CWELAC detecting now

Hi again,

One week ago I announced about new release of CWELAC and it's stability. Thanks for all people to help solve out some issues there then.
We decided to release new update, with ENABLED detection mode.
ATM Our (to those who cannot connect to the first one: server detects aimbots, cvar unlockers and such, and also wallhacks - not only by SS!
You will recieve kick from the server, with a reason of such... But won't recieve any BAN atm. We are collecting information to our database of hacks, which info is going to be used later for instant ban when rc version of CWELAC will be realeased.

ET has to be run as administrator.

Default Server:
Alternative Server:

Client cvars:
ac_players - display authed players on the server.
ac_guid - full 32digit of Your guid.
ac_version - current version of CWELAC software.

Server cvars:
ac_ss - takes screenshot from server side.

Don't forget about etmain cvars:
/cl_allowdownload 1
/cl_wwwdownload 1 - otherwise you will wait forever... the neccessary files need to be downloaded to connect into the server.

Feel free to ask questions.

Thanks in advance.

Well done :)
hey guys download all aimbots and visit this server yeeesh
i still remember when lockheed played 1on1 with Mrozu on ettv.
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