Just wanna make sure...

Hello everyone,

I just wanna make sure that nobody (especially the top 3 of the cup) thinks i'm running away with the TEAM-PHASE eSports Cup 'Money! (most of the money was of France aacid & France drkje). I contacted France drkje like hundred times on facebook (i can prove it), but no answer of them ... And maybe some people think i ran away with the money because i went inactive.. Well you're wrong (idk if anyone thinks this but its my intuition). So blame them & not me :)

Just like Netherlands Sebhes said in the CF ET: Tournaments post:
Quote by SebhesDue to some personal issues Belgium ChilAx was unfortunately forced to quit his job as admin in the ET scene. Nevertheless, I would like to thank him for all the great work he has done for the ET community over the last year.

(Was a pleasure to work with you sebhes mate & thanks for the 'thank you' :D)

pulling a seanza in 2015 but with small amounts of money eh?
everyone wants to go to Portugal!!
Cant blame it, best thing to enjoy it there :)
come to me <3
Nice lies m8
Sup with you? (still rolling and getting shady mad?)
Getting rolled in csgo by silvers and going to school after 5weeks lOl...

how was your holidays on hawaii?

Wish i could laugh a bit more about this stuff :p ask aacid & drkje how it was on hawaii
They started a new eSports team called "FIREBOT eSports" or something. Not sure. So I think they're no longer really involved in Team Phase.

E: https://www.facebook.com/fireBot.eSports?fref=ts
I know, that was in working & started when the phase cup started, i knew about fireBot, but has nothing to do with the money they promised to put in this cup.. Now are the people thinking, 'ChilAx promised money for the top 3 of the cup and noone saw his money.. Not that it matters because its not so much but yeah, I just wanted everyone to know, that the money still is in their hands :D
Don't know if anybody is blaming you. Lol.
Yeah i know, but incase someone does :D

& now TURBOT, phase & wiSe know the answer on their questions to me (like 1month ago)
Who gives a fuck about wiSe, they had a player banned!
Good to see hear from you again. Cheers!
/me getting popcorn for even more drama in 2015
All you ethugs are drinking soft drinks somewhere in Mongolia with Seanza
Is it not those french guys who pays RTCW/ET players for duels them while playing with bots ?
Who cares about 50€
shut up you're from finland, govrnm. pay 500 for not working there
I didn't know nor care about this, but now that I read your journal I definitely think you stole the money. Additionally, even if you didn't, you're still responsible for setting up a tournament with shoddy sponsors and it wouldn't be wrong to blame you for that fact.
why would cup admin be responsible?
Usually being in charge and/or organising stuff means you're responsible for something.
I don't agree there. He is just running the cup for an organisation, doesn't mean that he is responsible for it. Especially if it is the organisation that promised the prizemoney.
I'm not saying he should cough up the missing money, but said organisation comprises of two French guys on Facebook. And very legit by the sound of it.
maybe Im mixing something up or some1 was trolling me, but afaik team-phase (phyzic, razz & clown) recieved a bit of cash for the official games they won in et/rtcw. based on that I would also rely a small tournament price pool.
I had contact with them everyday on mIRC tho xd they helped me with the site/organising the cup :)
I think you're too blind or too stupid if you read this topic :--)
That's actually true in a sense, I'm pretty sure I got dumber for reading your journal.
GG. I was going to buy cs go skins with that money.
GG. I was going to buy cs go skins with that money.
Didnt read, but how did u spend money u stolen from phase cup?
deposit to you so you could take english classes, for the love of god
Poohh cup runnen lekker sociale leven jij
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