What color is this dress

What color is this dress?
image: 150226215539-black-blue-dress-exlarge-169

I see black and blue
who cares
white and gold
blue and gold
gold and white but with one eye closed I see blue and black

Thanks for trying
this is an example of a phenomenon known as color constancy. This ability ensures that the perceived color of an object remains constant, despite changes in the illumination conditions. That means the context, or surroundings, in which an object we are looking at appears in, influences our perception of its color. In the case of this dress, it is photographed so close up that we don’t actually know its surrounding environment, so our brain starts to make interpretations about the light falling on it

and its actually blue and black :d

but i see gold and blue
Saw both gold nd white and black and blue, im trippin
paint it black
first i saw white and gold. after reading comments i see blue and gold. mindfuck
image: black-blue-dress-exlarge-2

these ones
red and yellow
No one fucking cares.
You do. You wasted time to comment.
+1 for mature comment :\
blue and black lol, those who see fking gold and white or other colors need to see an ophthalmologist asap tbh.
green and red
ok so earlier it was white/light-blue and gold, now when im drunk it's fucking dark-blue/blue and black
This image made me question if my monitor is calibrated correctly or not :D
I see a light shade of purple/blue and bronze/gold. When I view the monitor from a lower angle it's blue and black.
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