TODAY: Dragon's M.E.G.A. DAY #2

The DoubleDutch Dragons is proud to announce the second edition of the Dragon's M.E.G.A. Day. This day of Multiple Entertaining Gaming Activities will take place on Sunday the 1st of March. Anyone is free to sign up.

image: vg74wm

You can sign up for the following events:

The schedule planned for the day will look as follow:
  • 15:00 - 21:00 League of Legends (Stream:
  • 15:00 - 21:00 Smite (No stream)
  • 15:00 - 20:00 Counter-Strike: GO (No stream)
  • 15:00 - 18:00 FIFA 15 (No stream)
  • 20:00 - 23:00 Hearthstone (Stream: TBA)
  • 20:00 - 00:00 Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (Stream: TBA)
  • 20:00 - 22:00 Super Smash Bros: Melee (Stream: TBA)

This event will be streamed by the casters of the Dragon's. You can watch this stream live via this link. If you are interested in casting one of the tournement's game feel free to contact us. We are looking for people who'd like to cast!

Via this page you can stay up to date of all the tournament's the Dragon's host.

In case you have any questions feel free to contact us.

why only eu west? :/
IF the et tprunament is happening (will be 8 teams max.) pls change the format (bo3 in every round + the commun maps cuz theres too much mixgaming anyways.. otherwise i guess we wont take part too
avi for LoL and ET :]
avi for et
avi for et tonight!

pm me here is in need of few carries for tonight!
why no dota ? :(
Avi to win et
plis change formats
^^ my words, doesnt look good^^
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