Weird screen problem

as I'd expect all of you to be partying hard, maybe there is someone who could try and help me with this(although I think there isn't anything left I can try...

So my problem started pretty recently, maybe 4days ago or something - basically my ingame screen looks like I have vsync on.
It tears in the middle of the screen and I sometimes can see the upper half is a bit more to the side then the side down(while moving of course) - also the visualisation is fucking awful and mostly when I aim at any game where you get some kind of feedback I just go full luck (but that's because I have 60hz IPS monitor from Philips imo)..

But this tearing thing is very strange as it happens in both CSGO & ET but not in quakelive, that is smooth..
Also I notice that in ET & CSGO my mouse movement is ridiculously off what I'm actually doing (I wanted to record it and show it, but it looks bad with GOPRO and nothing can be seen...) - basically it seems like my response time from mouse -> PC -> screen is so huge I can notice it (I have this monitor for smth around 9months and never had this before) and it's really annoying, although I really think in CSGO it's because my fps aren't really stable and I get 75-80fps on some maps and sometimes 90fps when I'm lucky...

Has anyone ever came across such a thing?

image: Hannah-Stocking-Klay-Thompson-Kyrie-Irving-2
The person that apparently knows EVERTHING, comments after EVERYTHING actually has a
QuoteWeird screen problem

that it can not fix, oh dear...
Quote(but that's because I have 60hz IPS monitor from Philips imo)..

there is your problem, 60hz AND ips is just a guaranteed failure for gaming. gl buying a new monitor
That's not really the problem :(
With your problem its either you have a shitty pc/fps causing tearing, a shitty monitor causing input lag and sync problems causing tearing or shitty cables(hdmi or w/e u use) causing bandwidth loss causing the tearing. If it's not one of those 3, it can be a driver issue. tryu rolling back ur gfx drivers
I guess it can be the PC, since this shit is old (currently 50-60 fps on Seasons @ CS:GO), but it's weird that it started doing this just like that, middle of the day, didn't even restart PC or updated anything...
The person that apparently knows EVERTHING, comments after EVERYTHING actually has a
QuoteWeird screen problem

that it can not fix, oh dear...
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