A track I made!


It would really mean alot if ppl here vote for my track!

I've "produced" music for 2 years actively now and this is my latest product. I'm fairly pleased with the result bcoz i don't rly know that much about mixing or mastering. but ppl in general have liked this and I thought what the hell let's see how many votes i get and how far this track goes!

So please if you like it, vote !
gosh. this type of music is so horrible for me:D i will vote once i can login though!
I understand house and bigroom isnt for everybody hehe :D thanks !!
no need for discussion about music, everyone has his taste. i prefer deep house or techno more:p
bi-groom or big-room? hmmm
Now that's a thinker!
at first I was like

"hmmm, might be a trance or deep house track"

but then I was like

image: readImage?iid=2005809
at first I was like

"hmmm, might be a trance or deep house track"

but then I was like

ok Joonas
Fuck it, I enjoyed it lol
Great! now it's just a matter of voting! :D
Awesome! thank you!!1!!1!!1!oneoneone!!!!11
I think nothing special like whole spinnin shit (spinnin deep is ok)
anyway I hate f*cking bigroom , this style killing house culture
Fortunately Bigroom slowly ends in nowadays ...i hope ;)
I guess if you're into "producing" "products" you might want to know more about mixing and mastering.
Good point sir!
I've been playing with fruity loops quite a bunch during last year or so and I can already tell that mastering is very hard thing to do properly. no wonder _pros_ never master songs themselves, but pay someone to do it. takes so much time and patience (and knowledge, doh).

what program are you using? ableton? I've tried both ableton and FL studio and I find FL being more suitable for me. I'm trying to send one or two demos later this year to some record companies (if im not lazy...zzz)
You should definitely outsource mastering, it requires a massive amount of skill and experience (not to mention top of the line equipment). Mixing however should be part of your own skill set and if you want to take it to the next level it wouldn't hurt to invest in a studio room.

As for the software, most of my friends recommend weapons-grade tools like Cubase, Reaper, etc. (very steep learning curve for those kind of packages, but plenty of tutorials on the interwebs).
if I could, I'd certainly do that. it's just that I've got no money to invest on that atm. mixing isn't that complex. atm im living in an international 3cell apartment, so studio room here isn't too much of an option and renting/buying one isn't aswell. that's something I'd like to have in the future, though.

i'm doing pretty specifically uplifting trance, so I'm pretty confident FL studio should be okay. what I've seen, people tend to use FL, ableton or logic (mac). reaper isn't exactly what you'd want to do this kind of music afaik. I'm not even sure if it's capable of it.
Well, the convenient part is that most of the audio packages feature integration/plugin options for other compatible applications (like Fruity Loops). Besides, weren't you making big bucks in poker at one point? :XD
f u! I was doing okay I guess years back, but I kinda quit in 2012. I've got no interest towards poker anymore. I'm only semi interested to play if im drunk and that sucks. livepoker is a different thing (what I never play sober). I'd glad to take your money in plo pls!1 but yeah I changed my route. I used to play poker, but now im in school and trying to create some music meanwhile :(
Im using fl studio 11 atm. It's the best DAW for me coz i've never used mac. Not sure what DAW brings the best results but atl east for now i'm sticking with FL. Yea i should maybe send the track to someone how can really do all the stuff that needs to be done so that the track sounds good.

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