I was wondering how to start this journal and I concluded, that it'll be the best way:
Please do not remove this post, or change it in any way. I'm using my freedom of speech right now. I won't submit any private logs, so there's no reason to do so.
This journal is going to be a summary of last few months I came back to ET. It's going to be a long piece of writing, but I'm sure most of you will appreciate my effort and have blast reading it.
My aim isn't to lie away somebody's reputation, but to describe current state of Enemyteritoritiri.
As I came back and started to playing on a decent level, I formed a Polandgrunge team that consised of me, PolandSebson and Polandpromen. It was fun, we won against some top teams and almost made it to become a team Poland, although after lost in finals we split up. Guess not everyone knows how to accept a failure. Then, I was found by forever mixing PolandIGLA and after several mixes I became a part of the PolandHODOR lineup. That was the time I get to know PolandloCkheed and made friends with him. We were nerding all the way sitting on the teamspeak and just enjoying talking to each other. I had really great fun with Polandbuggs and Polandtopek too. image: 10931515_882976025086989_3653861213195716491_n
The situation was kinda weird, because Polandigigigigigi kept calling me a cheater, nevertheless agreed to play with me (which I percieve as a hipocricy).
Then the crossfire cup was announced and that's like the first fucked up thing i can remember. I noticed that Hodor signed up for a cup, but with unusual lineup including some players from Czech Republic, so I messaged PolandIGLA and told him, that I was proposed to play with another team and would like to know if I'm still going to play with polish. His answer was to fuck out of here and play with other polish (who he thaught invited me to the team). Also, he stated that I'm shit, I'm hacking and he didn't wanted to play with me in the first place.
image: watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme
Not a long time ago I played an offi with game-of-thrones-best-chatty-character guys and then in the middle of a hard and stressful game PolandloCkheed came to our channel and started talking bullshit. Well, I reacted:
image: 873
And I guess the over-the-net friendship was over for him. How sensitive internet bonds are!
This is going to be good.
Few days ago I talked to United States of AmericaTHE_END and told him I'd like to play for his team in the CFcup finals. So, yesterday he asked me to find a pracc opponent as PolandIGLA refuses to play against him (cheaters, cheaters everywhere). I did not manage to convince him to play, but Americans already had a plan... They fuckin' faked chile players to play against PolandIGLA (the reason is lack of other 6o6 offers on mirc).
After I told PolandIGLA those are Americans, he left the match and I got kicked out of U.S. vent server. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Oh, and last but not least. LANTEAM
image: TsmNV5e
Me, PolandloCkheed, HungaryFobje, [flag=douchebag]eujen and United KingdomKAMZ pulled together a EuropeI don't really mind project. We only lacked a suitable, lanable rifleman. In a great shortcut: PolandloCk didn't give a single fuck about punctuality, [flag=douchebag]eujen was the biggest grumbler I ever played with (although I liked him at first) and United KingdomKAMZ didn't really cared.
I won't even mention how bad current anticheat is and ban of one of the greatest polish players of all times, because there's nothing new I can add.
Goodbye, ETplayers - community I once loved so much.

P.S. I found out that you like chicks and booties, so here's one:
image: szympans_tambako_the_jaguar-400
P.S.S. Shotout to HungaryFobje, NetherlandsSebhes, United States of AmericaSwizza, United States of AmericaForeigner, United States of Americaipod, Netherlandsvyjii, PolandSkyline, Polandpromen, PolandSebson, Polandtopek, Polandsamraj, Finlandtiigeri, PolandloCkheed, Finlandhazz, Finlandfroxe, Finlandlate, FranceApricot and many others I can't remember now.
P.S.S.S. Igieł, nie obrażaj się, miałem pompę jak to pisałem XD
Shoutout to apricot? Sure you want to do that?

Anyway good story I read it all and opened all links, wasn't dissappointed with last one. Didn't understand any of the polish, but that just comes with ET so I'm used to that by now.

ETdrama at its finest, best of luck to yourself.

1. commit suicide
2. commit suicide
3. format c
4. commit suicide

and btw, you're shit
Quotecurrent state of Enemyteritoritiri.

Honestly, it's been like this for years
>quitting and blaming the game & community because of a few bad experiences

ESL, is that you?
"Guess not everyone knows how to accept a failure."

It's just not fun anymore.
usually I read every bigger text in journals but this time:

For some people ET is more important than real life :-/
do you want me to go and undelete your journal history (hundreds) so everyone can see how important ET was to you while you were meant to be focussing on school? please stop trying to act cool here, the shoe doesn't fit.
Atleast i was capable of quitting? Seems like some people can't simply quit and focus on more important things:)
yes by getting banned, dumb fuck.
Take a chill pill and enoy your life
says a guy who cheats in free game, oh the irony
yep as I said down below online gaming is a great hobby but shouldn't be treated as the be all and end all. tbh even some people I know irl take drama way too seriously, so it's not only an issue with gamers. just over dramatic people.
emotional story, play it as a game to have fun ;)
wat de fak :S
Look who you played with. Lol.
Me, PolandloCkheed, HungaryFobje, [flag=douchebag]eujen and United KingdomKAMZ pulled together a EuropeI don't really mind project.

best lanteam EU. This would have never worked. never ever
Cool story nerd.PL
>The fact that you're a friend with Poland lockheed who turns at a girl's house to get rejected as she already has a irl BF is ridiculous.

>Calling eujen douchebag, kind of proves that you're a douchebag and a polak

>you are low as fuck
not even counting that half of this post is bullshit and got nothing to do what really happened

Ps. lecz glowe

@ amuricans faking Chile players again

[22:14] <therealbN> how retarded do you have to be to fall for it 3times in a row ?

So yesterday wasnt the first time vs those usa retards under fake Chile players nicknames, gg

The interesting thing is that those fucktard from usa even made few servers which exactly looks like "exitium2" server , "Radar" and few more, but the difference is that there's no LUA status, non original cfg and you can easily cheats there, you guys are really deseprated to play vs me? heh

@ Hodor at CF Cup

If i remember right you were supposed to play with LoCkheed in CF cup as Happy Soldiers with: Kapla buggs ROOX Sebson sosji and you

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Niestety nie doczekał debiutu w Poland >> Team Poland

add em to the list

no no no celebryci

image: hk9M8De
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
noooo dexxx :(((
i just came back and now you quit?!
You can always come play with us if you want. I remember the days we used to play together in inSpiron.
We are trying to gather some cool players we played with in the past and start praccing some 6v6 in the future.

Hit me up on irc or pm me here if you still feel like playing, you r always welcome ! :)

kogo interesujsz ty, te randomy i ich gowniany przywodca lockheed, pytam sie?
poor Fobje got into some serious shit when he decided to install ET gain
ps : kurwa mlody chyba miales ladna banie :D
Hahahahaha bullshit! Bye
Why waste your time putting flags for people in a journal? As if anybody cares where these people are from
:DDDD you should comment more often
dont be upset cause of retards man
this just sounds to me like you're weak minded and this shit managed to affect you way too personally. in which case you wouldn't really have lasted anyway, ET is a hobby not a lifestyle. everyone who plays online games should also have either a job or be studying and have a range of other interests combined with a social life. if not then well you're definitely heading down the wrong route.
for some people online games are there social life :XD
Take it easy bro. Don't quit the game cause of something like that.
Dont u ever call mighty eujen douche bag u dumb piece of polish shit, u should praise him like hes god to u, dumb fuck.

e: one polak less, more to go.
anyway u are form slovenia
take it easy
watch your mouth, kiddo. acting all tough here but wouldn't dare to pronounce any of this crap on ts. eujen is definitely fucking annoying but treat him with respect man.
I'm liking the 2015 shitstormlevel already
QuoteI won't even mention how bad current anticheat is and ban of one of the greatest polish players of all times, because there's nothing new I can add.

Quote of one of the greatest polish players of all times

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