really when its with you.

And there has never been any AC which has showed proofs of what kind of bot/cheat thre has been used. Only polish scum like you want to know the proofs so you can bypass it another way.
Didn't TZAC provide that info(just curious)?
all it said was aimbot/wallhack/multihack, which isn't any sort of proof.
CWELAC has nothing to do with other banlists and they shouldn't be applied. That's absurd.. You can't keep the integrity of your own AC by adding in bans from other ACs that may not even be fair. That would be like starting a new clan and starting it off with a bunch of bans because another server in ET had bans for them.
I'm done, never said anywhere that CGAC and CwelAC had to be linked. Just asked few questions to know how is CWELAC gonna deal with the fact that all the CGAC busted players will be able to use new identities and play freely.
He answered my questions end of story.
Difficult to trust, give some results
clash of the retards
I can't see you in there.
That's why it's clash of the retards
That's why it isn't. You're the retard here.
Nope. You are. And clearly igi.
Tbh, this program has better setups than the cgac.. we can use this in every match and there are screenshots and so.. but if it works (detecting cheats) the other point is and if there are trustworthy people behind it..
the guy is rly trustworthy, he crashes servers from time to time
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